Possible to play with CPMA1.52?

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Possible to play with CPMA1.52?

Post by kf »

Hi there
maybe someone can help me fix the issue if its possible
i tried to use cpma cause for me it feels more direct and sharp than osp
so i downloaded cpma 1.52 renamed the folder to unfreeze and inserted my config and old hud config
i also removed the osp folder
before i join the server (which i dont see in cpma serverlist) i always exec my cfg and vid_restart
i recorded the issue cause its better to see to understand whats going on, so heres the link

what are the problems?
- i can`t see my own teammates in here, but in demo it will be shown
- the timer shows other times
- scoreboard not working at all
- teamoverlay only works at demo

i didn`t exec and vid_restart before i recorded the demoplayback

if someone can help would be amazing :D
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Re: Possible to play with CPMA1.52?

Post by adminless »

short answer, these servers are not (fully) compatible with cpma (i.e. just like that) and I obviously do not provide support for such custom installations (as it would be meaningless/no end) so you're own on that. btw why don't you also give a try to some of the official well known provided fully tested to work 100% here packages either ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v21.7.zip (32-bits) or fpsclasico-client-community-edition.zip (64.bits)? to be honest with you I don't really see any improvements over that in what you trying to do.

long answer, that being said:
  1. may be start with a plain default cpma config and go from there rather than just loading a fancy modded config out of the box. additionally you might have better luck with good old fashioned well known versions like 1.48 or so. those probably will have better compatibility with third party (from their point of view) mods than the latest post quakelive era ones.
  2. just don't know but to be honest the timer isn't even important here. probably \cg_drawtimer 0 would do better.
  3. probably because the scoreboard message format is simply not compatible.
  4. \setu teamoverlay2 "";teamoverlay2 1 (enter) is typically a way to get the overlay going on third party mods.
hope that helps though in any case as I said, you're on your own on that. I do not provide support for anything else besides the official packages.
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Re: Possible to play with CPMA1.52?

Post by kf »

thanks for the quick answer
well i just wanted to play in cpma cause it feels (for me) more direct and sharp than osp, and i also wanted to use the hud option but if its not working than no problem
i will try the unfreeze client, i was normally playing with osp and renamed folder to unfreeze.
i also tried cpma1.45 first, which i almost had on hard disk, i wrote my config years ago with hud included, but was same result.
no problem at all, as long as i can play quake and have some fun :)
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Re: Possible to play with CPMA1.52?

Post by adminless »

unlucky then. as I said cpma is not intended to be (fully/just like that) compatible with this (nor osp btw which I agree with you is about worst despite people still stubbornly using it). I believe the provided packages should be fully functional and provide adequate features at least for "normal" use. additionally from what I saw I believe that you could as well try doing "\exec hardcore" on those to get a quick start setup/config similar to probably what you're looking for. hope that helps and please be welcome to the forums.