new fpsclasico client community edition package

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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

ok, thanks for feedback, that's unlucky but at least now we know it doesn't work. well it seems the problem wasn't on the library then, yes, likely something is mis-configured/mis-linked or something with the ioquake3 binary. ok then I guess I'll drop this by now, may be at other time I give it another try. btw just to be safe delete the /usr/local/lib/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib you just manually copied there so it won't conflict with anything else.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

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ok, I think I have it, I checked with otool now on the devbox and the versioning of the files on the package is correct, 15.0.0 and 15.0.0 on both cases, so that's a matter of your mac overriding the library on my package with another one. you commented you had installed regular ioquake3 before, right? as I otooled now the libSDL that ships with them turns out is 9.0.0 (i.e. very likely the one that is overriding it). so, if you're still wiling to give a test to this, I can suggest you running this with the command DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="." ./ioquake3-osx.x86_64 while using the original SDL lib from the fpsclasico package (you can re-download it here if needed, in case you lost it, put it on /usr/local/lib). additionally in light of this I think I can just simply recompile the ioquake3 provided against a old SDL lib and that should also get rid of that.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

Ah thats strange, I didnt know that ioquake installed a library file, I just compiled and copied the build folder, but maybe I forgot as I did it sometime ago...
Will try that as well, just to be sure, but ioq3v6 the best :)
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

same here, but things get more complicated when you build for other computers/systems, a build could never fail to link later at runtine on the computer it got compiled as if it does, it wouldn't have completed compiling (it would have failed), so I apologize for having wasted your time. anyways, I think that with your output I finally got this sorted and I patched that link issue on a new build now so if you're still up to try this probably you can just grab this app here and see if that finally works (unzip into /Users/macos/Downloads/fpsclasico-client-community-edition/ apparently once you deleted the previous original one of course). and btw I repeat please don't forget to remove that /usr/local/lib/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib that wasn't previously there and that you manually copied there to test that out as it could lead to these kind of runtime problems later on. additionally also remove the original ioquake3-osx.x86_64, libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib and baseq3/qagamex86_64.dylib from the original package at /Users/macos/Downloads/fpsclasico-client-community-edition/ apparently as if everything went fine and I finally got this right they shouldn't be needed.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

I followed your steps and its finally working hehehe :) Mouse feels very bad on mac though, apparently because you can't turn off acceleration as I looked it up. I noticed volume and brightness color also works ingame, minimize works too. Fps are a bit lower than I get on linux :)
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

great, thank you very much for test this out and get back to me, I really appreciated that. ok, then it looks like we finally got mac users covered on the package that were left out for just too long here. awesome and imo a huge plus for this package (and probably one of the main reasons why I started with this alone). don't worry, it wasn't your fault, as I said, beside you probably have somewhere on your system another sdl library installed that was conflicting with my build, there was a error (aka something that shouldn't be that way) when I compiled the sdl library that I fixed on the new build before. if it wouldn't have been thanks to your output and effort I probably wouldn't have noticed. btw, just to be safe, could you double check and confirm me that the app you just downloaded works without any other binaries (i.e. the ioquake3-osx.x86_64, libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib and baseq3/qagamex86_64.dylib files I initially left there mainly for test and apparently for a very good reason) and that the installation is local (i.e. the ioq3config.cfg and ioq3history file get stored inside the package you downloaded not anywhere else)? also have you checked the single player (I ask because it takes another different library)? if unsure you can probably just remove everything and re-download the whole thing ( and see if everything is in place. thanks in advance and I repeat I'm sorry I wasted your time with my mistake on the previous build.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

The one I dowloaded yesterday I already deleted those files and it's working. Oddly enough the one I downloaded now doesnt work and gives this message:

"pak0.pk3" is missing. Please copy it from your legitimate Q3 CDROM. Point Release files are missing. Please re-install the 1.32 point release. Also check that your ioq3 executable is in the correct place and that every file in the "baseq3" directory is present and readable. See "/private/var/folders/_p/ns6q2m8s39z2t8mnn3fzjr480000gr/T/AppTranslocation/2049E37A-5D3D-460E-BC84-77B9DCD2ABED/d/baseq3/crashlog.txt" for details.

