well unfortunately reporting here that after a whole year of running this server and several re-works and changes to make it work this server failed to match a minimum reasonable population to make sense to keep running it so after the massive success of the non-free version (see UnFreeZe Quake 3) this server was shut down and there's no more plans for a future come back of this.
it would have been great to have a totally FREE version of such a great server that people could have just download to play without having to pay for the game but well I guess that a Quake 3 nowdays isn't that expensive anymore (a few bucks) and unfortunately the freeze tag gameplay never really did it on the Open Arena scene.
so that's it, it made no sense to keep putting resources (specially time as it makes no sense to keep running an abandoned server that you stopped working in) in this, is better for everybody to put those resources in other more productive things like the other server, coding or this website for example. also this server ran on the very same box that the Quake 3 one does and while that box has never been overloaded shutting it down also helped it run more confortable (really never above 50% resources use).
at the moment this server was replaced by an extra (enhanced) version of the UnFreeZe server on Quake 3 this time but with custom maps which to be honest looks like it's also going to be replaced by something else in the middle term so if you're looking for a alternative to the classic UnFreeZe server at the moment your better going for the extra one.
see you and thanks to all the people that anyways visited or even played casually at the OaFreeZe server
OaFreeZe Game Server Cancelled
- Site Admin
- Posts: 6052
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2016 19:05
- in-game nick: not available
- Location: Spain