what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

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what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Poll ended at Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:51

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what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Post by adminless »

hello just wondering if there's some other standard Quake III Arena maps you would like to be added to the rotation. in case I missed some one in the poll feel free to suggest it on the comments.
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Re: what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Post by adminless »

well until something has like 10+ votes of difference there won't really be any really significant results to work with but to better fit the new 22 players update I decided to add the currently q3dm12 suggested here to the rotation, though, note that actual chances of q3dm12 loading at the moment are very low, in practice something like one per day (on average).
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Re: what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Post by adminless »

well the q3dm12 addition unfortunately has been soon reversed (see viewtopic.php?f=14&t=12) then with that I believe that it's time to close this poll since there's really nothing that can match the server quality here, if it wasn't that was already tried and failed, and this is not about to fool anyone offering polls when there's already a firm intention of doesn't make anything about them. then i want to apologize to everybody who voted here and finally didn't see their votes reflected in the server, well at least make sure that at least I tried my best and to best of the server capabilities to integrate anything from this poll as much as possible but nothing more could really be taken from here, sorry guys.

in particular I want to mention that it's not really about if I like more or less a map is that with all my respect the q3tourney5 a q3tourney6 votes here (with these settings, 22 players etc) for example are totally non sense (one it was more of a demo/single player map to show off fog and lightning effects at the time and the other is just a rail dominant 1vs1 map), sorry, so don't get me wrong this is not about blame anyone else, that's precisely my duty here (not if I play better or worse and/or if I stay at the server more or less hours than someone else, that doesn't even come in place here), watch for this kind of issues and take charge of what's really doing the server is what really my duty is. you know, for me it would be a lot easier to just enable call vote and then let things like that to happen because as you can see, trust me, that they will and just excuse me saying things like "hey it's not my fault is what people voted, what? the people have the right to vote" WRONG!!! it was your sole fault for doesn't take responsibility of your own services and delegate that responsibility via voting instead on some people that most often than not lacked the necessary set of knowledge and experience to make meaningful decisions, at the very end just trying to mask your own incompetence as a head figure and your inability to make sound decisions with this (that was some of the conclusions I came to after summarizing part of the events that led to the collapse of my former top Quake 3 community). so, once again there you have clearly evidenced what enabling voting at the server will lead to and why it's not, going from some exciting 4vs4 on any good map for example to some random meaningless 3vs3 in any "crazy" (yeah "fun") map to (I can advance you that too) a "dead" (meaningless) server in few weeks, trust me on that, then I can totally understand that in a private/semi-public a like server (i.e. in your server for you) just not in a server like this for everybody. but nevertheless at the end of the day the life is much more fair of course people can just exercise their fair right to vote and manifest their disapproval against my decisions if I do it wrong by not coming here or going anywhere else and then this will be replaced, that's what this life is about (and not by letting your job in other people's hand that most likely aren't even prepared for it), simply.

and sorry for repeating this very same thing so many times hehe but I can guarantee you that I haven't repeated it even half the times I was actually asked about so I believe that is important to evidence it because is a hot topic.

regarding the rest, yes, meaningful votes there under some circumstances unfortunately, trust me that I tried and tried well, but didn't work so I'm not going to waste more time trying over and over again the same things that either for some reasons or another are proven to doesn't work, this issue is currently closed.

time to go, see you guys
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Re: what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Post by kaba777 »

my votes always is overkill and ospdm7 :)
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Re: what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Post by adminless »

ok, re-launched this poll to reflect the new changes/additions for this season. please recast your votes and explicitly bear in mind that this is merely a opinion poll to take as base for future revisions, nothing more. in no case exist the obligation to act on its results.
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Re: what other Quake 3 maps you like for this mod?

Post by WhoAmI »