As usual I did copy pak0.pk3 in baseq3 ... PS: I noticed I already have another download of the package without me doing anything, did you made it so ? :wtf:
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

alright that was my concern with the app local installation, regardless of the settings it appears that it executes somewhere. btw, for the record then deleting and manually installing ioquake3-osx.x86_64, libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib and qagamex86_64.dylib under baseq3 at the root of fpsclasico-client-community-edition and then launching it from console does work I guess, right? ok, I'll look it up further but as I'm not enteriely sure I think that probably then I'll ship on binary form rather than on the app form. also a dump of the mentioned crashlog.txt file would be great.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

Yeah I added ioquake-osx.x86_64 and libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib at the root, qagamex86_64.dylib in baseq3. Now its working, no errors.
Regarding the crashlog I cant find it...
ls /private/var/folders/_p/ns6q2m8s39z2t8mnn3fzjr480000gr/T/AppTranslocation/2049E37A-5D3D-460E-BC84-77B9DCD2ABED/d/baseq3/crashlog.txt
ls: /private/var/folders/_p/ns6q2m8s39z2t8mnn3fzjr480000gr/T/AppTranslocation/2049E37A-5D3D-460E-BC84-77B9DCD2ABED/d/baseq3/crashlog.txt: No such file or directory
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

I looked it up and I have installed SDL 2.0.14 in /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

alright that was my concern and now it's cleared thanks about that. yes, a quick lookup returned that AppTranslocation is a apple app security mechanism they implemented for third party unknown apps on where they run the app at a random virtual location locking its access to other locations hence mitigating any damage they can do to the computer. fixing that would either require me to code sign plus notarize the app and getting it approved/verified by them which would cost me money plus having to deal with apple support, so it's not gonna happen, or bundle the whole game inside the app, which I can not do as I don't hold Quake III Arena rights (though the end user could even locally fix that). anyways, no big deal, I'll ship it as binary then and will leave the app alone as likely on older version it will work but on modern ones is clearly broken for this particular use. thanks a lot for give it a try. btw, just to be safe, could you confirm/double-check that with the app removed and the binaries installed the ioq3config.cfg files gets created under the baseq3 folder? also, it would be good to know your operative system version, the web server here detects it as macOS High Sierra I don't know if that's right?
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

I deleted the and the 'old' ioquake3.cfg, and run the binary from the terminal, a new ioquake3.cfg gets created in the baseq3 folder. Yeah it's High Sierra 10.13.6. Just to be extra picky, like before, the starting resolution (before setting it up in the menu) is wrong, no problems after setting it up, but that's just a small detail :D Glad to be at least a bit of help :)
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

ok, good enough no problem, the app solution would have been preferable but I guess that it's ok like this too, looks like the best/safest option. ok, then I guess that I'll still oversee it a little more and then I'll add some documentation about it, seems good to go. thanks.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by adminless »

lol btw after further reading I think that I know why the app (the same app) just worked yesterday but today got translocated, because you moved it after download it, right? apparently, besides the proper fix of sign it/notarize it/approve it/verify it and/or bundle the whole package, there's other conditions, that I'm not gonna discuss, that exempt a app from getting translocated, one of them being moved by the end user. so this may sound dumb, but could you try one more time with the current installation you have, to delete the binaries (ioquake3-osx.x86_64, libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib and baseq3/qagamex86_64.dylib) as well as the cfg and check if by first downloading the app and then copying it inside the package, do actually works (i.e. the cfg files go under that baseq3 folder and you can play single player)? it would be good to know to help other users/documentation. thanks and sorry to bug you off.
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Re: new fpsclasico client community edition package

Post by pepco »

hehe I hope I explained it properly but just to be sure: the app from yesterday stayed in the same place and that one (the old one) worked, today I moved it to another folder and still worked...
On the other hand the one I downloaded today stayed in the download folder and didn't work. Nevertheless I will try this one too :))