pomoc sieciowa

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pomoc sieciowa

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Tak, wesołych świąt wszystkim:)

Ale przy okazji mam pytanie, to jakie najlepsze są ustawienia do połączenia się z sercem unfreeze?
Mam ustawione....
Com_maxfps 200
Cl_maxpackets 125
Snape 60
Ratę 25000
Yes, happy holidays to everyone :)

But by the way I have a question, what are the best settings for connecting to the heart of unfreeze?
I have arranged ....
Com_maxfps 200
Cl_maxpackets 125
Snape 60
Rat. 25,000
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by tar »

Nowy wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:08Com_maxfps 200
Cl_maxpackets 125
Snape 60
Ratę 25000
Should be set to 40 as they are restricted by the server and every good server uses 40 or less and if the server uses a lower value your snaps will be automatically adjusted.

If you have a normal connection 25000 is correct. Only reduce this value if have a really slow connection (dial-in modem or such thing)

this sets the value for the frames per second that you can receive from the server. in general, you should set this value to a divisor value of 1000 until your fps are stable and you do not see any fps drops when you activate cg_drawfps:

1000 (= 1000/1)
500 (= 1000/2)
333 (= 1000/3)
250 (= 1000/4)
200 (= 1000/5)
166 (= 1000/6)
142 (= 1000/7)
125 (= 1000/8)
111 (= 1000/9)
100 (= 1000/10)
90 (= 1000/11)
83 (= 1000/12)

is connected to you com_maxfps as here a divisor value of your com_maxfps setting is used. so you should set your com_maxfps value first and then use a value for cl_maxpackets that fits your connection. the most packets you can send with a divisor of 1 (= your com_maxfps value). then you can go lower in order to stabilize your connection. lets assume, your com_maxfps value is 125, then you can use one of the following values for cl_maxpackets:

125 (= 125/1, means for each frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
62 (= 125/2, means for every second frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
41 (= 125/3, means for every third frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)
31 (= 125/4, means for every fourth frame that you receive from the server one packet is send)

a good combination of com_maxfps and cl_maxpackets is com_maxfps = 125 and cl_maxpackets = 125.

com_maxfps and cl_maxpackets on unfreeze
for unfreeze it is a bit different as the unfreeze server sets your com_maxfps to 200 and cl_maxpackets to 100, see this post. if you experience problems with these values then you need to write a small script that changes those values, bind it and regularly execute it within the game.
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Ok, thx ,posiedzę i pokombinuje, a i internet mam 60megabajtòw czyli 512kilobitòw tylko że łącze się z routerem przez wi-fi przy czym nie wykorzystuje danej mocy muszę kiedyś zobaczyć jak będzie działać po podłączeniu przewodu
Ok, thx, I will sit and I will combine, and the internet I have 60megabyte or 512kilobitòw only that connect to the router through wi-fi but I do not use the power I have to see how it will work after connecting the cable
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by fernandinho1337 »

@ adminless

can you explain why com_maxfps 125 and cl_maxpackets 125 are bad settings? whats the advantage of maxfps 200 and cl_maxpackets 100?

for maxfps i dnt mind if 125 or 200 - both is smooth. but why is maxpackets 100 better than 125?

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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by adminless »

basically as can be read in the tar post if you running the game at 200 fps cl_maxpackets 125 (which at the moment is the max in stock q3, I'll up that in next revisions, i.e. 200, but for now) will effectively turn into 100 in reality, so that explains the packets (let's set the real value that's is going to be used and that holds a meaning). as for the maxfps I believe that it's pretty straight forward, as I explained 120+ hz monitors are pretty common now days so for better coverage of this fact a target value of 200 fps is more relevant now days and in addition overall it should also make the game more responsive/fluent. furthermore 125 fps settings in particular fucks up the particular server settings for the very single fact that as the server settings target 200 fps in particular 125 is not a divisor of it which means that there's always going to be left overs/residuals from the particular server sync/arrival/sent frame times. also for the record, 125 is not equal to 120 (so it won't even perfectly sync with your actual monitor either).
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by fernandinho1337 »


i will test those settings then ;-)
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by tar »

Btw. I have updated the guide last night accordingly and updated the whole guide (reorganized everything, included unfreeze installation guide, cleaned from unneccessary cvars etc.).
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Tar mam pytanie, często mi szarpie Quake pod czas grania , często co parę sekund mam przerwane połączenie a ping 40 do 50 , często mam jakby wszystko działo się w spowolnionym tempie np nacisnęłam jump zaskakuje jakby po sekundzie i ciężko się gra w czym może być problem? Co jest bardziej istotne ipv4 ?czy ipv6?
Tar, I have a question, I often quake Quake while playing, often every few seconds I have a broken connection and ping 40 to 50, I often have everything happening in a slow tempo, I pressed jump surprising as if after a second and it's hard to play what the problem may be ? What is more important ipv4? Or ipv6?
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by tar »

First you should check if you experience the same issue on single player mode?
- Can your machine handle 200 FPS, means: are there no FPS drops shown with cg_drawfps = "1"?
- Do you still have movement lags?

