ban D6evil

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Re: ban D6evil

Post by hurrenson »

hurrenson,noobenson,noobenoob,boobenboob,railenfail :D

And i guess it got lost in translation that i don't have a problem with you (other than moonspeak). All good, dude.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

A tak się do myślałem że bobenoob albo nobensoon ale coś ostatnio mało się pojawiasz côż tak i o co chodzi na tym moomspek?
And that's how I thought bobenoob or nobensoon, but something does not show up much lately, so what's going on with this moomspek?
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Miało być boobenboob ale ten nick railenfail no tak przypominaliśmy stylem grania że to ty ale do konca tego nie byłem pewien:)
It was supposed to be boobenboob but this nickname railenfail so we reminded the style of playing that it was you but until the end of it I was not sure :)
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by tar »

hurrenson wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 0:03hurrenson,noobenson,noobenoob,boobenboob,railenfail :D
HA! And i wondered who those players are :lol:
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by fernandinho1337 »

_Nisa_ wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 18:45 About the folks defending him, I am not surprised. I am a weak player and a newcomer, and they are the gang of the good-ole-boys so it is natural they stick together. I believe D6evil feels entitled to push weaker players around, because he thinks he is so superior. And if it happens that he is right, that weak players are not welcome in these servers, just say so and I'm gone. :lol:
Nisa: Please stop making childish accusations. There is no good ole boys gang on this server that has extra rules. adminless takes care of fair play and that is for sure. d6evils chat ban is good proof for this. just because you do not get your way you can NOT accuse "all" players of discriminating new players - this is just not true und unfair to all of us. How about you talk about it with him directly instead of crying publicly? There is no need to be in feud with somebody on this server. all misunderstandings can be fixed ;-)
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by _Nisa_ »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:57 Nisa: Please stop making childish accusations. There is no good ole boys gang on this server that has extra rules. adminless takes care of fair play and that is for sure. d6evils chat ban is good proof for this. just because you do not get your way you can NOT accuse "all" players of discriminating new players - this is just not true und unfair to all of us.
I have not accused of bad behavior anybody but D6evil, and for a very solid reason. On the other hand some of the best players like you, Nastia, newb.zi, Blaze, Face, Plumse all behave like true gentlemen and knights. :lol:
fernandinho1337 wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:57How about you talk about it with him directly instead of crying publicly? There is no need to be in feud with somebody on this server. all misunderstandings can be fixed ;-)
There is no "misunderstanding" about pushing fellow players away, or if there is, it is D6evils head. And since I don't speak polak and the only english word he knows is "aimbot" there can be no direct talks with him. The "feud" is completely created by him. I tried to help him understand the pushing issue with a few rockets, but unfortunately he is beyond any reasonable discourse. I have no interest in teaching him good manners, his mother should have done that a long time ago.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by fernandinho1337 »

_Nisa_ wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 13:55
fernandinho1337 wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:57 Nisa: Please stop making childish accusations. There is no good ole boys gang on this server that has extra rules. adminless takes care of fair play and that is for sure. d6evils chat ban is good proof for this. just because you do not get your way you can NOT accuse "all" players of discriminating new players - this is just not true und unfair to all of us.
I have not accused of bad behavior anybody but D6evil, and for a very solid reason. On the other hand some of the best players like you, Nastia, newb.zi, Blaze, Face, Plumse all behave like true gentlemen and knights. :lol:
fernandinho1337 wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:57How about you talk about it with him directly instead of crying publicly? There is no need to be in feud with somebody on this server. all misunderstandings can be fixed ;-)
There is no "misunderstanding" about pushing fellow players away, or if there is, it is D6evils head. And since I don't speak polak and the only english word he knows is "aimbot" there can be no direct talks with him. The "feud" is completely created by him. I tried to help him understand the pushing issue with a few rockets, but unfortunately he is beyond any reasonable discourse. I have no interest in teaching him good manners, his mother should have done that a long time ago.
I felt offended when you wrote we would defend him just because we have a problem with new players. this is just no true. if you need a good script to record games:

bind f3 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0" //starts recording the game
bind f4 "stoprecord" // stops recording the game

when he types aimbot maybe he is just joking. i mean your sister also always writes lots of stuff. i never take it as an insult. it is still just a game. i still hope and think that things will work well in the future ^^

