lots of talks here and on discord as well:
1. fau and i talked and we both defintely do not want to play on a wednesday night because we both work and having to play 7 maps at our best during the week days we both do not feel up to it. can we schedule a weekend date like a sunday?
2. reading the discussions I realized the majority of the community actually shares mainly one opinion which I also share:
a. everyone acknowledges that ping is an important factor especially on an osp unlagged server.
aa. boosting my ping up artificially is a disadvantage to me because as stated here and on discord I am recently not used to play with that ping so even an identical ping is of disadvantage of me (especially given I cannot really find time to practise with it). this clearly favors fau
aaa. as i talked to fau about it he let me know he wants me to play at my best with my best ping indicating that he would be cool with me winning even at a ping advantage and there would not be bad blood between us anyways (@fau cheers to you mate)
ab. on a personal note: as you guys know I had played the first time against fau with ping disadvantage and won. 2nd time i went to a friends to play on someone elses computer to have a ping advantage but in the end it came down to the map choices (fau won his and i won mine each very clearly). so ping did not play too much of a role
abb. second personal note: i live in berlin germany and my internet used to be really bad (ADSL with effectively 11mbit and ping just below 30). my neighbors and i actually paid telekom to give us fibre to the home (serious money, 4 digit Euro amount) because they thought it is not economical to give it to us for free (i live right next to the biggest fibre area of telekom in berlin, unlucky me). but to get to the point it is quite a bummer that i pay serious money to get proper internet (given i have a family of soon to be 4 with lots of homeschooling going on and we rely on bandwidth and not so much on the ping) and get buffed by the admin and cannot use the connection properly

3. maps
a. i agreed when i signed up to the terms of tournament which means i accept playing random maps as well. same like everyone else. that is why people like heero did not participate because they were unhappy with the server for other reasons
b. admins proposal to play maps like cpm24 and hektik as a decider (which fau always won because he is better there) actually indicates to me that it is not about a fair fight but to make it close till the end. if i get a ping buff to really decide who is better than it would make sense to play the tournament map pool and not random stuff like cpm24 (i practised that one as well because i like it from q4 but chose never to play it against ctH or noobz because i felt it would be unfair/ random for the other person)
4. accusation of admin bias:
a. we have a history. we all know it. personally, i am over it but i dont know about others
b. see the maps proposal
c. admin stated above that to him i will not be undisputed if i play with ping advantage. in the community (among those ofc kf but also friendly competitors like oKo and fau) stated that the ping buff is crap
d. it is quite harsh to change the rules before the final (which adminless admit that ping is imporant) and link the noncompliance of rules to the promise of a ban/red card/ disqualification. the ping buff might be somehow explainable and might be subject to opion. the linked threat/ promise to ban is personal against me without a doubt
5. solutions either a or b or c or d that i preferred
a. we exactly play how we agreed when we signed up (including full map pool and no artificial ping handicaps)
b. i would consider playing with the ping buff if we cut the crappy maps
c. fau mentioned that he would rather forfeit the game than have me not winning because of disqualification
d. we play on adminless biased rule set and i give in to the threat.
best regards