=> If there are FPS drops, then something on your driver (look in windows) or system settings is not correct or your machine is too slow and you should adjust your settings in favour of performance here and here (lower resolution, e.g.).

=> If your FPS are stable but you have movement issues/stuttering, it could be that your memory or harddrive is defect or some background process is using too much ressources. Also check if you use any scripts for your movement. Happens it when you use your mouse or by keyboard keys pressing?

=> If everything is OK in single player mode, then you should check part 4, chapter 1 and try to tweak your connection. It could also depend on your network driver version and settings in windows as well as your provider. You should use IPv4 as IPv6 could be routed/mapped to IPv4 by your provider which leads to a higher ping.
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by adminless »

I believe tar answer is the appropriate one, I just also add that there's actually no ipv6 connectivity at the UnFreeZe servers (this board has btw and actually working by many of you already) as there's no ipv6 connectivity in regular Quake 3 (once again there's on the custom binaries provided on the UnFreZe package though not used practice yet), it's probably some of the fancy features I'll be looking forward to add at some point or another (i.e. late 2018/2019 v1.2x rev) so far it's not even on the to-do list, like I said first of all it doesn't even have official support and more importantly as tar is pointing out is not even bringing anything to the table (not at least at the moment), the tests I've concluded so far never returned any improvement of any sort, in fact most of them typically fell some msecs behind (+3/5 ms), many ipv6 connectivity so far is tunneled and overall ipv6 is still in a early state, ipv6 is growing here for example, for web services, for games and so I don't see it taking over (not at least in a game like q3), bottom line, leave ipv6 alone.

nevertheless if you want to give a try to some ipv6 idtech3 capable server you can test the openarena server I host here at fpsclasico.de ([2a01:4f8:a0:5363:85:10:197:107]:27966) which is one of the reasons why I run that server which for the record it rarely rarely, if ever, have some one to connect through ipv6.
Uważam, że odpowiedż na tar jest odpowiednia, po prostu dodam, że w rzeczywistości nie ma łączności IPv6 na serwerach UnFreeZe (ta płytka ma już przy sobie i faktycznie działa już przez wielu z was), ponieważ nie ma łączności IPv6 w regularnym Quake 3 (po raz kolejny jest w niestandardowych plikach binarnych dostarczonych w pakiecie UnFreZe, choć nie jest to jeszcze używane), to prawdopodobnie niektóre z ciekawych funkcji, których będę oczekiwał w pewnym momencie (np. koniec 2018/2019 v1.2x rev) do tej pory nawet na liście rzeczy do zrobienia, jak powiedziałem, po pierwsze, nie ma nawet oficjalnego wsparcia, a co ważniejsze, jak wskazuje tar, nawet nie przynosi nic do stołu (przynajmniej w tej chwili), test Do tej pory doszedłem do wniosku, że żadna poprawa nie została zwrócona, w rzeczywistości większość z nich zazwyczaj traci trochę mseca (+3/5 ms), wiele połączeń IPv6 do tej pory jest tunelowanych, a ogólny poziom ipv6 jest wciąż w bardzo wczesnym stadium, ipv6 rośnie tutaj na przykład dla usług internetowych, gier i tak nie widzę, żeby to przejmowało (przynajmniej w grze takiej jak q3), w dolnej linii, zostaw ipv6 w spokoju.

Niemniej jednak, jeśli chcesz spróbować serwera obsługującego idtech3, możesz przetestować serwer openarena, którego hostuję tutaj pod adresem fpsclasico.de ([2a01:4f8:a0:5363:85:10:197:107]:27966), co jest jednym z powodów, dla których uruchamiam ten serwer, który do zapisu rzadko, jeśli w ogóle, ma kogoś, z kim można się połączyć przez ipv6.
PS: btw also let's split this topic since it really derived greatly from the original report
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Re: Bitch use aim

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Single player w porządku, w timedemo w 1024 rozdzielczości mam 420 klatek, myślę że może to wina że korzystam połączenia przez wi-fi, router mam nowy jeden z lepszych, albo będzie wina dostawcy internetu, teraz grałem i ciężko się grało ściągało mnie na boki obraz mało płynny ,a powiedz mi miałeś już okazję grać w Quake champion? I co tak ostatnio cię na server nie ma?:)
Single player fine, timedemo in 1024 resolution I have 420 frames, I think it may be a fault that I use a wi-fi connection, I have a new router one of the better, or I will blame the internet provider, now I played and it was hard to play that pulled me from side to side picture very fluid, and tell me you already had the opportunity to play Quake champion? And what has happened to you lately on the server? :)
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Re: pomoc sieciowa

