UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by i_cezar »

If monday 7th feb gets too inconveniant in some way i think wednesday 9th would be our second choice. By the way, how do we announce map picks, should i send by email or publicly?
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by cliff »

we choose maps q3dm7 and q3dm11 for the upcoming match against oKo
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

@blaze ok great then we'll see how it plays out, the Wednesday initially was scheduled for the other ASS vs Sbornaya fight but given the case there could be the possibility to schedule that the Tuesday then. unfortunately I believe that by now I have received answers from everyone about availability except for the Russians (both teams) so it would be great if they also make a update "promptly" to finally set the next week fights as it should. as for the maps, you can announce them by any means you want (i.e. here, on Pm, by mail or whatever).
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

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@keza great thanks about that and also about confirming the Wednesday 9 21:00 date, as I wrote on mail just in case the Wednesday goes the group a fight, could your team do the Tuesday 8 night 21:00 CET? additionally to be safe as team b on the tomorrow fight better chose four maps just in case oKo chose one of those two too (they have preference).
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

we choose q3dm14 and pro-q3tourney7 for first game vs -=ASS=-
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

ok, sounds good then after this I'll send fight confirmation PM for your fight against ASS that will go q3dm14, q3dm7, pro-q3tourney7, q3dm11 and pro-q3dm6. as usual, fight hard, fight clean, have fun and good luck both.

for the rest, ass communicated now the next week for other than the initial Wednesday 9 21:00 they might have trouble with the dates then at the wait of more input from the teams I'll try to stick to that date. so to make it clear here is a summary of the situation at the time:
  • Week 2
    • Команда Сообщество vs ILM Clan (the Monday 7 of February of 2022 21:15 CET [UTC+01])
    • ASS Clan vs Сборная России (the Wednesday 9 of February of 2022 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
ILM and ASS have confirmed both those dates so far thus I'm now waiting to hear from both Russian teams whether they can make those dates or not. in case of not hearing from the Sbornaya before the Monday if they can do the Wednesday then such date will become definitive whether they can make it or not. the Soobshchestvo will get some margin anyways as obviously come up with a date just 48 hours in advance (approx) is obviously too rushed to come up with a commitment. then if that date doesn't work out the Soobshchestvo vs ILM fight will get delayed. and last but not least as can be seen please lets see if from now onward we do not let this kind of things for (virtually) the very last minute.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

ok, tomorrow oKo vs ASS PM sent now to magi and keza. let me know in case you haven't received it and missed something or anything else. for the rest waiting for the Russians input to settle the next week fights now.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by i_cezar »

The ILM map picks against SoO are: q3dm7, hub3tourney1
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

awesome thanks about the update then unless something changes I understand the fight should go 6++, q3dm7, phantq3dm1_rev, hub3tourney1 and overkill. unfortunately so far I still haven't heard anything about them yet so given the circumstances that the Monday was offered too rushed I believe that exceptionally I'll give them until the next Thursday morning to come up with another date. if by that date they still haven't reach back and/or failed to make any meaningful progress then I'll just straight up red card them and you'll be given a 3:0 no contest victory so we'll see how this finally develops. in any case I'll keep you updated so stay tune.

and pretty much the same applies to the Sbornaya only than in its case with his fight against ASS announced for the Wednesday 9 of February of 2022 21:00 CET (UTC+01) for several weeks already they will only have until tomorrow to reach back with some meaningful message to delay it otherwise such date (Wednesday night) will become definitive and they will have to meet it. if they fail to meet it (i.e. they don't show five people in-game) then as with the Soobshchestvo ASS will be granted a 3:0 no contest victory (provided that they show of course) and the Sbornaya a straight red card (straight up, not a second yellow card) and therefor disqualified. given the case they will still be allowed on week third (provided they go for it, otherwise it will be another 3:0 nc victory for oKo) but just for the sake of the ranking/experience, they will be out of the tournament for the next phase.

any no contest victory will only count for the purpose of the tournament ranking but they won't count for the official teams records. in any case, I repeat, although very late already I still look forward hearing back from them to schedule the second week fights.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

despite the rush the Soobshchestvo confirmed now tomorrow night date and picked 6++ and q3dm11 (as expected except for q3dm11 instead of phantq3dm1_rev) as home maps (no change on the tie-breaker). ok so this should finally settle Soobshchestvo vs ILM for tomorrow 21:15 CET (UTC+01). as usual the parts involved expect PM with the fight card/pass after this (i.e. within this afternoon) so fight hard, fight clean, have fun and good luck both.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

