ban D6evil

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ban D6evil

Post by _Nisa_ »

This fellow is getting worse day by day. Before he only had extremely foul mouth, but now he has become annoying. He shoots teammates away from armors and away from unfreezes. Is he trying to prove something? Or revenge something? Maybe a 1 or 2 month cooling period would let him grow up a little? He is not mature enough to play in a public server. :evil:
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Jak to ty zaczynasz we mnie strzelać!!!! Odpychasz mnie jak chce odmroźic stoję przy Red strzelasz we mnie jakoś z i nymi graczami nie mam problemu !!!
How do you start shooting at me !!!! You repel me as I want to defrost I'm standing with Red you shoot me with some players and I have no problem !!!
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Jakoś z ounnp, facehugerem,nastia Mirosławem, west i z innymi pro leku nie mam? Od jakiegoś czasu bezprzyczyny we mnie strzelasz!!! Jak atakują mnie z przeciwnej drużyny to we mnie strzelasz a teraz chcesz z siebie pokrzywdzona zrobić?
Somehow with ounnp, facehugerem, nastia Mirosław, west and with other pro medicine I do not have? You have been firing at me for some time now !!! How do they attack me from the opposite team are shooting at me and now you want to make yourself harmed?
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Jak stoję pierwszy przy Red armor to chyba oczywiste że mam mało energii a ty mnie odpychasz i pobierasz Red armor i we mnie strzelasz jak odmrażam przy czym mnie odpychasz co przeszkadzasz mnie i skazujesz team na przegraną!!!
As I stand first with Red armor it's obvious that I have little energy and you push me away and download Red armor and you shoot at me as I defrost, but you push me away, you bother me and condemn the team to a loss !!!
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by onlycape »

Hi Nisa,
I've never had any problems with him. If he did that repeatedly I would understand a ban, but if he has done it only once for reasons that only he knows ... .
For example, yesterday you shot me and you insulted me and I still don't know why, but I never saw you do that before.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by Black.Nastia »

hi, never noticed a problem with Devil. With it comfortable to play on the same team. I think Nisa is naughty, but she can be, she's a girl)
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

A to że jesteś słabsza a ja czy ktoś inny z drużyny ma mało energii a jest pierwszy przy Red armor to mu nie podbieram , ty zaś odpychasz i strzelasz we mnie a to już od jakiegoś czasu tak robisz , nawet dziś jak grał mój syn to w niego też strzelałeś bezpowodu !!!nie zdarzyłem cię nagrać ale teraz to będę miał na uwadze i przy najbliższej okazji nagram twoje zachowanie i jak nie umiesz grać drużynowo to nie graj, przez takie twoje zachowanie dochodzi w grze do kłòtni i wyzwisk co poniektòrzy są zbanowani przez prowokatoròw!!!!
And the fact that you are weaker and I or someone from the team has little energy and is the first with Red armor I do not pick him up, you push back and shoot at me and you have been doing it for some time now, even today my son played it in You did not shoot you because I did not happen, but now I will have it in mind and at the earliest opportunity I will record your behavior and if you can not play, do not play, because of your behavior in the game comes to clumsiness and insults that some people are banned by provocateurs !!!!
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by adminless »

@nisa, well yes I agree with you that he was kinda spamming and overall flooding the chat with non-sense/arguments at the server, that's true and that's why he already got chat banned yet when in comes to in-game behavior so far I have no other knowledge/complains/reports against him but yours therefor I can not place a ban based just in a particular complain from a particular player and furthermore when the background isn't even all clear (which by listening at the rest of the people here you even seem to be more at fault than him) as that would be just plain arbitrary/abusive. nevertheless, make sure that your complain will be taken in consideration in case of further issues.

ok guys, thanks to everybody for report.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by fernandinho1337 »


in my humble opinion:

1. yesterday I noticed lots of players shooting at teammates, stealing frags, stealing unfreezes, stealing armors and just being annoying. maybe the situationen heated up because lots of players were "aggressive" last night.
2. i have never had teamplay issues with d6evil
3. there are players out there that argue that it is correct to take red armour when you are 200/100 and let ur teammate hang in the air with 100/0. those things are just bad teamplay and are normal on a public server. you can not ban players for being bad players/bad teamplayers. though I have to admit that abusive behaviour (i remember a player called hakeris) must be sanctioned.

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Re: ban D6evil

Post by _Nisa_ »

adminless wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 15:01 @nisa, well yes I agree with you that he was kinda spamming and overall flooding the chat with non-sense/arguments at the server, that's true and that's why he already got chat banned yet when in comes to in-game behavior so far I have no other knowledge/complains/reports against him but yours therefor I can not place a ban based just in a particular complain from a particular player and furthermore when the background isn't even all clear (which by listening at the rest of the people here you even seem to be more at fault than him) as that would be just plain arbitrary/abusive. nevertheless, make sure that your complain will be taken in consideration in case of further issues.

ok guys, thanks to everybody for report.
Thank you for your reply. I agree that after he had pushed me away twice I chased him around a little while and shot three dozen rockets just in case he doesn't know how much pushing people around disrupts the gameplay, movement and aiming. I think the only remedy is to automatically record all my games. Next time he repeats it I'll post a demo. :thumbup:

