ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe 2019 development

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ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe 2019 development

Post by adminless »

hello guys

well following a few minor issues I found about the current provided files as well as a notorious issue with running the game on real life actual lowend hardware as reported by some I pushed today a small development kind of version update of the usual ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe installment provided here. initially this update is not that important so unless you're directly affected by some of the issues (most likely you won't) there's really no much need to update these files although you're always welcome to go ahead and try them and provide any feedback/suggestions you have. ok, you have the files at this location:

ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe 2019 development:

for the most part their functionalities have already been discussed here and here so I will ty to keep this a bit more organized. what's been added/fixed on this update is:
  • added support for the "green armor" on the client gamemod to support cpm alike maps (notably hub3aeroq3) on the "single player" mode (such maps are not gonna be used at the servers, not at least on the "mainstream" ones)
  • don't display the lagometer when playing a demo
  • display the game time when the server does have a timelimit (the "mainstream" ones don't)
  • add a new variable, com_framelimiter, to limit the game's fps (intended for those with lesser hardware)
  • lower the default fps for the lowend build to 100 as it has been proven to be a more realistic value
  • slightly better and more accurate framerate
  • fix fps benchmarking (timedemo) that was capped to the game fps
  • minor fix for levelshot takings that were broken
to install those files the procedure is the typical with the development files distributed here, replace those of your current installment with those from the ftp folder with the exception of the unfreeze1-client.pk3 and the development unfreeze1-dev-client.pk3 files that both must coexist. as usual if on the future this really sets apart is likely this will get a proper package and a proper release meanwhile we will stick to the usual re-download and re-place kind of deployment.

notice about the new frame limits that now the lowend builds default to 100 fps and they can switch to 167 or 67 with com_framelimiter variable set to -1 or 1 respectively. the normal builds remains the same with the only addition that now "\com_framelimiter 1" will cap the game at 167 fps in case it can be handy for someone. there's no other possibility to run the game at any other frame rate in between beyond forcing it to your monitor refresh rate via vsync ("\r_swapinterval 1" or typically just at your graphic driver options) whatever it value is.

finally as reported currently the Quake III Arena demo four is "broken" (is not a UnFreeZe game therefore it refuses to plays it) so it would be cool to replace it by some of us then I would like to ask some of you to drop here (or send me if you prefer) some brief demo in the order of minutes with the server populated at preferably at the pro-q3tourney4 map to embedded it as a replacement. that would be cool.

ok, nothing more by now, if someone has some questions or anything just drop them here. have fun
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Re: ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe 2019 development

Post by adminless »

and btw for the guys running laptops and struggling to get the game to go smooth I drop you here a screenshot of what I typically mean about "enabling a high performance power plan (or similar)" on your operative system. as noted other times, that's just standard screen of a standard Windows 10 installment on that specific laptop, therefore it's only there for reference purposes, it may vary greatly for your specific hardware/installment combo then it's up to you how particularly configure those things on your system.

notice that as can be seen even on the "high performance" power plan it does cut power (cpu) when not plugged in and how even when plugged it cut some before I modified it, therefore make sure to go through all the options to ensure no (software, modern hardware will always end up cutting when above a threshold anyways) power cuts. also notice that there's more options beyond just the cpu that is illustrated, like pci ports power saving and notably video acceleration related settings. also notice the software driver provided by your laptop company, many of them typically provide easy tools to coarsely manage this on windows.

on linux on the other hand, it's even much more specific, this kind of things are typically managed at the kernel and related kernel modules settings and therefore break that stuff is clearly beyond the scope of this post. as general advice they typically involve messing around with the kernel idle loop mode as well as configuring the specific cpu governor mode for your hardware as well as specific parameters for your graphic driver and xorg configuration, however their specific results as well as the specific way to do is highly dependent on your actual hardware as well as your specific linux installment.
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