still muted

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Chad Thundercock

still muted

Post by Chad Thundercock »

It's been months since I was muted, I think it would be fair for me to be unmuted now. I have respected my part of the agreement If I may say so.
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Re: still muted

Post by adminless »

no, I don't think so. after you appealed your chat ban here, I told you that I would remove it just in a couple of days after the appeal if you understood the situation and you were ok with it to which you were not. even after you had agreed it you continued to trash talk me/the servers and send people against me/the servers to which lead to you to get actually in-game banned for something like a month instead of simply chat banned. that was like three or so months ago, and now for whatever the crazy reason is you play for five minutes here and pretend to get chat unbanned out of the blue? I'm sorry but let me tell you that it's not happening. to be honest, if I were you I would be very grateful that I'm not actually in-game banned, only chat banned, and as for it, well I think I could still probably remove it at some point but this time definitively not before another couple of months. so I don't know let me know around let's say June 2019 if you're still interested and I'll evaluate it.
Chad Thundercock

Re: still muted

Post by Chad Thundercock »

Um, what? I sent who? I literally didn't even connect to your servers or send anyone after you/trash talk you. I do not understand who it is that insulted you. But I have literally done nothing against you, maybe it was an impostor of mine or something? I would like to know more details, since I literally didn't do any of those things lol. If I did, sure I would take the blame. But why would I go through such lengths to insult anyone? I'm accused for something I didn't do.
nov 2018 > chatblocked, ok, I accept it and what for it to pass
decembar 2018? not sure I didn't play for a while, banned, ok I didnt have time to play anyways
and now this brings us to april, while I'm still muted, I would understand if I actually did any of those things. But how would I get the chance to trash talk you when I was obviously muted for months? Who did I send to insult you? I don't know what happened, but I am not responsible.

I did say shit before nov 2018, that I admit. But after the mute, I did nothing. As I have said, I have been silent and did my part of the deal.
Chad Thundercock

Re: still muted

Post by Chad Thundercock »

And yes, I don't have time to play every day, I want to come once in a blue moon, and have fun with a couple friends, I couldn't care less about disturbing the peace of the server.
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Re: still muted

Post by adminless »

after the initial chat ban (yes late November) I have information from trusted sources that situate you discouraging (trash talking) and blackmailing/manipulating as much as you could any person you knew off-site from ever joining the very same servers that now you're asking to get chat unbanned for. that is not ok and that is definitively not just "wait for it to pass", that's a attack against our name and therefor it must be taken seriously, which is what escalated your issue. yes, after that I haven't had any more "news" about you until now but what do you want? you messed it up and you can not just get away with that by simply going away, probably you shouldn't have done shit in the first place. so I don't know, I could perhaps short it a bit but you'll have to be banned as everyone else and like I told you keep in mind that I'm already being very generous here because even after all you seem to care somehow about this.
Chad Thundercock

Re: still muted

Post by Chad Thundercock »

>I have information from trusted sources that situate you discouraging (trash talking) and blackmailing/manipulating as much as you could any person you knew off-site from ever joining the very same servers that now you're asking to get chat unbanned for.

Your "trusted sources" aren't so truthful as you may think. Anyone can say that, as far as I see you have no proof that I did any of that, and I didn't. You are just believing in what someone told you, which is false btw, how exactly would I go about blackmailing people? How would I be in contact with them? I can't see what anyone is typing or type myself, so in what way could I do it? And as far as I know, most players that are regulars on unfreeze don't visit that many others servers that I could be playing.
I'm sorry, but I didn't do what you are accusing me off. Maybe your "trusted source" has some personal grudge against me, you didn't say who it was, but it seems that it is the case.
Anyone is free to play what they want, If I wanted to do such things(which I don't) I wouldn't come here appealing for an unmute, I would retaliate(which I obviously don't want to do, didn't do, and have no intention of doing).

In any case, you might not trust me now, but I am speaking the truth. Your "trusted source" didn't present you with any proof. It seems that you were given false information. It is just my word vs that other person's word.

I was muted first time for a reason, I accepted it.
I was unjustifiably banned which I didn't let bother me, or took against you, even if I am innocent.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, but as I have previously said, I didn't blackmail/manipulate anyone, or did anything negative to you, or your servers.

It is obvious that this "trusted source" is someone who is against me. But as you have chosen to keep this person's anonymity, I don't know what to say further. If I knew who it was, I could elaborate further.
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Re: still muted

Post by adminless »

well this person decided to report you by private and therefor understand that I must guard it's anonymity. I don't see that person lying to me however I also see that this person could have been largely upset and messed up by you which may have lead to this incident. as you're saying it's impossible to tell with certainty. ok, look then I believe that we can settle this with just a couple of days of chat ban instead (the initial chat ban you just skipped by "going away"), that's it this Friday 5 of April of 2019, but don't take that lightly, know that after this any short of incident will lead to much more serious measures.
Chad Thundercock

Re: still muted

Post by Chad Thundercock »

>well this person decided to report you by private and therefor understand that I must guard it's anonymity. I don't see that person lying to me however I also see that this person could have been largely upset and messed up by you which may have lead to this incident.

It was private for a reason, since I was not aware of those claims against me, I had no idea I was falsely accused. I can assume who it is, but I'll let it go, and I hope that it can stay in the past.
>but don't take that lightly, know that after this any short of incident will lead to much more serious measures.

Okay, I am fine with those terms, I accept it.
But I suppose It would be better If I knew about this beforehand, so any misunderstanding like the one we had now could be cleared away at the source, before it got too complicated. In any case, I hope that such incidents won't occur anymore and that we can avoid this sort of trouble.

I understand the responsibility I have to take, and I thank you for listening to me.

I hope we will get along better in the future.