hahaha ok ok then you're going to love this even more, as a bonus and to conclude with this combining both previous tables you can get the rank for the absolute worst spammer as of 30 of October of 2019:
Code: Select all
| # | worst spammer | games | spam eff | spam rate | points |
| 1 | Niko | 76 | 11.70 | 154.91 | 39 |
| 2 | IDDQD | 22 | 11.26 | 146.41 | 37 |
| 3 | A. | 22 | 16.25 | 105.64 | 33 |
| 4 | barunz! | 14 | 9.36 | 141.07 | 31 |
| 5 | Dvinci | 54 | 8.89 | 113.20 | 27 |
| 6 | OneT | 68 | 8.08 | 127.09 | 25 |
| 7 | mohawk | 59 | 7.98 | 122.27 | 23 |
| 8 | {BLACK}Dii | 75 | 8.82 | 101.65 | 22 |
| 9 | POORCOIDDIOOO | 44 | 8.40 | 101.75 | 22 |
| 10 | PacMan | 56 | 9.40 | 81.38 | 18 |
so as conclusion about the grenade settings after dig the stats, cross data and run some randomized trials I think that beside some of the guys on these ranks and another possible exception they are doing good and they are enhancing the game overall. in the own words of the top 3 spammer here, mr A., it seems like now the grenades are worth for something other than just randomly drop them over the map without sense and the rank skill distribution seems more uniform now. I don't really see that much of a issue and I would even expect any eventual spam spike to subside as the topic cools down within some time.
now as for the ugly spammers themselves, well, like I said I'm not gonna start throwing bans right now based on blind statistical analysis of people's games, that's no good, there's more than just numbers, like situations, contexts, maps etc etc but this will definitively account and will be considered in the event of future reports. anyways like I said one thing is clear, as can be seen on the worst spammers rank other than barunz! which apparently barely plays here and that POORCOIDDIOOO that likely it's some one else fake nicking (may be I dig at a later time) the rest are
all well known regular players so don't put the blame of the spam on the "noobs" and the "randoms".
then bottom line, in my opinion the top 4 of that rank are eventually worth a temp ban at least at some point. I think that baraunz! is a lesser problem (he plays here what? a couple of games a week?) but if some of you spot that Niko, IDDQD and/or A. viciously spamming nades without sense all over the place specially the last while blaming someone else for his own spam feel free to report it here. for the rest values like that of {BLACK}Dii for example that are around the average in that rank, although definitively high and bad, are even arguably acceptable, 8 nades per spawn is about the legit value for .WhoAmI?! and around 100 nades per game is the arguably acceptable value for the initial reporter of this himself. way beyond that (like on that top 4) I think that, yes, is overkill so you also have to understand that this is a all weapons server and that obviously in a 11 versus 11 game the numbers stack up.
well and that's it for this.
UPDATE: turns out that barunz! is that POORCOIDDIOOO too so most of this issue comes to players Niko, IDDQD and some of the reporters himself A.