connecting server-communities

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connecting server-communities

Post by Yleri »

(I played here very casually in the past, but now, with the new server-host, it's way better :mrgreen: )
=>There are very few populated (european) Q3 servers left, am I right? ...apart from this one, only "eXy CTF" comes to mind...
...the same is true for OA, there's one CA server, one CTF, and one insta server.... ~so I felt to connect 'similar-minded-gamers' :wave: and just wrote the following offline to post it in both communities:

~ . ~ Good Morning All, ~ ' ~

=_With this post I wanna connect two servers, and invite players of each to join the other one and have a game from time to time... : )==
One is a CTF server on Openarena, and the other a Freeze-Tag server for Q3; Both are a bit chaotic and fun -oriented, <<(('''...'''))>>>
(& both have free rocket-jumps and similar player-skill-levels..)

~=> I think you can, more or less, just copy your config file(s) over to the other game.. (adjust model-names)

~~~ ' ~~~
":F stupid CTF" (

=> download the game from,
=> enable auto-download & /connect
for quick start, just make
/cg_forceenemymodel 2

(friendly discord: )

"!^-UnFreeZe" (

=> download a modified ioq3: ...
=> copy your 'pak0.pk3'(from Original Quake3) into its 'baseq3' folder
[_and, for PM models, you'll need 'zz-osp-pak0.pk3'(or for me 'pak8a.pk3' also worked) in the '<$HOME_of_your_OS>\Quake3\unfreeze' folder
...then you can use:
/cg_enemymodel tankjr/pm
/cg_enemycolors 2222
/cg_teammodel slash/pm
/cg_teamcolors 6666
_] (adminless edit: unneeded, just "\exec hardcore" once in-game with the provided files will give you all the needed functionalities)
_=>if protocol "???" shows up in the server-list, it's ipv6, and should be preferred..

(Forum: )
~~~ . ~~~

ya, ...would love to see some from stupid-ctf in the unfrEEze_Arena...
_-=and probs @Adminless for the new server-host <3 <3, big difference for me, that tiny little annoying lag is <gone> : )~~

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Re: connecting server-communities

Post by adminless »

hehe yes I noticed you last days messing around with the ipv6, yes it seems that the dual-protocol dual-network setup is definitively kicking ass, so glad to hear it did it for you :) just one thing, your suggestion about using external files with the inside UnFreeZe mod is wrong, please correct it, all that is needed to get basically everything configured for best play is just typing "\exec hardcore" with the provided UnFreeZe files, nothing more and no other files are needed.

have fun mate

Re: connecting server-communities

Post by Yleri »

Hi, thx for answering = D

I just tried that /exec hardcore, ...and it kinda works : ) ....however, with that extra .pk3 file you have more choice of color for team & enemy, and you can configure different colors for torso, legs, head etc.... ((idk, somehow I like the osp-coloring more..))
((also you can have your team use a different model than you use yourself...etc. ))

~~> And I can't find how to edit my post... is it maybe not possible cuz I'm not a registered user?

ya, so long.. &cu ingame :angel:
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Re: connecting server-communities

Post by adminless »

yes, but don't worry I just edited it myself :P

Re: connecting server-communities

Post by Yleri »

Yo :mrgreen: ..cheers y'all..

> I just made my first map, with Trenchbroom, ..and it's a good opportunity to bring this topic back up as well o<

Here's the map:
~it's made for FFA & CTF mainly, loosely based on q3tourney3, and I only used textures that work in Q3 & OA out of the box...
[however, it's not symmetrical, so ctf could be unbalanced...but still fun : )-]

As for "connecting server communities", ...I think it didn't bear much fruit^^ :wave: ~~I don't play too much, but every so often change my name to show '' or '' websites, or ask :F_stupids to try unfreeze.. >I'm not aware of a single person that tried the other server XD ..but ya.. :mrgreen:

~ . ~


PS: The OA community is presently doing a Tribute-Mappack for the upcoming 20th anniversary of Q3A & UT,
featuring remixes of maps of those games... >> ... /

*have a good day/night*
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Re: connecting server-communities

Post by adminless »

hehe good stuff, yeah I know crossing Quake III Arena and Open Arena communities/mods never worked any good but it's always worth trying. ok, just in case I also uploaded your map here at the ftp so it sticks and as fail safe.

Re: connecting server-communities

Post by yleri »

(oh, thx for uploading it to your ftp :angel: ....~also for correcting the github-link :p (..can't edit my guest-posts.. ~=>maybe I should register XD ))