(I played here very casually in the past, but now, with the new server-host, it's way better

=>There are very few populated (european) Q3 servers left, am I right? ...apart from this one, only "eXy CTF" comes to mind...
...the same is true for OA, there's one CA server, one CTF, and one insta server.... ~so I felt to connect 'similar-minded-gamers'

~ . ~ Good Morning All, ~ ' ~
=_With this post I wanna connect two servers, and invite players of each to join the other one and have a game from time to time... : )==
One is a CTF server on Openarena, and the other a Freeze-Tag server for Q3; Both are a bit chaotic and fun -oriented, <<(('''...'''))>>>
(& both have free rocket-jumps and similar player-skill-levels..)
~=> I think you can, more or less, just copy your config file(s) over to the other game.. (adjust model-names)
~~~ ' ~~~
":F stupid CTF" (www.stupidctf.tk)
=> download the game from www.openarena.ws,
=> enable auto-download & /connect
for quick start, just make
/cg_forceenemymodel 2
(friendly discord: https://discord.gg/n3dTmzM )
"!^-UnFreeZe" (https://master.fpsclasico.de)
=> download a modified ioq3: ftp://ftp.fpsclasico.de/ioq3v6-unfreeze ... otypeA.zip
=> copy your 'pak0.pk3'(from Original Quake3) into its 'baseq3' folder
[_and, for PM models, you'll need 'zz-osp-pak0.pk3'(or for me 'pak8a.pk3' also worked) in the '<$HOME_of_your_OS>\Quake3\unfreeze' folder
...then you can use:
/cg_enemymodel tankjr/pm
/cg_enemycolors 2222
/cg_teammodel slash/pm
/cg_teamcolors 6666
_] (adminless edit: unneeded, just "\exec hardcore" once in-game with the provided files will give you all the needed functionalities)
_=>if protocol "???" shows up in the server-list, it's ipv6, and should be preferred..
(Forum: https://forum.fpsclasico.de )
~~~ . ~~~
ya, ...would love to see some from stupid-ctf in the unfrEEze_Arena...
_-=and probs @Adminless for the new server-host <3 <3, big difference for me, that tiny little annoying lag is <gone> : )~~