The teleport on map "temple of retribution" brings you to different places

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The teleport on map "temple of retribution" brings you to different places

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On the map "temple of retribution", teleport bring you sometimes in another place than usually. Sometimes it brings you there where is side enter to dungeon not there where is megahealth. Did someone see it?
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Your Conscience
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Re: The teleport on map "temple of retribution" brings you to different places

Post by Your Conscience »

Yes is saw it. I believe it happens when the place where you are teleporting is occupied.
I experienced it several times on Devastation map. I also noticed that Devastation map available to play on only when it is evening in Europe. I don't think it is right, i think when enough players on server (like 6) it should be available all the time. Note that some people not live in Europe (like USA or South America) and the only time for them when they can play on this map on TOP unfreze server are not evening in Europe. So they just can't play on it.
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Re: The teleport on map "temple of retribution" brings you to different places

Post by adminless »

true, that's the right answer, teleports take you to different places when the regular destination is taken. this is so as to avoid exploitative telefrags or to get stuck in a field of frozen bodies for example. as for dm11, currently is scheuduled almost 24/7 (since mid day till late night) just happens that the lower player limit is definitively much higher than 6 which typically leds to get loaded mostly on European evenings when the server is virtually full game after game. also keep in mind that the maps load mostly at random acording to some ratios which also means that it doesn't always load under the same circumstances day after day at all times.
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Re: The teleport on map "temple of retribution" brings you to different places

Post by PacMan »

Guest wrote: Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:09 On the map "temple of retribution", teleport bring you sometimes in another place than usually. Sometimes it brings you there where is side enter to dungeon not there where is megahealth. Did someone see it?
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Re: The teleport on map "temple of retribution" brings you to different places

Post by Temp »

- This happens on every map where is a teleport and someone's hitbox presented in a spawnplace. That's server's config, i suppose, and it made to prevent disbalance after telefragging (and respawning) enemy/team corpse.
Other servers hasn't this option, and frozen bodies are tearing a part after telefrag, than player respawning.