ok, the first game of the group b has been played with a very exciting oKo against ASS showdown that ended up with a victory for oKo by a 3:1 score. the reinforcements for this season for oKo did really play out with a formidable WhoAmI that this night posed himself as a serious candidate for the title of mvp of the tournament. in general terms I believe that it could be said that ass was probably the best team of players this night when it comes to individualism but oKo experience, despite the record, proved to be the determinant factor and made them perform a lot better collectively. first game, q3dm14, was definitively a very exciting game with both teams going almost toe to toe, ultimately oKo with a more polished teamplay prevailed and this could have been said that it was the deciding moment of the night. the second game, q3dm7, was definitively a total different story and here oKo clearly outplayed ass on almost any aspect of the game and pulled a tremendous performance worth of a champion against a ass that unfortunately couldn't barely score and that pretty much neglected the thawing/teamplay altogether, huge mistake. interesting enough on the second oKo home map, pro-q3tourney7, being a less played map and therefor more guided by pure raw individualism/skill than teamplay/experience the roles completely reversed and ass virtually dominated a oKo that should probably consider how it comes they came with such a pick from start to end to claim a strong point on its debut against a top experienced contender. on the fourth map came the resolution and as with the second one, the overall superior oKo experience, particularly when it came to the thawing/teamplay proved determinant to seal the deal with a 3:1 score on a overall great fight by both contenders.

for the rest as usual videos being produced now and hopefully up tomorrow on a different thread. at the moment just posted here as a tease the tie-breaker map demo that just came to show how close both teams really were and that ass didn't hit the competition for no reason, solid performance. ok and that's it for now I guess, great games and very well played both. hopefully tomorrow the second fight of the group a, Soobshchestvo vs ILM will also go and let's see if we finally have some resolution to the Sbornaya case that at least at the time of writing clearly seems to me to be heading towards a disqualification to be honest.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by ixxaaa »

adminless wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 15:22 ok, sounds good then after this I'll send fight confirmation PM for your fight against ASS that will go q3dm14, q3dm7, pro-q3tourney7, q3dm11 and pro-q3dm6. as usual, fight hard, fight clean, have fun and good luck both.

for the rest, ass communicated now the next week for other than the initial Wednesday 9 21:00 they might have trouble with the dates then at the wait of more input from the teams I'll try to stick to that date. so to make it clear here is a summary of the situation at the time:
  • Week 2
    • Команда Сообщество vs ILM Clan (the Monday 7 of February of 2022 21:15 CET [UTC+01])
    • ASS Clan vs Сборная России (the Wednesday 9 of February of 2022 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
ILM and ASS have confirmed both those dates so far thus I'm now waiting to hear from both Russian teams whether they can make those dates or not. in case of not hearing from the Sbornaya before the Monday if they can do the Wednesday then such date will become definitive whether they can make it or not. the Soobshchestvo will get some margin anyways as obviously come up with a date just 48 hours in advance (approx) is obviously too rushed to come up with a commitment. then if that date doesn't work out the Soobshchestvo vs ILM fight will get delayed. and last but not least as can be seen please lets see if from now onward we do not let this kind of things for (virtually) the very last minute.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

ok sounds good then looking forward your team pulling a good and clean fight against ass this Wednesday night as scheduled just be aware of one thing as you can see at this point your team is on the verge of disqualification. I'll PM you here (both, ASS/Sbornaya) at the forum as usual fight card/pass once the maps are known so please stay tune and updated. as usual remember to announce your map choices (both) no later than tomorrow night (CET night) and that you (Sbornaya) as team b of the fight might need to chose up-to four maps as ass choices will have preference over yours on this fight. shall be the case (of missing such communication too) I guess I'll make the fight pro-q3dm6, overkill, pro-q3tourney7, q3dm7 and hub3tourney1 at the mentioned time (tomorrow night) as best match-up for both sides.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by adminless »

ok soon after my previous message this morning the Sbornaya chose 6++ and overkill as home maps as it was expected from them. as explained such choice may be conditioned by the ass choices (i.e. overlapping rules) due Sbornaya away team status on this so waiting from ass input on this now.

additionally again on yesterday fight the lava/slime thaw strategy played a part. although its use yesterday never qualified as abuse/exploit and just as normal part of the game after further evaluation today I decided to finally address that game weakness and starting this week make lava/slime/water (i.e. drowning) deaths to eliminate players from such round at the ranked server and hence from competitive fights. my feelings are that probably for pubs and casual games that's just fine but at this level of skill and competitiveness such strategy doesn't have place and it probably takes more away from the game and the fighting than it brings to it. so again to make it clear and avoid confusion starting now lave/slime/water deaths will eliminate such players from the round with no chance to revival. it's no server bug, that's intended behavior now.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 community competition, interest?

Post by fau »

Just fyi, yesterday when watching the stream we had an idea to make environmental damage leave player with 1 hp and never kill him completely, but your solution also works. I'm excited to see how it affects dm7 and dm11, I don't think anyone will be weeping after this mechanic :)