ok the super final has been finally resolved with a really hard worked Miroslav victory that remains still undisputed/undefeated fpsclasico champion over a stellar fau that played his part and forced the fifth game to resolve the bout on a champion class performance too. so things started at hub3tourney1, miro best home map, where he (miro) didn't fail to deliver and dominated a fau that never managed to feel comfortable on the game and find some solid chances to punish his opponent. pukka3tourney2, first fau home map, showed and that was a total different story with fau returning the punishment from the previous game against a miro that still managed to keep the game somehow competitive despite the clear fau superiority on this map. with the score tied the fight moved to kektik_b3, second fau home map, and once again fau didn't fail to take his part of the deal and beat miro twice in a fight for the first time on a stellar performance despite encountering again solid opposition from miro to secure at least a tie-breaker finish and put all the pressure on his opponent. ztn3tourney1, second miro home map, was probably the stellar deciding moment of this fight, with miro just one map away from defeat he assumed his ultimate form and probably played his best game so far to dominate a fau that unfortunately struggled to dispute miro a home map once again to come to show why he is still undisputed after all. unfortunately such a loss at the climax of the fight added with some controversial chat use had a perceived impact on the spirit of fau that led him to ultimately withdrawn from the last hub3aeroq3 tie-breaker game at a time of 7 minutes and 44 seconds with a losing score of 17:3 in favor of miro also due personal reasons that way leaving the deciding map uncontested and ultimately conceding the victory to Miroslav on the overall outcome. ok, as usual here are now the official results and demos:
- game 1 - hub3tourney1 (Miroslav selection, Miroslav winner)
1038.7 score: 30 ping: 18 client: 1 ^7M^1ir^7osl^1a^7v
1038.7 score: 9 ping: 25 client: 4 fau
1041.0 Weapon_Stats: 1 MachineGun:23:6:0:0 Shotgun:0:0:5:0 G.Launcher:22:1:9:0 R.Launcher:111:60:23:7 LightningGun:535:124:7:1 Railgun:21:11:19:1 Given:5362 Recvd:3540 Armor:2115 Health:885
1041.0 Weapon_Stats: 4 Gauntlet:0:1:0:0 MachineGun:45:9:0:0 Shotgun:88:15:10:3 G.Launcher:0:0:1:0 R.Launcher:77:19:30:11 LightningGun:370:129:13:1 Railgun:37:11:18:12 Given:3540 Recvd:5362 Armor:960 Health:420
- game 2 - pukka3tourney2 (fau selection, fau winner)
756.7 score: 18 ping: 24 client: 4 fau
756.7 score: 11 ping: 18 client: 1 ^7M^1ir^7osl^1a^7v
759.0 Weapon_Stats: 4 MachineGun:59:12:0:0 G.Launcher:3:0:1:0 R.Launcher:121:39:24:5 LightningGun:475:114:13:3 Railgun:39:14:9:1 Plasmagun:93:16:3:1 Given:5073 Recvd:4207 Armor:1905 Health:1770
759.0 Weapon_Stats: 1 MachineGun:105:24:0:0 G.Launcher:5:0:3:0 R.Launcher:111:41:30:9 LightningGun:779:182:13:2 Railgun:16:4:15:3 Plasmagun:94:3:9:1 Given:4207 Recvd:5073 Armor:2115 Health:1170
- game 3 - hektik_b3 (fau selection, fau winner)
643.4 score: 32 ping: 25 client: 4 fau
643.4 score: 14 ping: 18 client: 1 ^7M^1ir^7osl^1a^7v
645.6 Weapon_Stats: 4 MachineGun:91:25:0:0 Shotgun:0:0:5:0 G.Launcher:0:0:6:0 R.Launcher:109:40:20:2 LightningGun:680:208:17:4 Railgun:63:28:17:3 Plasmagun:0:0:1:0 Given:6815 Recvd:5056 Armor:2210 Health:1455
645.6 Weapon_Stats: 1 MachineGun:392:83:0:0 Shotgun:66:19:8:1 G.Launcher:1:0:8:0 R.Launcher:87:36:20:13 LightningGun:810:185:22:5 Railgun:23:7:10:5 Plasmagun:0:0:2:0 Given:5056 Recvd:6815 Armor:1570 Health:1295
- game 4 - ztn3tourney1 (Miroslav selection, Miroslav winner)
649.8 score: 12 ping: 18 client: 1 ^7M^1ir^7osl^1a^7v
649.8 score: 4 ping: 24 client: 4 fau
652.0 Weapon_Stats: 1 MachineGun:48:12:0:0 Shotgun:0:0:11:0 G.Launcher:35:3:19:0 R.Launcher:96:38:12:3 LightningGun:102:18:4:1 Railgun:13:7:7:0 Plasmagun:28:3:9:0 Given:3625 Recvd:2471 Armor:1990 Health:1305
652.0 Weapon_Stats: 4 MachineGun:4:0:0:0 Shotgun:0:0:4:1 G.Launcher:55:2:17:2 R.Launcher:46:10:8:1 LightningGun:261:61:10:3 Railgun:31:9:16:4 Plasmagun:166:10:12:1 Given:2471 Recvd:3625 Armor:2245 Health:1125
- game 5 - hub3aeroq3 (tie-breaker, uncontested/Miroslav winner)
fau withdrawn due personal reasons at a game time of 7 minutes and 44 seconds with a score of 17:3 in favor of Miroslav. Miroslav was therefor called winner on the aftermath.
- demos & games log: https://ftp.fpsclasico.de/old/public/fi ... oslav-fau/
ok, so I think that that's it with this super final and per extension with the fpsclasico masters summer 21 edition as this miro victory means no further second place/champion title fight involving newcomer d4widoV. with this outcome both players retain their titles of undisputed and champion respectively, and at the time of writing d4widoV haven't done enough so far as to take on a lineal champion shot, he will have to work his way from the rank to become a champion first to get there. overall a great season with ultra competitive fights of over the top skill, really ggs, very well played everybody, thank you very much for participate.
for the rest as usual videos being produced since this finished (expect them tomorrow) and looking forward the future hope to meet up some time again for another edition after the summer, as usual, of course depending on the schedules at the UnFreeZe community events so stay tune and don't miss the fun.
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