primary server replacement
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primary server replacement
ok just letting you guys know here that as I was checking some deals these weeks to save some bucks this summer (which finally looks like it's not even gonna be necessary but anyways) yesterday I just came across some notorious 28 euros/month solid deal that I just took today as replacement for the main server. I'm currently setting up/migrating that saver as we speak so expect it to be replaced by the next week probably as that one gets billed around the 17 which I'm obviously gonna cancel and not renew by then. as usual I'll post all the info and the detailed server card once it's everything done so stay tuned for more information although considering the current multi server setup and the way this is organised I believe there should be no major issues/downtime with the migration, I mean, at least for those using the packages and connecting through all the usual means. in any case, one thing I want to assure everyone here is that no services will be cut or downgraded if not the contrary and only the primary server will be impacted by the migration all the rest (i.e. the well known solid secondary server along with the web server) will remain so even in the event of a failure it should not be a problem as that will all should continue to function at all times just as always.
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Re: primary server replacement and 2001:41d0:700:35b:217:182:198:91 (IPv6 that for the most part was broken in the actual main server now it's fully operational) are the new ips for the renewed primary server in all the usual ports. today I just finished setting and testing the base setup so I guess that tomorrow in the morning I'll start to shutdown the main game server and starting them up there so make sure to update your ips. I mean, for those using that (i.e. connecting on your own), for those using the packages once the switch is done the new ips will just show as usual so as I said, it shouldn't really be a problem and in the event of any issue or downtime the secondary server will remain all the same. in the mean those that want can probably already try those ips on port 27968 which will be the new ranked server that is already running there for testing purposes and check if there's some issue already. over the week I'll go monitoring and completing everything else along with the documentation of course so stay tuned.
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Re: primary server replacement
game servers just migrated now into the new machine if someone can't find them or anything just let me know. in the next coming days I'll continue to migrate the rest of the (non gaming) services in the previous server to this new one (ex. downloads etc) and then I hope before the weekend or so I'll just decommission it to finish with it.
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Re: primary server replacement
finally I just decommissioned and cancelled the previous main server this afternoon a few days before expiration so I think that then this should be it with the migration. along the next days I'll still go completing and tuning this new server more but from what I saw I believe that it just has been working fine without any issues so hopefully the weekend I'll bench test it a bit more and let's see if then the next week I also write the usual documentation to completely finish with the task.
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Re: primary server replacement
btw I just reset now the main server to make some disk check ups, sorry for the inconvenience.
- User lv1
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Re: primary server replacement
yeah, we noticed...
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Re: primary server replacement
you can continue to play in the secondary server in the mean time though. unfortunately I just updated one of the disks firmware and that completely wiped it so I have to recover from back up now.
- User lv1
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Re: primary server replacement
thanks for the update
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Re: primary server replacement
main server recovered now that it finished late setting up, though I'll still reboot it a few more times along the morning now.
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Re: primary server replacement
all complete and optimised now.