About the folks defending him, I am not surprised. I am a weak player and a newcomer, and they are the gang of the good-ole-boys so it is natural they stick together. I believe D6evil feels entitled to push weaker players around, because he thinks he is so superior. And if it happens that he is right, that weak players are not welcome in these servers, just say so and I'm gone. :lol:
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by your_sister »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 17:21 Hello,

in my humble opinion:

1. yesterday I noticed lots of players shooting at teammates, stealing frags, stealing unfreezes, stealing armors and just being annoying. maybe the situationen heated up because lots of players were "aggressive" last night.
2. i have never had teamplay issues with d6evil
3. there are players out there that argue that it is correct to take red armour when you are 200/100 and let ur teammate hang in the air with 100/0. those things are just bad teamplay and are normal on a public server. you can not ban players for being bad players/bad teamplayers. though I have to admit that abusive behaviour (i remember a player called hakeris) must be sanctioned.

best regards
good to have you back dirk, finally somebody that ttalks sense.

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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Nisa, zaczęłaś ty pierw we mnie strzelać bez powodu , nawet jeśli nie byłem na Red armor nie strzelam ani nie odpycham słabszych' przeważnie gram w słabszym squadzie, nawet dziś jak grał mòj syn to do niego strzelałaś bez powodu , nie zdarzyłem tego nagrać, bo teraz przekręcasz , a twoje zachowanie ma miejsce już od paru dni , i jak napisał redirk że wielu graczy chodź ma energii 200/100 to i tak sądzą że Red armor się im należy , a żalisz się na mnie a dokuczasz innym słabym gracza:) a jak chcesz lepiej grać zagraj w mod defrag i nauczyć się zdobywać punkty bez dodatkowej zbroi, i przejdź Quake single na nightmare
Nisa, you started shooting at me for no reason, even if I was not on Red armor I'm not shooting or pushing the weaker 'I usually play in a weaker squad, even today as my son played you did it for him without a reason, I did not record it, because now you are twisting, and your behavior has been going on for a few days, and as he wrote redirk that many players come with 200/100 energy, they think that Red armor is due to them, you complain to me and you are teasing other weak players :) if you want to play better, play defrag and learn to earn points without additional armor, and go Quake singles on nightmare
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Możesz mnie nie lubieć ja nie muszę lubieć ciebie, ale jak jest taki balance że gramy w jednym teamie nie dokuczaj mnie ja nie będę dokuczał tobie i każdy będzie szczęśliwy
You may not like me I do not have to like you, but if there is such a balance that we play in one team do not tease me I will not tease you and everyone will be happy
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by hurrenson »

I will agree that d6evil and his moonspeak can be annoying (can't judge about the content really since i don't speak moonspeak), but if he'd repeatedly played in an unacceptable manner, i'd report him myself, as i have done with other players who played like total *swearword*s. And til now i didn't have any problems with him as far as i can remember.

And Nisa, pls don't go the victim route and/or feel personally attacked by people who give their subjective opinion on the matter. There are a lot of players who are skillwise below you and we have female players regularly on the server. I'm pretty sure that there isn't a patriarchal server-elite who tries to keep them down or drive them away.
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Re: ban D6evil

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Hurennson a ty jakiego nika używasz? I nie ma żadnego problemu nie ma nad czym gdybać uważam temat za zamknięty, we mnie też wiele razy steffo ,ounnp ys strzelił ale nikt się nie. Chodzi żalić ,hurennson a tu nie chodzi o mnie tylko że mnie chce zrobić kozła ofiarnego:) przeszkadzała mi przez wszystkie rundy strzelala we mnie i odpychała jak chciałem odmroźic co cierpiał na tym team Anwilem że celowo tonrobiła żeby mnie osłabić i przeciwna drużyna mnie zamroźiła , ja też kròtko gram w Quake zaledwie 5 miesięcy początki na unfreeze1 miałem ciężkie zaledwie od 3 do 6 pkt scores zdobywałem ale siedziałem na specjalne patrzałem jak gra jak się poruszają jakimi ścieżkami chodzą żeby wiedzieć jak gram przeciwko nim gdzie się można ich spodziewać:) i nie ma sensu tego tematu drążyć ,jeżeli gramy w jednym teamie nie strzelaj
we mnie non stop i nie odpychaj jak odmrażam bo dziś dałaś pole do popisu ale to już dajmy temu tematowi spokòj
Hurennson and what kind of nicks do you use? And there is no problem there is nothing to think about as a closed subject, in me many times steffo, ounnp ys scored but no one is not. I'm sorry, hurennson, and it's not just about me that I want to make a scapegoat :) bothered me through all the rounds shot at me and repulsed as I wanted to defrost what was suffering from this team Anwil that purposely tonsured to weaken me and the opposing team freezes me, I also play shortly in Quake only 5 months of beginnings on unfreeze1 I had hard only from 3 to 6 points, scores I gained but I was sitting on special I watched as plays how to move what paths are going to know how I play against them where you can expect them :) and there is no point in this subject to drill down, if we play in one team, do not shoot
in me non-stop and do not push away as I defrost you because today you gave me a lot of opportunities but let's give this subject a calm