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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Ja sięgam po rozum do głowy i nie mam zamiaru się już na ten temat wypowiadać co miałem napisać napisałem jakie jej zachowanie względem mnie było podczas gry od paru dni a nadodatek bez powodu dokuczała mojemu synowi pod czas gry ròwnież go odpychała i bez powodu do niego strzelała , a gra na nicku d7evil syn ma dopiero 11 lat
I reach out to my mind and I do not intend to say anything about what I was supposed to write. I wrote what her behavior towards me was during the game for a few days and the surplus for a reason teased my son while playing the game and repelled him for no reason to shoot him and the son d7evil is only 11 years old
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by kos »

I'm not suggesting a ban is justified, but I do believe D6evil is on the aggressive side. We were in the same team and I was spamming rockets in the general direction of the enemy and he happened to walk into them, which caused him to turn back and mess up with my thawing with rockets. We ended up rocketing each other until the enemy team froze us.

I've unintentionally rocket/grenade spammed other teammates and I've also been spammed by teammates and there were no issues with any other player. Its an obvious consequence of spawning with 50 rockets on smaller maps that weren't meant for 16-18 players, so his reaction was unjustified imho.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by adminless »

yes, I understand and I agree with you as can even be seen here (where he is breaking almost every single basic forum usage guidelines, necro posting, cross posting, post flooding, off topic post, answering unrelated third party issues in its own native language etc etc) he is being more toxic overall than any meaningful and positive addition to the community. as far as i see I don't really think he is misbehaving on purpose and wrong intended (he just seems to be acting like this out of boredom) but nevertheless that doesn't make his behavior any better, the reality remains the same, he is trashing this up anyways therefor I placed a ban now against him for a "undetermined" amount of time (until he "cools down" a bit but at least a month/s ban).

so thank you for let me know about this and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by fernandinho1337 »


personally, in my humbly opinion I would not want D6evil to be banned. if i play in a team with him he is a good teamplayer, sharing items and unfreezing.

@ kos: i guess you both did something wrong. in the last 2 weeks i have noticed that people just spam all over the place no matter if there are teammates or not. i often get hit by teammates and it pisses me off big time. i try to stay calm but sometimes it is really difficult. i even feel that some players do this on purpose and i do not report everyone. it is a public server. cant we talk about it before taking actions/ reporting to the admin officially ? i assume we are all grownups and quake is still just a game...there should be reasonable ways to settle those issues

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Re: ban D6evil

Post by adminless »

in this case I disagree with you fer, I find a ban (at least for some time) for this guy necessary, after hearing from people I've got the "impression" (I mean even from his own words) that this guy behaves very different depending on who he is interacting with, i.e. that he is being cool and nice with the veteran players and/or the people he likes (which is what seems to be affecting your judgment) and simply mean, rude and basically a pain to the rest of the people which is inappropriate and must be stopped.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by fernandinho1337 »

adminless wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 13:29 in this case I disagree with you fer, I find a ban (at least for some time) for this guy necessary, after hearing from people I've got the "impression" (I mean even from his own words) that this guy behaves very differently depending on who he is interacting with, i.e. that he is being cool and nice with the veteran players and/or the people he likes (which is what seems to be affecting your judgment) and simply mean, rude and basically a pain to the rest of the people which is inappropriate and must be stopped.
well, i guess he is always nice to me. that is why I can mostly say positives things about him (so my judgement is biased, true).

and because i am getting along well with him I would be happy if his ban is only temporarly and rather short. i, of course, accept your decision whatever it is.

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Re: ban D6evil

Post by pyron83 »

Yeah I do too believe that his ban should be temporary.

I mostly find him nice in game, and for sure there are MUCH worse player around.

have a nice day
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by Plumse »

Even though I haven't played on the server in a while, just reading this thread makes me want to come back! A D6evil-free server sounds like a good place.