Fakers/ Cheaters

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Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »


I am a bit unhappy about the *edited*-Players.

1 they are accusing me to cheat on a regular basis. Now they start to use my alias as their fake nicks.
one thing: it messes up my stats on gametracker.com and people might think I did something stupid when they actually did it.

2 *edited* or whatever his name is admitted on a server that they have cheats installed. he said they dont use them when playing but they do have them. i have never witnessed any obvious cases of them cheating but it worries me. especially when these guys fake my nick.

is there anything you can do about it?

best regards

edit: my nick reDIRKulous and my gametracker account https://www.gametracker.com/player/reDI ... xyz:27961/
edit2: names removed
Last edited by fernandinho1337 on Sat Oct 07, 2017 21:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by adminless »

well actually not at the moment, I mean thanks for report, this complain will be taken in consideration in case more complains are received or things get out of hand but so far there's no much I can do, let's be real here, it's not just the black/dimonnium players accusing you of cheating, it's more like half+ the people who play regularly either accusing you or highly suspecting you of cheating at some point or another so as I believe that you can understand I'm not gonna ban half+ of the regular people at the server, in fact, it would be meamingless, ok let's suppose for a moment that I'll do, ok I'll ban half+ of the regular people at the server sure I'll could do that but then what? I'll tell you what, you'll end up with just some casual players playing some casual matches that then you, yourself, will no longer play because it will no longer be exciting.

so I understand your disappointment about this but at the same time I hope that you can also understand the bigger picture here and that to be able to take a action in this matter I would need more complains and really see a wider impact.

finally just as a advice I'm going to tell you that may be you just should try to be more friendly and play more accordingly to the room skill/score and try to accommodate to a more balanced game and with that I'm not telling you that you should let people win or stuff like that, no I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that may be sometimes is just not necessary to play like if you were competing in a final of a pro tournament when you're just playing a casual game in a public server cause that's out of place. I believe that if you follow that advice many of your problems would go away and you'll enjoy yourself the server a bit more.

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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »


i think i did not make my point: if people accuse me that is fine with me. i do not want those people punished for stating their opinion.

i am unhappy about people using my nickname. if they do illegal things when using my nickname it makes me look bad. so if people start using my nickname more often i would like to see some actions taken and that is why i messaged you here.

other than that i take your advice. i already try to switch teams after every map when the game got one sided. i am actually not even constantly on the winning team because if it is 10on10 one player doesnt matter. i dont even care if my team wins. and i barely talk to people on the server anymore, i dont respond to people trying to provoke me. accusations have become less over the last few days actually, i guess because it is team spec only and usually the opposing players get suspicious about cheats. but they cant follow me playing anymore unless they go spec, so i am thankful for your advice, i will follow it.

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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by adminless »

nah probably I just got lost in the details and talking. I didn't seriously expect nicks to become a big issue but well if that's your main concern I believe I can introduce registered nicks, I'll PM you here instructions but hey bear in mind a few things, first I need some time (I have to code those things in the server and that takes some time and I just can't be here 24/7 coding and taking on issues) so until tomorrow or some days it won't work and second it's not a perfect solution, there will be no protection against name squatting (i.e. r3DIRKulous, reDIRKul0us etc there's no even in real world dns's) only plain check, however it should be sufficient for the gametracker stats.
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »


sounds really great. thanks for your work you put in here.

i really look forward to hear/red from you.

best regards
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by adminless »

well I believe that I finally came up with a quick way to implement that in the server so I've just done a small break and added that server functionality, it's currently up in UnFreeZe2 so please test it with the instructions I PM'ed you and confirming me is working (try some basic fake nicking without the instructions etc). for UnFreeZe1 will be up tomorrow or so, I need to restart the server to add that but a server restart (just a few seconds) is not permissible at this time of the day, reboots for updates are scheduled for the mornings.

well hope that fixes your issue
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »

works perfectly and fixes my issue

thank you so much for an indivual fix on such a short notice. great job and thanks again!

best regards,
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by adminless »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:21 Hi,

I am a bit unhappy about the *edited*-Players.

1 they are accusing me to cheat on a regular basis. Now they start to use my alias as their fake nicks.
one thing: it messes up my stats on gametracker.com and people might think I did something stupid when they actually did it.

2 *edited* or whatever his name is admitted on a server that they have cheats installed. he said they dont use them when playing but they do have them. i have never witnessed any obvious cases of them cheating but it worries me. especially when these guys fake my nick.

is there anything you can do about it?

best regards

edit: my nick reDIRKulous and my gametracker account https://www.gametracker.com/player/reDI ... xyz:27961/
edit2: names removed
well it looks like it took quite some for this to finally show up but I believe that on the attached demos there are several clear shots that shows off cheating, check them out and feel free to comment. that's dimonnium the well know player first I noticed someone named wh in spec probably inspecting someone which is already wrong but well it could be then later I found him playing very awkwardly while fake nicking all over the place, it catches my attention how he hits virtually any rocket and I believe that it's definitively very obvious most of the times he switches to the railgun. in addition is totally unacceptable how he purposefully empties a plasma gun to mask his stats, this is not kindergarten and I'm not here to put up with people who resort to this kind dirty tactics for whatever the reason is, so as always summing up everything sure I believe that "most" (well I do not longer believe anything) of the times he was playing fair and enjoying the game but at the view of these events I think that we can no longer trust him, therefor I placed a ban now for him.
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »

thats interesting. i will check out demos tomorrow. if you are sure then it is ok to ban. in case of doubt i am against banning though. i guess if you look at newb.zi zealot
or me we are above average skill wise. i wouldnt want to see any of us banned for cases of doubt.

