cant open client

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cant open client

Post by player »

Hi, I downloaded your client but I can't get it to work. This is the error i get on terminal : error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
My OS is Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 64 bit.
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »


as noted on the downloads thread:
on Linux on the other hand make sure to have installed all the numerous library dependencies on your system and note that they're 32bit (typically "i686") versions of them. this typically include glibc, libatomic, libX11, libXau, libxcb, libXext, libXxf86dga, libXxf86vm and openal-soft (which also typically depends itself on alsa-lib and/or pulseaudio-libs) as well as have 32bit drivers for your graphic card (the open source mesa ones are typically libglvnd-glx and mesa-dri-drivers).
I have no expertise on debian based distros, but as I see that you went beyond glibc initialization from what I understood "sudo apt-get install libxxf86dga1:i386" should get you past that although you're also likely going to be missing other libraries so let me know if you get stuck after that.

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

Hi, thanks for your reply, yeah now I have another missing file error, Guess I'm going to google a bit...
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »

"sudo apt-get install libxxf86vm1:i386" apparently and just in case add also "sudo apt-get install libopenal1:i386" if after that you get some graphic driver error then let me know.

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

hehe I was searching for i686, that's why I couldn't find it in apt get... now i get this error:
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
----- R_Init -----
...loading QGL_Init: Can't load from /etc/ or current dir: /home/test/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

Do i need libgl1:i386 ?
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »

yes, that's the graphic error I was talking about. I guess that you don't have any custom graphical drivers installed and that kind of stuff, if so apparently you just need "sudo apt-get install libgl1:i386" and probably also add "sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386" if necessary or if it doesn't get added by the previous command.

note: yes, that's what I was writing now.

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

Yeah that worked fine, thanks :)
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »

ok great, no problem, and thanks for report/testing this out for me then I guess I'll add a line about this on the downloads thread.

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

hey again ! :) I tried to play online but i get framerate drops after a couple of minutes of playing. I tried a match offline and no problem there.
The game becomes laggy and unplayable after a little time online, I tried using the hardcore config, and the lowend application too.
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »

I can't tell for sure that I never experienced anything like that myself but that looks to me more like a hardware/system issue. I'd suggest rebooting your computer and trying again as well as running a memory diagnosis/stress test suite and see if you get some errors and ensure that everything is ok, specially the connection. if not I think that issue belongs more to the ubuntu forums than here.

also keep in mind that may be some frame drops are normal for your hardware, may be your computer can't hit 200 fps constantly all the time at all times under all loads of players. this is specially the case for most usual laptop configurations (i.e. virtually any non gaming dedicated sort of laptop), I don't know if it's your case. also the sort of quality of your connection plays a important part too.

PS: I also noticed now you tested other files, to rule out conflicts delete (or move away) your q3config.cfg file and try from stock settings with a clean install.

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

Okay, I did some testing, and I found that vertexlight gaves more fps and more stable, especially on q3dm6... so probably I just have a bad graphics, intel hd :/
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »

intel hd, that's what I was talking about that's a integrated card and a low end one. sure, it should be able to run a game like this and the game should be generally "playable" but you can not expect such a card to run smooth at 200 fps at all times specially over the time. integrated cards heat up badly and once they reach a threshold of temperature/power consumption they start limiting their power which in plain terms means reducing its performance. I tested this on similar systems and they typically move in the 90-140 fps range, that's normal and although it's not perfect/"ideal" it's at least generally playable.

then I'd suggest you what I told on my last point, use a clean installation with clean settings and delete your cfg to rule out any conflicts and make sure your computer is plugged to the wall (if it happens to be a laptop) everytime you game and make sure to enable a "high performance" power (or similar) plan on your operative system so it at least makes the most out of what it has. how to configure power plan settings on a ubuntu system, in-deep optimize your hardware and that kind of stuff is obviously beyond the scope of this discussion, sorry, but for that you're probably going to need to check hardware forums, the ubuntu forums, google etc etc
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Re: cant open client

Post by adminless »

btw as I see that this is a common issue (people struggling to hit the fps) I finally pushed new update files you can get here that comes with the framerate limited as well as the possibility to limited it. as I see in your case you just need the ioq3v6-lowend file (link). that build now runs at 100 fps (instead of 200) by default and you can even limited it even more to 67 fps with the command "\com_framelimiter 1" if needed. additionally if you find that you can handle some more than 100 fps you can get it to 167 fps with the command "\com_framelimiter -1". check it out and let me know if that runs some better on you hardware.

Re: cant open client

Post by player »

Hi :) Yeah, I just saw that discussion, I tested right now and at least i hit stable fps, much better especially on q3dm6 and pro-tourney4 where I had huge frame drops. I had set to 66 fps, do you recommend r_swapinterval 1?