Names of recorded demos

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Names of recorded demos

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

Can anyone change the default name of automatically recorded demos? There are two ways to save files depending on the command you are using. Automatic recording saves the file with the recording date, exact time, server IP and map in the name. No file numbering. In turn, manual recording saves the file without precise information, but numbers the files. Finding a specific file in a folder is not a problem. The problem arises when you want to find it in-game.

How files are written :

/cl_autorecorddemo 1 - 20220214130658-

/record - demo0015

In the game, in the "demo" section, there are three tables with recordings and this is where the problem begins. Files with detailed information have a name that is too long and they blend in with each other. This is problematic when a long string of numbers appears in the name after saving the demo. The second manual method is readable but does not contain any information about the game.
Is it possible to put files in one table? If so, the problem is solved but I want to ask about something else.

Is it possible to introduce in the game or configuration pattern for saving files ? to make it look like this

Demo number ( preferably at the beginning of the file. Then the game sorts files by name.) + Date, time, server IP and map name.

The date and time actually do not matter and do not have to be in the name. And so they finally exist in the properties of the file.
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Re: Names of recorded demos

Post by adminless »

I have the feeling the in-game demo section you're referring to is probably more a "proof of concept" (i.e. for some casual games) than for what you're trying to do (i.e. probably load hundreds of demos just like that). currently changing the autorecord names as well as the in-game demo menu would involve patching so I guess I can probably note that for future revisions of the UnFreeZe packages along other things. that means that unfortunately at the moment you will have to work around that in one way or another. if it helps know that the manual method (\record) can take a argument to chose the demo name (ex. \record final-game1 would produce a demo named final-game1.dm_68).
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Re: Names of recorded demos

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

I understand. I once saw on YouTube when someone had one row of recordings so I thought I would ask. it is a pity that it is not a matter of typing the appropriate command in the console. Ok thanks for the answer. I will stay at / cl_autorecorddemo and create subfolders for a specific day or week. you have to manage somehow.
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Re: Names of recorded demos

Post by adminless »

finally added this to the latest unfreeze-2305.pk3 file as you can see on the attached screens. now the in-game menu supports up to 512 demos of 64 characters each, or basically around a year of normal playing. as said, I'll probably package that altogether with the rest of the files on the next days (at least the legacy 32 bit package, the 64 bit ones will probably take some more time - other weeks) but I think that by now you can go trying that if you want at least.
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