Quick Unregistered Guest forum.
by KamiS » Mon May 31, 2021 0:24
What do you think about my game and skills? I'm interested in your cg_fov, cl_mouseaccel and sensitivity settings? share.
greetings to everyone
User lv5
Posts: 1257 Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2017 16:09
in-game nick: PacMan.EZ
Location: u.k
by PacMan » Mon May 31, 2021 5:22
KamiS wrote: ↑ Mon May 31, 2021 0:24
What do you think about my game and skills? I'm interested in your cg_fov, cl_mouseaccel and sensitivity settings? share.
greetings to everyone
Yo your skilz? You kill me ezee lol
Cgfov? Depending on how my eyesight feels currently between 95-110 all the time
The rest I am just a noob
User lv5
Posts: 260 Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2018 18:26
in-game nick: ...jutuli...
Location: Czech Republic
by ...jutuli... » Mon May 31, 2021 11:16
Heya, did not met you in game yet I think. It is useless to copy anyone sens and accel, it highly depends on mouse and its DPI and your preferences. Fov 120 all the time to see all Pacmans around.
User lv4
Posts: 93 Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2021 3:15
in-game nick: FilthyPirate
Location: Texas
by FilthyPirate » Mon May 31, 2021 16:28
Hello there! I see you in the servers and you do very well. I must agree with what filthy Jutuli said.
by KamiS » Mon May 31, 2021 21:21
Many thanks for the answer. I don't want to copy anyone. I ask out of curiosity. I use fov 135 - 150 out of 120 I hardly see. cl_mouseaccel 0.5- 2. I will think about changing the mouse. Thanks greetings
User lv4
Posts: 107 Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2018 0:53
in-game nick: Blaze
by i_cezar » Tue Jun 01, 2021 13:01
Hi! I think you played better before. My settings are fov 112, mouse accel 0.004, sensitivity 0.58, dpi 800.
Unleveled User
Posts: 1 Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 16:46
by chrismorris » Sat Oct 16, 2021 17:01
you are definitely a good player.. no doubt about that! I keep my fov at 100 and mouse acceleration at 0. Because I use butterfly clicking reaching 10 on
cps test , I keep the mouse sensitivity 0.40 and dpi 960.
User lv4
Posts: 179 Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2020 20:40
by nickaero » Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:13
cg_fov 110
cg_drawgun 1
r_picmip 8
mouse dpi 3200
sensitivity 0.7
cg_drawcrosshair 2
ESDF for movement
R for rocket launcher
W for LG
Q for Railgun
A for shotgun
G for Plasma
T for Nades
2 and 3 for Machine gun
1 for Gauntlet
V for WALK
C for crouch
O for
User lv4
Posts: 93 Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2021 3:15
in-game nick: FilthyPirate
Location: Texas
by FilthyPirate » Wed Oct 27, 2021 16:38
// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "+button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "messagemode2"
bind ' "say ^5Arr TY"
bind + "sizeup"
bind , "say ^5<----Decoy"
bind - "say_team ^3Look Low!"
bind . "say_team ^3<--^5Pirate need help"
bind / "say ^3While you are frozen..^5 Hold my beer"
bind 0 "say ^3Please ^5Insert ^3Coin.."
bind 1 "say ^5Filthy Gangbang.."
bind 2 "say ^3Crabs will pick yer carcass.."
bind 3 "say ^3Melt you buffoons!"
bind 4 "say ^5That lag frag sponsored by ^3Vasten.."
bind 5 "say ^3Hey Dirtbags! ^5You get a point for every melt!"
bind 6 "say ^3You will drink the sweat from me dreadlocks!"
bind 7 "say ^5You will sink to the briney deep!!"
bind 8 "say ^3Nice Choot!"
bind 9 "say ^5To the sharks with yer filthy carcass.."
bind = "say_team ^3Look high!!"
bind [ "say ^6Pirate make shot.."
bind \ "say ^7<---Robbed"
bind ] "say ^5That cry brought to u by.. ^3Pampers"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "say ^5That haxxshot sponsored by..^3 Binford rail guns.."
bind b "say ^3Arr.. ^5Ye be ghey.."
bind c "say ^3That camp sponsored by..^5Coleman Stoves..^3 Campers choice!!"
bind d "say ^3That asshole sponsored by.. ^5Acme buttplugs.."
bind e "say ^3You will hang from me sails!"
bind f "say ^6Go Away.."
bind g "say_team ^5Enemy here"
bind h "say ^3Tattoo my name on your ass...."
bind i "say ^3Is ghey.."
bind j "say_team ^5Arr.. On me way"
bind k "kill"
bind l "say ^3Lies!"
bind m "say ^5Look mom! No hands!!"
bind n "say ^5No woman no cry..^3(c)Bob Marley.."
bind p "say ^5Indeed.."
bind q "say ^3That shitspawn sponsored by..^5Acme toilet rolls"
bind r "say ^3Noobs should be seen and not heard..^5(c)Pirate 2002"
bind s "say ^5That waller sponsored by..^3Blammo clear wall cleaner.."
bind t "say ^3Take that!!"
