server inaccessible at 12:20 CET of 20 of December 2018

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server inaccessible at 12:20 CET of 20 of December 2018

Post by adminless »


reporting here that unacceptably the server has been inaccessible today Thursday 20 of December of 2018 at around 12:20, I understand that this is something that should have never ever under any circumstance took place for any reason and that I should probably take utmost responsibility for it and intermediately resign already from running this due to this unacceptable total failure, however I think that for compromise with the project I will not.

that being said just 5 minutes later after the discontinuation of service has been detected I did some quick diagnosis and after a couple of interventions by 12:30 service was just fully restored. I'm still digging what could have happened, yesterday I updated the server with the very latest "2019" (well, almost) updates so that could have played a part however apparently and I remark apparently everything was running fine plus the update wasn't (theoretically speaking) that dramatic as to bring down a whole system so initially I would rule that out. it looks to me more like some sort of network issue/reboot or something related at the servers company side than a server issue however only with time we'll can tell then I'm currently and I will keep actively digging this up.

I express my most sincere apologies for this totally unacceptable and disgusting incident.
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Re: server inaccessible at 12:20 CET of 20 of December 2018

Post by adminless »

server down again at 21:30, just "fixed" again, I'm making a contact with the company.
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Re: server inaccessible at 12:20 CET of 20 of December 2018

Post by FFF »

Good, that it works again :) I thought I was banned or something :P ;)
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Re: server inaccessible at 12:20 CET of 20 of December 2018

Post by adminless »

server "hanged" again "now" (a couple of minutes before). after contact with company, company said there has been no know issues for today (which seems coherent as there could be one but three it's just extremely unlikely) so initially that means it should be a server issue. by now I started by reverse some of the yesterday updates (at least the most relevant ones) to the last know working versions and we'll see if with that server finally stabilizes.

I'm aware words can not account for how bad and ugly this situation is, I'm currently working my ass off to get rid of this as soon as possible, I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: server inaccessible at 12:20 CET of 20 of December 2018

Post by adminless »

ok after almost 24 hours of reversing that notable update server finally stabilized for today with no issues whatsoever (as it has always been and as it should always definitively do) when yesterday was basically failing each 4/8 hours thus I think that it's fair to think that that nasty update was probably the cause of the issue and that this solved it then. yes, basically after dig it out more thoroughly today it seems like there was a particular incompatibility/issue between that update and the specific server hardware that caused it to crash at random. while something like that can always happen it's very unusual so it wasn't that easy to spot specially because for the rest it was working just fine. on a positive note server was barely down for less than 10 minutes in total and overall it was sorted pretty quickly I think and also the servers' company response was quite fast and simply excellent, so overall very happy about that for future events.

I'll still keep to check this (just as usual) but so far it should be done, thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience. see you.