team UnFreeZe training and draft

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team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

ok guys as most of you already know the WTF clan (particularly through well known member P0rsche) has been challenging team UnFreeZe (i.e. the selection of the best players in the community) to a fight and such fight is finally scheduled to take place at some time during this next Christmas holidays (initially the Sunday 26 of December of 2021 18:00 CET [UTC+01] if possible if not probably the week to follow) so I'm gonna need some people to give team UnFreeZe a good training to prepare for this exciting fight. at the time of writing team UnFreeZe only have confirmed members miroslav, fau and aimer so this time I'm probably need somewhere between 8-10 members from the community for this activity. in addition to the training as the team UnFreeZe participation is being low this time I'm thinking in also using this training as a draft to later on, after deliberation, nominate 3-4 guys from it to eventually join team UnFreeZe for this fight (if interested of course, there's no obligation) so don't miss this great opportunity to take part in a exciting game and share frags with the likes of players like miroslav, fau or aimer, the top of the tops.

as usual the date will be still to determine but initially I believe that this same Sunday 5 of December of 2021 18:00 CET (UTC+01) can be a good time to make this happen, the plan with team UnFreeZe and this fight is probably schedule this training/draft session within this week or so, then proceed with a full training afterwards once the full team is reveled to ultimately dispute the fight at some time during the holidays. as for the format it will be typical five maps session, the maps itself will still have to be discussed but initially a hub3tourney1, pro-q3dm6, q3dm7, pro-q3tourney2 and pro-q3dm13 can be a solid option. additionally for competitive gaming remember to install/setup your teamspeak and connect to the fpsclasico teamspeak server ( port is default 9987) for some solid team play.

I'll send a friendly invitation now to most relevant active forum users, for anything else sign up/talk it out here. have fun guys.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

I am willing to train whenever you want. The only problem is in my communication with others it will be difficult because I only know Polish. For this reason, not so much as I do not want to play, but I do not want to disappoint other players. But I can always train.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

awesome, thanks for joining us and don't worry about the language, we will just talk it out and take it in consideration. have fun.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Semisek48 »

I can participate more or less at any time.

Cthulhu you just need to know only few keywords like: red, yellow, quad, rush, duppa, lobok, noob, delete quake, delete yourself and gg.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by nickaero »

I am interested in helping Team Unfreeze practice
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by PacMan »

Semisek48 wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:24 I can participate more or less at any time.

Cthulhu you just need to know only few keywords like: red, yellow, quad, rush, duppa, lobok, noob, delete quake, delete yourself and gg.
You only need to say
"Don't hurt me pacman"
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

sounds good thanks for joining in then it looks like so far we have miro, fau, aimer and may be klar for team UnFreeZe and cthu, magi, semi and nick for team community. I would like to have at least 10/12 people more or less for the training, so there's still some slots left, anybody else interested?

I'll confirm the final date by the Thursday/Friday approx and send the appropriate PM with a reminder/pass thus please stay (relatively) active on the forum.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 13:40 sounds good thanks for joining in then it looks like so far we have miro, fau, aimer and may be klar for team UnFreeZe and cthu, magi, semi and nick for team community. I would like to have at least 10/12 people more or less for the training, so there's still some slots left, anybody else interested?

I'll confirm the final date by the Thursday/Friday approx and send the appropriate PM with a reminder/pass thus please stay (relatively) active on the forum.
I am in for Training although adhoc
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by nickaero »

Orgi should be a good shout for training team aswell
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Bishop »

I'm not able to participate due to RL and potential volatile internet connection issues.

Thanks for the invite though. Maybe next time.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by uZu »

Thank you for the invite.
I should be avail at that time so unless I have smthg happening you may count on me to help providing (hopefully) my best for the training
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

@bishop I know, that's unfortunate, true I remember you use/d to have lot of connectivity issues which can be quite a nuisance for competitive play. unlucky, no problem, thanks for get back to me.

@uzu awesome, great news, thank you for joining us.

ok, so let's see to summarize it looks like by now we have miro, fau, aimer and may be klar for team UnFreeZe and magi, cthu, semi, nick, pacman, walnut and uzu for team community if I haven't missed anybody which make the around 10 people target so far. I would need to know then from those what the availability for the initial Sunday 5 of December of 2021 18:00 CET (UTC+01) date is? some people have said they are doubt while others commented that the Sunday is a holiday on the Netherlands for example. shall be the case it could be changed although probably I look forward running another training session or may be two more before the fight so at the same it's not so much big deal as long as there's enough people available to make it happen anyways.

for the rest, there's still some slots, may be 4 or so, open for this so hurry up to join those that haven't so far.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by Semisek48 »

Red Angry Moron alias Sub-zero is interested in playing, but too lazy to register on forum, so If that is not problem i can share with him the password and game date on discord and we will see if he come.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by adminless »

sounds good to me, for obvious reasons, I won't draft anybody who doesn't have a forum account (i.e. that I have no way to contact directly - off-game/availability/interest is as important as in-game performance to make it to the team) but sure I'll count him in then for the training. ok with him we have around 12 already, I believe that then most likely I'll proceed with the announced date so far, if someone misses it shouldn't be big deal, there should be at least one or two more training in the weeks to come and the sooner this gets started the better.
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Re: team UnFreeZe training and draft

Post by fernandinho1337 »


as i mentioned to adminless in the private messages i am not sure if I want to play at all since I have not been very recently and currently "not feeling it". also wtf has contacted me and asked me if i play for them this time but officially. how is the status on the teams? as usual i want to go with the flow and do not give anyone troubles.

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