Ranked Server Performance Issues

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Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

Hello adminless,
Hello Community,

I´m starting this thread maybe in the wrong forum section, but it relates to Events & Fights.
I have big issues playing on the Ranked Server, maybe others also. It feels like having a ping of 80-100.
There is a huge difference for me to the Unfreeze1/2 and Glacius Servers.

Im getting killed/ railed even if I see the edge of the enemy. This never happens on the other servers.
Sometimes enemies are flickering for me. Its like I would have a very low video refresh rate...the enemy moves and it looks like the enemy is not visible for a milisecond. This happens on the ".de" and ".eu" connection, but I´m connecting more to the ".de" server as I´m fom germany.

I´m playing Unfreeze with a LTE connection (Germany, Telekom). I know that this is not the best pre-condition to play quake however on the Unfreeze Servers it works pretty well and fluid. My average ping is about 27/28ms on all of these servers.

The question is why is this only happening on the Ranked Server? Does the Ranked Server has different settings or a lower performance?

Does anyone has an idea why this could be the case? What information can I deliver to analyze and fix this issue?

Happy fragging!
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by adminless »

yes, as you noted yourself that's unusual, for other that gameplay settings (i.e. ready, locked teams etc) that has nothing to do with the network there's really no changes at all over the rest of the UnFreeZe server so the only thing I could think of are qos settings on your isp end that prioritize (or deprioritize) traffic operating at the transport layer so may be on the other servers that have more standard/"well-known" ports you get better scheduling while on the the ranked one a worse one. just to be safe I routed 27960 (which is the default one) for you to the ranked server so give a try to just connect to fpsclasico.de or fpsclasico.eu (without port or 27960, IPv4 only) and let me know if that does some better. overall I believe that that's all I could think of.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

Thx adminless for your quick response and trying to help me. I will try it tomorrow by organizing a 2v2 or 3v3. I will report as soon as I have played.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Makaveli wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 0:34 Thx adminless for your quick response and trying to help me. I will try it tomorrow by organizing a 2v2 or 3v3. I will report as soon as I have played.
if you want, you can mark me on discord, I will be happy to play and check if I have any problems with the connection myself. I remember that there were days when, despite 99% certainty, there were minor problems with the connection, I say 99% because this one big percent is the fault of my internet and yes, it must have been the cause. it was always :(
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

Just to be sure...I have entered following in the console:

/password 1234; connect fpsclasico.de
/password 1234; connect fpsclasico.de:27960

but in both cases it connects to the regular Unfreeze Server where we play daily...not to the ranked server where we execute our tournaments.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

I have tried also:

/password 1234; connect ranked.fpsclasico.de


/password 1234; connect ranked.fpsclasico.de:27960

both connect to the regular unfreeze server.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by adminless »

try again now.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

Now I can connect to ranked.fpsclasico.de:27960
I have to play now with somebody.

I like to use MonsterBrowser to easily connect. In the MonsterBrowser I can see the right IP but the name is shown wrong. Maybe you have to change the name also to differentiate both ports, see attachment.

Did you also enable it for ranked.fpsclasico.eu:27960
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by adminless »

no only the de route (IPv4), I added the eu one now (IPv6 too), try.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

@adminless: I have tried both (de and eu) on 1v1 and 2v2...it feels much better! Lets see if it will work fine also 5v5. Why does the .eu shows a better ping for me while Im in Germany? Do you have any idea?

Thanks for your quick support.I should have written much earlier.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by adminless »

sounds good, both the .de and .eu routes are indeed located on the same location, Frankfurt, Deutschland so it's expected that both work good. they are named .de and .eu because they had to be named you know what I'm saying but there's really not a real correlation with that both are at least comparable.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Yes, I can confirm the words of @makaveli , the most important thing that I noticed at my connection is the lack of jumping ping, and this is the worst thing that can happen to us. it was constantly at 32-35 which is great for me.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

Thx adminless for your help and thanks to Chtulhu, Orgi and Ami to check this out yesterday.
Let me give you feedback as soon as we have played 5v5. I do not expect that it will be worse, but lets see.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by Makaveli »

you said that there is no difference between .de and .eu...however when I do a refresh on Monster-Browser the ping for the .eu version is in the most cases better and has a lower ping variation as the .de
Let me attach some screenshots of pings that were done within the interval of 30 seconds.
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Re: Ranked Server Performance Issues

Post by adminless »

I didn't really mean that there was no difference between both routes, I mean, if they were exactly the same and there would really be no difference then I wouldn't set up to different routes just for the sake of it. what I meant it's just that because one happened to be assigned a .de domain name extension and the other .eu didn't really mean that one was optimized for Deutschland while the other for Europe and that both are of similar quality. of course, later on despite all that and being on the very same (approx -/+10 km) location they are indeed different real routes and hence the routing (i.e. latency/jitter) can at least vary from one and the other from client to client (same as with the IPv6 and IPv4 addresses).