well reporting here that as you could see last days there was a couple of incidents with the board so I've been working a bit on it to "finish" it, or at least give it a bit more polished look. it was long time since I've been working on the board from time to time and I didn't stop by to "let you know" about the new things but guess that you could see it mostly, in case you didn't notice in this time from its beginning finally some pages at the board for downloads and the basic links have been added on the top navigation bar so you can have the most important things always at hand and as already mentioned a webchat link has been integrated here too. in addition, it looks also like this time I finally finished tidying up a bit the board structure and making a whole revision of the board settings mostly to strength it against the bots and "finishing" it overall to speak.
at last as I believe that is quite noticeable added a new "look", nothing really fancy, as always, just some minimalist re-do, but that overall I believe that it makes the board much more stylist and definitively stands out from just the plain standard design (plus it definitively tires the eyes much less when working with it at least to me) and added a couple of images for users (the usual forum users "ranks" just for fun that work by number of posts) as well as a embedded avatar gallery for you to chose a avatar in case you don't have one at hand/don't bother creating/uploading yours.
overall as always I know there's still far from being some definitive anything and there's things left but I think that is at least starting to look nice and really finished so hope it's on your taste too and feel free to comment/complain about here if you feel so.
see you guys and lets hope I can finish and bring some more things for this new year/season

PS: remember that if someone doesn't like the new look he can just change it in the board preferences tab of the user control panel