secondary server is down
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Re: secondary server is down
from what I monitored/checked these weeks following this, it appears like there has not been any more incidents so I assume that the failure (a death cmos battery apparently from the provider report) was fixed. additionally to finish this, I'm applying now a array optimisation in this server that will probably take around 5 hours (the morning approx) so if there's no problems the server should be back online in the afternoon as usual.
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Re: secondary server is down
array optimisation complete now, it ended up taking more like eight hours rather than five as initially expected but for other than that I think there was no issue so server should just be up and running normally as usual now. I guess that now I'll benchmark it/test it and if everything goes right in the next days or the next week I'll probably apply the same array optimisation to the main server. as usual if anything relevant I'll post it here.
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Re: secondary server is down
the first disk of the secondary server just broke down this morning, it's not coming up. luckily I had raided them during the maintenance this summer so all the data is still in the second disk which I'm fully imaging as we speak thus no data loss will occur. unfortunately that means that there will be downtime probably at least for today (the image/recovery alone will take several hours plus the provider service time at the data center) with this server, sorry for the inconvenience. as usual once I have more info I'll post it here, I believe that may be by now it's probably better to start looking for a new server.
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Re: secondary server is down
second disk imaged now and incident escalated to the provider for a solution. once they get back depending in the response and the solution I'll consider what to do. anyway in the mean time all that matter is that all that server data is now safe and secure at the primary server so whatever the case is it should not be a big deal. as said, likely for today may be at last hour the server can be online again but if that's not the case by tomorrow or so I'll just look for a replacement of my own (i.e. a new server). as usual, if anything I'll just post it here, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
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Re: secondary server is down
as a update on this after eight hours unfortunately this time I haven't received a answer yet from the provider that means that unfortunately likely we'll have to wait at least until tomorrow for a solution if not more considering the weekend is just one day away (when support/service is more limited). in the meantime I'm already considering other alternatives of my own so hopefully the secondary server will be back online again as soon as possible. as usual if anything I'll keep this updated, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
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Re: secondary server is down
as a update on this, sadly after more than a day of waiting I still haven't even received response from the provider to the support contact which is clearly not acceptable. that means that unfortunately in the next days/weeks I'll have to deploy another server and migrate from that provider. in the mean time I just set it up now to work with one drive for as long as it works (rather than the disk/s failing it seems more like the actual sata controller dying or something as it's actually already complaining) so at least there should be service for these days while I don't deploy a new server (which will take some time). that's not the way it's supposed to be but that's what it's so far. sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
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Re: secondary server is down
from what I've seen it seems like the secondary server has been working fine just with the single disk setup so I guess that took care of the outage by now. nevertheless today finally I just received a "new" (it's not new hardware by any means) server I ordered the other day from another provider. I don't think tomorrow it's gonna be ready but probably by the next week the setup should be complete so stay tuned for further info as usual.
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Re: secondary server is down
"new" secondary server just up online now as replacement for the previous secondary server that broke down one disk or the sata controller (whatever the case is, it's no good) so go check it out and report if there's some problems or anything. as usual in the next coming days (the next week probably) I'll go completing, reviewing and documenting everything as usual, in the meantime, you can probably just go using the domain names and packages to connect as you should always do (for a reason as can be seen). for the rest out of the blue, yesterday the provider of the broken server finally reached back to the support contact (yeah almost a week late wtf) and apologised for the inconvenience reporting also some major outage of their own plus some unexpected workload spikes so in the next days I guess I'll also repair and have to deal (likely decommission) with that. obviously at this point unless there's some major issue with the "new" secondary server or anything I assume that unless they offer compensation for the failure or they improve the overall offer somehow I'll just keep this "new" secondary server as replacement so that should be it by now as usual.