bind v "say ^5<----^3Stopped filthy enemy from melting.."
bind x "say ^3If assholes could fly..^5This place would be an airport.."
bind y "say ^5You mad? Get a cape, then you can be ^3SUPER MAD!"
bind z "name ^2|^7Pi^2rat^7e^2|^4-^7U^2E^4-"
bind 0x7e "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "say ^3:]"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"
bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"
bind CTRL "weapnext"
bind HOME "say ^5You know Chata?..^3Chata fuk up.."
bind END "say ^5I have underwear older than u.."
bind F1 "say ^5Thats what SHE said.."
bind F2 "say ^3That shitshot sponsored by..^5Depends Adult diapers"
bind F3 "ui_teamorders"
bind F5 "say ^3If I want to hear an asshole.. ^5I will fart.."
bind F6 "say ^7Was Muted"
bind F7 "say ^6Run little chicken!!"
bind F8 "say ^5Arr/Hi"
bind F9 "say ^5Right in the kurwa"
bind F10 "say ^3Nice CACA shoot.."
bind F11 "say ^3Revenge will be mine!"
bind F12 "say ^3That HOMO sponsored by ^5KY jelly"
bind KP_END "weapon 3"
bind KP_INS "+movedown"
bind KP_DEL "weapon 4"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "weapon 1"
bind MOUSE4 "+zoom"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon 5"
bind MWHEELUP "weapon 7"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_brasstime "0"
seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "1"
seta cg_crosshairSize "15"
seta cg_crosshairX "0"
seta cg_crosshairY "0"
seta cg_deadBodyDarken "1"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_draw2D "1"
seta cg_draw3dIcons "1"
seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
seta cg_drawAttacker "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "7"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_drawFPS "0"
seta cg_drawFriend "1"
seta cg_drawGun "0"
seta cg_drawIcons "1"
seta cg_drawRewards "1"
seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"
seta cg_drawSpeed "0"
seta cg_drawStatus "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "2"
seta cg_drawTimer "1"
seta cg_drawWeaponSelect "1"
seta cg_enemyColors "2222"
seta cg_enemyModel "keel/pm"
seta cg_followKiller "0"
seta cg_forceModel "0"
seta cg_fov "100"
seta cg_fovAdjust "0"
seta cg_gibs "0"
seta cg_gunX "0"
seta cg_gunY "0"
seta cg_gunZ "0"
seta cg_hitSounds "0"
seta cg_lagometer "1"
seta cg_marks "0"
seta cg_noTaunt "0"
seta cg_noprojectiletrail "1"
seta cg_oldPlasma "1"
seta cg_oldRail "1"
seta cg_oldRocket "1"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cg_railTrailRadius "85"
seta cg_railTrailTime "450"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_scorePlums "1"
seta cg_shadows "1"
seta cg_simpleItems "0"
seta cg_smoothClients "0"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "0"
seta cg_teamChatTime "3000"
seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
seta cg_teamColors "5555"
seta cg_teamModel "uriel/default"
seta cg_truelightning "1.0"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cl_autoRecordDemo "0"
seta cl_aviFrameRate "25"
seta cl_aviMotionJpeg "1"
seta cl_aviPipeFormat "-preset medium -crf 23 -vcodec libx264 -flags +cgop -pix_fmt yuv420p -bf 2 -codec:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 160k -r:a 22050 -movflags faststart"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "1"
seta cl_timeNudge "0"
seta color1 "1"
seta color2 "5"
seta com_blood "0"
seta com_hunkMegs "700"
seta com_introplayed "1"
seta com_skipIdLogo "0"
seta com_soundMegs "8"
seta com_zoneMegs "12"
seta g_botsFile ""
seta g_spAwards ""
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores5 ""
seta g_spSkill "2"
seta g_spVideos ""
seta headmodel ""
seta in_minimize ""
seta in_mouse "1"
seta m_pitch "0.022000"
seta model "Uriel"
seta name "Filthy^^0Pi^7rat^^0e"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_customHeight "1024"
seta r_customWidth "1600"
seta r_depthbits "24"
seta r_dlightMode "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "1"
seta r_fastsky "1"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_gamma "1.437500"
seta r_mode "3"
seta r_modeFullscreen "-2"
seta r_neatsky "0"
seta r_nomip "0"
seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_swapInterval "1"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_vertexLight "0"
seta rate "50000"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
seta s_muteWhenMinimized "1"
seta s_muteWhenUnfocused "1"
seta s_volume "0.887500"
seta sensitivity "2.300000"
seta server1 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server16 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server9 ""
seta snaps "60"
seta sv_dlRate "100"
seta sv_dlURL ""
seta sv_filter "filter.txt"
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_hostname "noname"
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_maxclientsPerIP "3"
seta ui_bigFont "0.4"
seta ui_browserGameType "3"
seta ui_browserMaster "2"
seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
seta ui_browserShowFull "1"
seta ui_browserSortKey "4"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
seta ui_smallFont "0.25"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"
seta vid_xpos "173"
seta vid_ypos "17"
seta vm_cgame "2"
seta vm_game "2"
seta vm_ui "2"
Why not.. :]