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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by adminless »

well look at them if you really want to play against someone that at some point might get bored and join a minute later with tens of fake nicks to unfairly mess with you for free I guess than then they will be fine :P I mean to tell you truth i don't really mind at the end you are the ones who are going to suffer this so.
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »

i looked at the demos.

i found out those things:

1 if you call yourself WH_WITH_AIM: if thats not a provocation then i dont know what else
2 it is weird he changes his nicks so much
3 movement aim etc look to me very average
4 dm7 @ 4:20-4.30 when he respawns at red armor: you can tell his plasma locks in and thats cheat to me especially when you look at his movement and overall aim. he is not using mouse accel at all so that behaviour in this situation is not explainable...so only because of that situation i d say he has cheats installed (aimbot).

good call!

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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by onlycape »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2017 22:25 4 dm7 @ 4:20-4.30 when he respawns at red armor: you can tell his plasma locks in and thats cheat to me especially when you look at his movement and overall aim. he is not using mouse accel at all so that behaviour in this situation is not explainable...so only because of that situation i d say he has cheats installed (aimbot).
Here the question is: Why does he use the aimbot for an easy target?. Even I would have hit the target. :)

I have seen a couple of situations not as clear, but similar.
1) dm7 @ 4:03:37. Pointer changes to a constant speed, lock objetive and stop.
2) dm7 @ 5:02:87 - 5:02:90 . He is in the air. For 30 milliseconds, the pointer suddenly changes speed, reaches the target, stops and fires.

Maybe it's my imagination, and that's coincidence. I'm not 100% sure.
Knowing the statistics of his nicks separately, could help. Especially the precision for each weapon.

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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by fernandinho1337 »

onlycape wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 13:49 Here the question is: Why does he use the aimbot for an easy target?. Even I would have hit the target. :)
If you look at this overall movement and aim, there are not many easy targets for him ;-) To me it seems like he has some type of scripts or bindings and he accidently uses bot in this situation.
onlycape wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 13:49 I have seen a couple of situations not as clear, but similar.
1) dm7 @ 4:03:37. Pointer changes to a constant speed, lock objetive and stop.
2) dm7 @ 5:02:87 - 5:02:90 . He is in the air. For 30 milliseconds, the pointer suddenly changes speed, reaches the target, stops and fires.
He moves and aims overall very sloppy, I did not notice these situations, he is definitely not the most obvious cheater.

Mostly, it is the background story that points to cheating: especially when someone tells me they have spectated me with wallhack activated and can tell I am cheating I get suspicious...btw I will upload a game I recorded off my monitor on youtube or so, so people can see my config and stuff and that I am not cheating :-D
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by adminless »

I think that you're missing the whole point here, I'm talking from memory here so excuse me if something isn't that precise, but I remember watching that live and to me it just looked like he has aim for the rockets which is a "low risk" cheat on most of the time and that shot you're talking about is just what happens when you have aim active for a low risk weapon and in the middle you "wrecklessly" changes weapon, it becomes plain obvious, but is more than that on first demo there's a moment when he covers up behind a door against spammers in dm14 where he could barely see and missed most then suddenly overpowers them like a robot and also even last frag of the second demo where he just goes randomly running and kills a falling newb.zi all of the sudden without barely aim are very noticeable, those are a bit of the most relevant moments I have in my memory but sure there's many others. as for the stats like I said he's purposely emptying weapons and randomly spamming all over the place to mask his stats as well as brainlessly changing his fake nicks like every 2 mins (after I disconnected to make the report etc he still continued that way for at least another half hour and most likely would have go more not I handled the issue) to try to make it harder to be tracked so long story short like dirk is saying and I always say summing up everything I think that it's not only clear that he's cheating that he is even making a conscious effort to try to hide it which makes this case specially severe and to be honest after witnessed all this I'm also almost completely sure that even before he cheated at some point or another, I remember when introduced the pak checks code he was, if not the only, at least the most notable case where "sometimes" he had clean status, other times he doesn't (note that a "unclean" status doesn't necessarily translate to cheating, it just mean that you're using unknown/unverified files that yes could be cheats of course but could just simply be a fancy hud/map textures/weapons etc), this is extraordinary strange, people usually either have clean status or doesn't but don't usually change between them (I mean under normal circunstances from day to day, sure, after some time people using random weird files fix them with the files from here and then move to clean status or people using files from here add other custom fancy files and move to unclean status etc but not in a daily/game basis as this guy and the day of the recordings wasn't a exception to this either).
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Re: Fakers/ Cheaters

Post by tar »

even last frag of the second demo where he just goes randomly running and kills a falling newb.zi all of the sudden without barely aim are very noticeable
Mh, u mean after 17:35? Could be luck as he walks towards this spot and already aims near where I have fallen.

What me bothers the most is the completely strange movement and aiming behaviour overall. Either he is left-handed or drunk or whatever but mostly his movements make no sense to me. Perhaps he is wallhacking galore and therefore moving so strangely, but I cannot say for sure. For the aiming part it switches between totally random and botlike. I think the situation on the first map behind the door to the RA camping circle area is stranger (rail locking) as the one in the second map (plasma locking). Whatever, the overall behaviour is really weird.
newb.zi (stats · system)