Accusations from regular players

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Accusations from regular players

Post by dunno »


I'm not bragging, but I'm regularly accused of cheating by newbies, it's fine - no hard feelings. Many consistent players get the same. But it's kind of unjust when regular players accuse or join the accusations. So I was accused of "autoshoot", what's this exactly? I asked the specific player to record a demo and upload it here, to which he was pretty reluctant. I decided to record a demo, although you may say that I could have turned off the object of accusation beforehand. That's possible, but my overall arcade-nobrain gameplay hasn't changed that much anyway. Yes I had major rail hits in the row before recording, but it's just some luck and predictable enemy movement. The demo should be short, but I think it's obvious that there is nothing.
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Re: Accusations from regular players

Post by adminless »

hey hi there dunno please be welcome to the forum.

yes I know you're just good old school veteran player and that you don't cheats. as for the rest yes I also know that cheating accusations at the server are way too frequent unfortunately as you may understand unless you report me a particular problem with a particular player (i.e. a well know troll) there's no much I can do about, sorry about that.

as for autoshoot is pretty much straight forward is a cheat were the game detects when the crosshair is on target to automatically send a attack command (thus basically just autoshooting for the player all the player has to do in this cheat is just aim minimally at the target and the cheat will then shoot for him at some time or another when it detects that is on target).
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Re: Accusations from regular players

Post by fernandinho1337 »

thats news to me.

i did not know people are getting accused of cheating for no reason (can you tell i am being sarcastic?).

just get over it and constantly (like every 2-3 days) change your nickname or play as unnammedplayer so people cannot identify you. therefore they will leave you alone for quite a while ;-)

best regards