Bot to fill up slot.

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Bot to fill up slot.

Post by Amdoro »

Admin is it possible to get a bot to fill up un even teams all the way up to 22 players?

Its sucks to be one down in the team and please bump up bots skill level.

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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by adminless »

possible, sure it's, but I don't think that anybody is interested in play, let's say, 7vs6+1 bot, people hate bots big time, most people will just take the regular 7vs6 all the way. bots are only used when strictly necessary (i.e. to start up the server, to cover up eventual player drops and to cover up any potential auto balance latency).

Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by Amdoro »

They hate bot becouse they are so weak no use so give bot max skill level then we talking.
I think 8vs7+1 bot will work well better then be one short why not try for some days?

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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by adminless »

and max level bots are pretty much like random brain death noobs with a cheat which in my opiion is way worse and way more annoying than just regular 1000-1100 average elo randoms. so yeah if people hate regular random average elo bots people will hate times ten brain death noob bots with their cheats fully on I can tell. so no, as you might guess three years after the start of this server, is no time to start "trying" stuff just to see what happens out of nowhere. I'm not against changing things of course, but always as long as these changes respond to a clearly studied and proved reason. at this time of the project just a single mistake and/or wreckless decission and all the trust these servers built in years will be gone in a mere instant. just eventually adding a single bot for some seconds to cover up the auto balance latency almost completely killed the whole server so don't you ever understimate any decission.

then unless this thread becomes a hot topic and/or there's a real/clear overall manifest interest on this, experience tells me that it's just better to leave the bots alone as they are.

Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by Amdoro »

Why do i bother :cry:

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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by adminless »

come on don't stress mate that this is not only about what I think. this is a open discussion so if more people is really interested in addidng a noob with a cheat every single frame the teams are uneven they will sure voice their opinion here. I'm just stating the facts, that is, that at the moment that's not happening.
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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

The problem is with looking at purely the number of players for balance is that it completely disregards the skill of those players. Meaning that two or three of the top players on this server will easily handle 8-10 of "my kind" noobs with zero issues. Now if you top that with adding them bots just for the sake of equal numbers then there is no way to keep an actual skill-based balance.

My two cents...
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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by adminless »

the auto-balance typically looks forwards into splitting the top players (hence why those "top" players usually attemp to hijack it/bitch about it) already not just to blnindly even the number of players (hence the latency) though as you're noting that's not even always possible. just as a basic trivial example, if there's a room with a +2000, three 1600/1700 and a 800/900 elo players the server will typically look forward into setting up the top player with the newbie against the pack of skilled players but even so, sure the +2000 player probably won't have much trouble dispatching them. that's obviously just a trivial example, with 22 active players and literalely dozens of connections/disconnections per game things are way more complex than just that. bottom line. like I said other times I don't even think that exist a finitie solution in a infinitesimal amount of time to that problem in the given known matter dimension but nevertheless the current inexact solution is proven to produce realisticaly good results already with typically more that 3 out of 4 games ending up with the losing team having scored at least 6 points and almost half of the total at least 8.

btw now that we bring this example here, that's a good place where the suggested change on this thread would actually be quite harmful instead, so when making changes you don't have to weight just those few moments where it could help, if not the whole thing.
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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by PacMan »

When hunter enters game with lg she is lethal for noobs and me hahaha ,

Hunter with LG and aimbot will make you happy
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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by fernandinho1337 »

I like most about playing on unfreeze server to actually be able to play quake 3 against other actual human beings...why add bots? if it is like a 7on8 situation or similiar one bot might not have an impact especially if the balancing is good (which it is).

my two cents ;-)
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Re: Bot to fill up slot.

Post by WhoAmI »

I think so too :) I add one cent :D

@alyeti But I admit that Hunter gets more damage than some noob/newb players :D