[VIDEO] team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

ah yes forgot to mention on the PM, remeber to type \ready on your client to start the match, I mean, hopefully I'm gonna be in-game or at least at the desk so I can start it anyways but preferabely that you get that going yourselves.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by KlarDerAbsahner »

Hello everyone,
the challenge sounds nice. I am checking the forum only once per month or so, that's why I haven't answered to this challenge yet.
I am happily substitute #2 (after ironmonkey). In case even 2 Players can not appear. :)
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

no way man you coming to team UnFreeZe big time, welcome on board! sending you PM now for tomorrow training. btw would you also be available/interested in joining us for a potential match next weekend?
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by KlarDerAbsahner »

Thanks! But I really dont want to push someone out of the match. I am absolutely fine being a replacement. :thumbup:
Next weekend only one day is possible for me (I am not sure if it is saturday or sunday) This still needs to be determined.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

nah don't worry we're still on the build up plus the undead went missing and aimer is probably not going to be able to be available the next weekend either so we still have one spot and at the end of the day the idea is do a selection among the community, it is a special event. cool I'll note you as a potential team UnFreeZe member then and I'll keep you updated, don't worry that I won't waste your time with non sense (that's exactly why I didn't reach/contact you beofre) so we'll see. anways as said, PM sent already, tomorrow you'll line up with miro, fau, ouunp at least and the rest will be determined there.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by KlarDerAbsahner »

PM received :)
I just tried to connect to the server, however it says invalid Password. Should it be working already or just in a few hours?
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

the pass on the PM is only for the event (i.e. I'll set it tomorrow 18:45 or so) currently is just running the regular "public" pass 1234.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by KlarDerAbsahner »

Thank you. It works. :)

Question about the rules:
Is dead man talking allowed? Lets say you are frozen and want to get unfrozen and teamchat:
'I am at red armor, no enemy here.'
Is such chat allowed when frozen?
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

of course what I'm gonna ask also now that you bring the topic is to any possible spectator to stay quiet and don't start a chat and/or bombard me with questions either, for any questions or anything related with fpsclasico you want there's the forum. besides don't worry it's not fight day or anything is just a training session to sort out the team and make the selection (depending on the results/analisys/availability/interest I'll make the final list) as said.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by fau »

Talking is one thing, but more controversial is free-float spectating when you're dead. you can do this on unfreeze server and one can really abuse it to learn enemy positions, item timings etc. with comms I feel it would be too much. Can we have it disabled on this server, so that you can only follow your teammates when you are frozen?
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by Liza »

fau wrote: Sun Mar 14, 2021 13:17 Talking is one thing, but more controversial is free-float spectating when you're dead. you can do this on unfreeze server and one can really abuse it to learn enemy positions, item timings etc. with comms I feel it would be too much. Can we have it disabled on this server, so that you can only follow your teammates when you are frozen?
The match is not a professional fight. Is there a real need to hide everything?
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by fau »

I just don't want to do this myself, it's not the game I'm used to playing (getting wh-like information via comms about enemy positions). And in a competitive setting - against the other team, not today - what's not forbidden is allowed and one would be a fool not to use it.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

@fau yes that's right, today it's not gonna be possible (not in time probably) but I guess I can disable roaming spectators when you're frozen for the match. thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

ok, done now, I don't know how it will work out or if I broke someting (as I had not the time to try it, I hope not) so later we'll try out (it's a training for that) shall be the case that something broke or anything I'll just cycle the server and I'll try it over the week at glacius. btw there's still one instance that initially I see that should call for the free spectator which is when you get unfrozen (to know you've been) as recalled I think it should require further analisys as at that point probably stay on free spectator would do more harm to the team (i.e. one player less available) than spawning I guess. other than I think that if nothing breaks once I activate it at the server for a try it should not allow frozen players to roam the server.
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Re: team UnFreeZe vs team community challenge!

Post by adminless »

ok, server set now and btw just in case someone mess up and don't know how to connect you need to enter the password you received on the PM with the command \password ****** at the time to connect.