Few questions

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Few questions

Post by Morsusy2k »

Hello folks, you might saw me ingame before nick is the same as here: Morsus y2k.
I have just found out about this forum and it is awesome that the community actually exists besides ingame.
There are not much players as I realized so it would be great to make a Chit-chat sub-forum for introductions and etc. we all come from different parts of the world anyway. Ofc it's up to admins to tell if this is okay or not.
As for my questions:
Since I have just discovered the forums I found out about two new things about Unfreeze.
1. Highscore rooster
2. Quake mod

So the questions would be how can I get into the highscore rooster? Do I need to register somewhere?
And second what is mod all about? The only difference between the Unfreeze mod and original Q3A I noticed is the 'scores' in bottom right corner of the screen, different frozen effect (white instead of yellow (battle suit)) and the forced team models/colors. What is else different? And can I change the model colors from yellow vs green to red vs blue?

Thank you for reading. Also if you think this post is inappropriate do remove it.
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Re: Few questions

Post by adminless »

hey hi there, be welcome mate

sure that's good idea I think, I can make it, I mean there's already a off-topic forum outside of this sub-forum but to make it simple I can create another sub-forum here so it gets better sorted.

1. no, in fact if you search for your name in the rank site your profile is already there (https://unfreeze.fpsclasico.de/playerstat.php? ... Morsus-y2k) you just need a minimum activity over the last ten days you still didn't reach (thought I believe that you'll do if not tomorrow, very very soon) to get the rank and keep that minimum activity to stay ranked (thought even if you don't it shouldn't take too much time).

2. well for the most part this mod is just some overall Quake III Arena conditioning for this particular use rather than a flashy spectacular all-in-one good at copy everything master at doing nothing kind of mod so yeah for the most part it could be said that is that mostly. basically the mod just aims at be as simple and lightweight as reasonably possible (minimalist) and be useful and outperform for this particular use, I guess you already saw the changes at the downloads thread (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11), it also has some better/improved netcode and a bunch of other fixes/updates plus some other custom requests for actual players, overall I think that it's a huge improvement over standard Quake III Arena to play here, I just hope this week I can finally make it to the final package (for the most part the only thing missing is put everything together and write some kind of documentation for it, i.e. a readme at least) for version 1.1.

haha no don't worry mate you don't disturb, it's fine, see you
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Re: Few questions

Post by Morsusy2k »

Thanks for the answering and considering my 'idea'. Still I didn't quite understand the team color change is it possible or not and if it is too much work?
Cya around :D
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Re: Few questions

Post by adminless »

ah yes sorry I had overlooked that part and missed to answer you that, no those are the colors chosen for the mod to make them more and easily visible than the standard ones, thought if you want you can still make red/blue colors "here" (which are in reality yellow/cyan) by setting the cg_forceskin variable to 0 if you prefer (make it 1 again if you want green enemies again).

Code: Select all

\cg_forceskin 0
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Re: Few questions

Post by Morsusy2k »

Hmm.. sorry to be a pain in the back but I still didn't figure it out :/
When typing cg_force<tab> in the console only thing that pops up is cg_forceModel and switching that to 0 does not change anything.
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Re: Few questions

Post by adminless »

don't worry mate, that's because you missed to install the latest development version update, get this unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 file and place it next (in same folder) to your current unfreeze0-client.pk3 file (from the unfreeze v1.0 you already installed) and I believe that should fix your issue.

let me know if you got any more problems, see you
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Re: Few questions

Post by Morsusy2k »

I understand now. I managed to get yellow/blue colors which is good enough. Red/blue would be perfect tho.