Invulnerability issue

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Invulnerability issue

Post by i_cezar »

I've noticed a situation on the unfreeze server that doesn't seem fair to me, so I'll just present it from my pov. After the completion of a round that my team wins and I'm still alive, enemy team respawns naturally. The players that respawn are protected for some moments from taking any damage, which is a good feature imo. But I, as player left alive from the previous round am not. So as soon as we see each other we both shoot and connect. My shot doesn't register because he is invulnerable but his shot does register. Wouldn't it be fair if all the players are invulnerable for the same amount of time at the start of each round, regardless of being respawned or left alive from the previous one?

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Re: Invulnerability issue

Post by adminless »

it's not a bad suggestion but the problem with it is that people not only spawn at the begging of a round, they do at any time they are unfrozen. and even at the begging of a round they don't all do it at the same time, only when they fire the attack button. bottom line you can not make the entire room invulnerable at any random time someone spawns.
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Re: Invulnerability issue

Post by WhoAmI »

It annoys me too. It annoys me even more when I killed 10 players in a row and 11 respawn behind me and literally kills me with machinegun :D It's always like that. When i want to jump on a jumpad on the q3dm11 map, there will always be someone respawn behind me :D

I have two suggestions.

1. In my opinion, a better suggestion would be to remove protection. It doesn't do anything at all. When players respawn, they stand for a second before they move and then i deal damage to them. Also, if they are respawn in a place where there are many enemies, protection will not help.

2. Respawns should appear away from the enemy. Not behind the back :)
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Re: Invulnerability issue

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

there is nothing to change
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Re: Invulnerability issue

Post by PacMan »

Kra7oS wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 14:21 there is nothing to change

I didn't even realise there was any protection lol , I spawn and get killed haha
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Re: Invulnerability issue

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

it is good as it is, at least there is no time to be bored, good advice, you need to run quickly in respawns or it's good lg or year to aim: D