Post by adminless »

btw d6vil also for the record, I don't see any particular issue with your connection other than the usual real life network functioning, 40/50 ping, from poland is actually a very good figure man and your isp in particular is probably the best you're going to get in poland, as for the wi-fi, yeah, sure that's probably not optimum but nevertheless unless is really far from you most wi-fi's now-a-days (i.e. late 10's mimo n) should even get the job done too, honestly I don't really see any problem here probably you just have technological unrealistic expectations.
btw d6vil również dla zapisu, nie widzę żadnego szczególnego problemu z twoim połączeniem poza zwykłym funkcjonowaniem sieci prawdziwej, ping 40/50, z Polski jest w rzeczywistości bardzo dobrym człowiekiem, a twoja sprawa jest prawdopodobnie najlepsza dostaniesz w polsce, tak jak na wi-fi, tak, na pewno to chyba nie jest optymalne, ale jeśli nie jest tak naprawdę daleko od ciebie, większość wi-fi teraz w dzień (np. praca też się skończyła, szczerze mówiąc, nie widzę tutaj żadnego problemu, prawdopodobnie masz nierealistyczne oczekiwania technologiczne.
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Re: pomoc sieciowa

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

To jeszcze pytanie ostatnie:) czy grał stąd już ktoś w Quake champion? I czy będzie również postawiony server unfreeze?:)
This is the last question :) has anyone from the Quake champion played here? And will there also be a server unfreeze? :)
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Re: pomoc sieciowa

Post by adminless »

I think so, I personally haven't but yes I think that there's some here who have tried it at least. as for me I have no interest whatsoever in Quake Champions, I have no interest in a closed source edgy game under development which is not even "commercial" (you can not even really "buy" it, not at least completely, and you'll never can) nor free and that actually is only going to appeal to enthusiast a-like gamers not really to the general public, so no I won't bring this to Quake Champions (furthermore I don't even think that there's actually mod support there). perhaps it's possible that I gain interest in Quake Champions around 2025+ or so if it's that it finally really made a impact on the community once things stabilize and consolidate. currently I'm gaining a interest in quakelive as is precisely on that sweet spot I'm talking you about right now to work with, so I believe that probably some sort of basic ql "port" (i.e. version) is going to happen "soon" (i.e. month/s) here, unfortunately as you can see I still have lot of things going on here, so we'll see.
Myślę, że tak, osobiście nie, ale tak, myślę, że są tutaj tacy, którzy przynajmniej spróbowali. jak dla mnie nie mam żadnego zainteresowania w Quake Champions, nie interesuje mnie rozwijana gra o zamkniętym źródle, która nie jest nawet "komercyjna" (nie możesz jej nawet "kupić", przynajmniej nie całkiem, a ty " Nigdy nie będę mógł) ani za darmo, i że tak naprawdę spodoba się entuzjastom, którzy nie lubią zwykłych graczy, więc nie dam tego do Quake Champions (co więcej, nie sądzę, że w rzeczywistości jest mod wspierać tam). być może jest możliwe, że zainteresowałem się Quake Champions około 2025 roku lub więcej, jeśli to w końcu naprawdę wywarło wpływ na społeczność, gdy rzeczy się ustabilizują i skonsolidują. obecnie interesuję się quakelive, ponieważ właśnie w tym słodkim miejscu mówię wam teraz o pracy, więc wierzę, że prawdopodobnie nastąpi coś w rodzaju podstawowego ql "portu" (tj. wersji) " wkrótce "(tj. miesiąc / s) tutaj, niestety, jak widać, nadal mam tu wiele rzeczy, więc zobaczymy.
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Re: pomoc sieciowa

Post by tar »

I've played for several weeks while beta was running last year. It has some similarities but in the end it is totally different from Q3.

The major downsides for me were:
- you cannot really spot your enemies or weapon directions through sound
- there are no grenades
- different attributes (health, armor, speed and abilities)
- the abilities are sometimes fun but in the long run I hated them as overall one chosen model is (dis)advantaged over another and therefore the whole game is not useful to actually match 2 players on their skill unless they use the same model
- depending on the attributes or ability strafe jumping is either a joke or ridiculously high
- the loot boxes with skins and other extras for the different models (which you can BUY of course... guess what: optionally with REAL money... WTF... id!?)
- the whole game architecture regarding matches, servers and spectators (you cannot leave a match, spectate and join again and you are not able to select a particular server)
- loading times: it took at least a minute to start and to connect (got a bit better... but look on q3: 3 seconds?)

What I liked were the graphics (but a bit too colorful) and the new in-game style but you can tell they made it for the younger audience and to make more money through "shiny looking" things.
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