Wall hack

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Wall hack

Post by PacMan »

How do we identify wall hack use?

I can't work out how someone knows I am there behind a wall and.come immediately shooting there as if they already knew

Perhaps I am.confused but can't always be they saw me go there lol
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

If someone is a good player, they often intuitively know that the enemy may be somewhere in this place.
Professional headphones, mute all other sounds.
Custom mods. There are mods in which the characters call when they have 25, 50, 75,100 hp.
You can change the jumping sounds so that you can hear better.
Bright models. This is also helpful. Someone could literally see a piece of your arm or leg. Or standing behind the wall players do not realize that they have a red barrel Rocket Launcher sticking out: D (Odi mod has red weapon models) And they think that they are not visible :D
I am not sure about that. I don't know if this is a bug in the game or it just works. Maybe I only think. But when I go holding shift and the player stands behind the wall, sometimes I start to hear the sounds of the game getting stronger. As if they were beginning to intensify. I go to the wall and the background sounds are getting louder. This works best on a clean quake without any mods. Not enabling any mods, having all sounds turned on. Let's play in the background music, I go to the wall and the music gets stronger, the sounds also :) You just feel that you are definitely standing nearby. This method does not always work. Because if there is no background sound it is poor :D
Currently, I have also been playing Odi mod for a long time ;)

Maybe someone else will say to point 4. Have you had similar feelings? Do I have any hallucinations?
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

I think nobody has a wallhack on the server right now. I watch on spect often how people play. People with wallhacks behave strangely. They look at the place where the enemy is and even I heard no sound. So then I know it's suspicious. Since I did not hear the sound and someone stands behind the wall and looks in the place of the enemy is strange. Then I play the demo and see the players' behavior more accurately. Then I know it's impossible. However, I didn't notice anything suspicious. Nothing at last. All in all, everyone just thinks I have cheats: D

I forgot to add that some have better reflexes, which is why they kill you first.
Fast refresh monitors improve response, accuracy etc.
It also influences the fact that you may think that someone has not seen you. Maybe he was just faster.

And if you have a large monitor, set it to high resolution /cg_fov 110 or 120.
You will definitely see more then.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by aimer »

.WTF!Wrong! wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2020 16:17 3.
Custom mods. There are mods in which the characters call when they have 25, 50, 75,100 hp.
You can change the jumping sounds so that you can hear better.
Bright models. This is also helpful. Someone could literally see a piece of your arm or leg. Or standing behind the wall players do not realize that they have a red barrel Rocket Launcher sticking out: D (Odi mod has red weapon models) And they think that they are not visible :D
So you are saying that a custom modification of the original game that reveal the state of a player or the game otherwise not available and give an advantage only to the person using it is not called cheating?
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

@aimer1 - According to the administrator, it's a scam. But people still use other mods today. With various functions. They know when items will appear on the map. RA / MH etc. They have timers. Only I can't. Admin allows me to use only clean files. And his own mod. So if I have some other mod in the folder or even one file, I won't get into the game. So I only use a pure client and currently odi mod. I've used unfreeze mod and zzz-models.pk3 before

If everyone had to use only files that the admin has found legal, there would be no such situation. I guess. I just think so.

Currently, odi mod has some features disabled. But surely many players use different mods.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by aimer »

.WTF!Wrong! wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 18:27 @aimer1 - According to the administrator, it's a scam. But people still use other mods today. With various functions. They know when items will appear on the map. RA / MH etc. They have timers. Only I can't. Admin allows me to use only clean files. And his own mod. So if I have some other mod in the folder or even one file, I won't get into the game. So I only use a pure client and currently odi mod. I've used unfreeze mod and zzz-models.pk3 before

If everyone had to use only files that the admin has found legal, there would be no such situation. I guess. I just think so.

Currently, odi mod has some features disabled. But surely many players use different mods.
Sounds like an apology rather than an answer to the question.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

@aimer1 - Apology? For whom? Why?

I'm just saying that custom mods have many different functions. Timers etc. They can make the game easier. I don't have access to them because I only play legal files. But I know other players can use custom mods, so that's why I consider point three as one of the reasons. In addition, Yeti wanted to know how to recognize a cheater, so I give examples.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by adminless »

aimer1 wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:56So you are saying that a custom modification of the original game that reveal the state of a player or the game otherwise not available and give an advantage only to the person using it is not called cheating?
yes, it's indeed cheating as I already addressed here but as wtf is noting himself "Currently (-note the day after I had knowledge of that-), odi mod has some features disabled". what he doesn't know is that is not just the "odi" mod ability to clearly distinguish enemies health by sound that was disabled, that was patched server side so that can not longer take place regardless of the files used instead.

and sorry for late answer, I saw the answer to this yesterday and it seemed ok to me and unfortunately after that I missed to follow the topic.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

I know it works in such a way that the less health the character calls differently. 100,75,50,25. I checked it in the mod files.
But I thought it would work for other players. What if they have older versions of odi mod? It won't work either?

@adminless - I understand, admin, that you completely disabled the "call" during the damage dealt?

On spect still works :D

Do the timers work? Did you also block it? But right, the timers have nothing to see through the walls.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by adminless »

yes, I know (I found it by someone else too) that curiously on spec it still works just for the guy you're specting. but it doesn't give any benefit as you can already tell what the health of the guy you're specting is as it's actually on the gamestate. yes, I disabled the information the server send about the enemy health that the client needs to call the different sounds, effectively cutting that (or any other similar) mod for good and for any version.

yes, the timers will still work, it's like if someone runs a chronometer at its desktop or you bind it to your mouse, there's no much to do about it. they can also be considered cheating at least to some extend but they are crap and very incomplete/non-functional anyways, not something really that relevant (as opposed with the health thing that indeed was relevant and a lot).
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

It is true. Timers are probably not very effective.

Right. For example, when I play QL, players inform each other how much life the opponent has left. They even use binds for this.
Good option :)

I know all this. Thank you for the information.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by serca »

alyeti, there are many legal tricks to understand the player is behind the corner.
There is a lot of information you can get with the sounds, with predictions of enemies movements/sounds you got 5-10 seconds ago, by monitoring console killed messages and with just knowing ppl are often camping at specific position.
So, if you suppose the enemy has WH or other cheats the best way to clarify the situation is just to _politely_ ask that public in the console. Best players are usually good in catching others cheats and understanding if player definitely cannot get info about the enemy behind the corner.

I agree with WTF!Whaomi that nobody on the server uses WH right now.
And I know the situations where good players were blamed to have cheats just by their individual play style, and situations where top players from the top clans used to cheat for several years (and where catch by frame-by-frame analyzing their demos). So the better way is just to inform everybody in a polite way, so that suspicious players to be spectated (which makes no harm and usually complements to a good player). Just don't be annoying with your paranoia, that is bothering.
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Re: Wall hack

Post by WhoAmI »

@serca - Good statement from you, +1 :)
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Re: Wall hack

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

hahahahaah scammers always explain: D and I didn't say
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Re: Wall hack

Post by PacMan »

Corona lag

Just went over the comments again , thanks for all that I understand it more

Learning myself after watchting Ami Vs Miro , cooller and rapha all hardcore players who know the game of quake