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Re: secondary server is down
I just finished now the initial server setup and verification of the "new" secondary server replacement and also serviced the previous broken secondary server for repairs at the provider. as said, initially I'll monitor this new server and I will keep the previous one at least a few days just to be safe in case something breaks with the replacement server or anything but otherwise I guess that unless they improve the previous offer or something (considering they first repair it) I'll just keep this one since it's basically a better option overall. if someone just want to take a look at what this new server is about and how it's performing without going into all the detail of a full server report (that I'll write at some point as usual) they can probably just take a look at the public dedicated monitoring site for it. as can be seen there the server is basically very similar to the former one albeit a generation newer and from a dedicated server line up instead of a desktop/workstation one so overall it should be a fair improvement taking everything in consideration to host this.
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Re: secondary server is down
from what I saw the replacement server has just been working great these days giving virtually almost better latency than the main server so I assume that then that just dealt with the secondary server outage incident at least by now and all that should be left now is to write the usual server report now within these days to finish that off. as for the former broken secondary server as I just headed to finally cancel it this morning they offered this time a 75% off for 12 months for it and normally cancellable/billed afterwards instead, which quite frankly even if the server is to break from time to time and the service is pretty much non existent for that server is a incredible offer (that's not even what costs a regular virtual server) that more than makes up for the incident, so I just took it and then I assume that I'll now have to re-structure almost everything again for these new servers along this month.
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Re: secondary server is down
previous secondary server finally repaired now. it got a brand new wd gold enterprise drive. I'll set that up, now as third server, too along this week (right now I'm just moving this site) as replacement for the previous virtual server that now cost about the same. it took a while but I think that the wait was worth.
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Re: secondary server is down
I think I just finished moving this site to some extend now so tomorrow all that is left to decommission the former web server and start up with the former secondary server now as spare instead will be to stop the servers linking and setup a new channel that hopefully I'll do tomorrow in the morning.
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Re: secondary server is down
previous routing stopped now and new server links setup now. from now on the addresses for the game servers will be and on all the usual ports (27961, 27962 etc etc both IPv4 and IPv6 and in both addresses). the address (the server that just got repaired) will be reserved just for the web and web services along with testing and video production but not routing. probably it's still broken by I guess that everything will become clear and fixed as usual once I finish setting up the server that just got repaired probably along this afternoon.
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Re: secondary server is down
I think that today finally I completed for the most part the new routing. the servers that you now see in-game at the provided packages are the ones that will (hopefully) stick for the time being. there's still probably need to now name the servers accordingly and set the proper location tag (de/eu which is a lot more clear and easier than the previous "e1"/"e2") but for other than that that should be done by now. in human terms as said, now it's just simplified, so the game server ips are just and with all the usual ports and protocols available in each which is somehow better than before that only the routed one featured all ports and the other ones were alternated. in any case, I repeat you probably don't need to worry about that, just use some of the provided packages and it should normally show all possibles routes as usual or if you prefer simply use the domain names directly/check the forum master tab.
for the rest I just decommissioned now the former virtual server that hosted this site and cancelled that. as for the broken server believe it or not, the provider server panel I need for server management just broke down as well a few hours after receiving it this morning so I guess that then I'll have to wait again to service that (hopefully not other ten days). anyways, as can be seen I set up other entire server/setup for a very good solid reason so hopefully it should not be a big issue this time. there's still a few extra services broken but for the most from what I see this new eventual setup is working just good as it should.
for the rest I just decommissioned now the former virtual server that hosted this site and cancelled that. as for the broken server believe it or not, the provider server panel I need for server management just broke down as well a few hours after receiving it this morning so I guess that then I'll have to wait again to service that (hopefully not other ten days). anyways, as can be seen I set up other entire server/setup for a very good solid reason so hopefully it should not be a big issue this time. there's still a few extra services broken but for the most from what I see this new eventual setup is working just good as it should.
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Re: secondary server is down
broken server finally accessible and operative this morning (almost two weeks of downtime in total), although as said now it's no longer that important as for the most part this will just run in the two "new" servers and that server will only be reserved for web services/testing/video production, hopefully later today I'll just move this site there (after thoroughly testing) along with other spare services and that should now finish with all this only pending for the documentation/report as usual so if anything breaks just let me know.