unfreeze main server :
-add personal teleporter item in q3dm16, place it in the rocket launcher's original place , so the player who can get it can use it to avoid the annoying death when they fall off the map .
-add the default map q3dm18 (if it did not happen before and caused server death), in the rotation when having 10-16 players online , place the mega in quad damage place, red armour near the jumpad on the other side of the map , and personal teleporter on the original railgun spot .
-add player of the match title , a text that pops up whenever the game ends mentioning the player who had the best perfomance or efficiency within both teams , unnamedplayers are excluded .
-in the end game, when both of the team are tied (like 8-8 score) , and balanced in terms of players numbers, every newcomer will be forced to spectate unless a change happen in one of the teams (like one of the blue team leaves suddenly), to ensure that the game is more fair .
- add a popup text every 2 hours promoting glacius server ( i think it is better to make glacius server much crowded during most of the day) .
glacius server:
- remove bots from the server , so we can know there is someone there even from the game client , we are having enough bots on other servers it is okay if we give them up on glacius .
- add bloodrun map
-cl_autodownload maps
thank you for reading .
- User lv3
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Last edited by Gladiat0r on Sun Sep 17, 2023 18:11, edited 1 time in total.
- User lv3
- Posts: 33
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Re: suggestions
Add quad damage :>
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Re: suggestions
1) the teleporter for space maps (currently only dm16 I guess) I think that can be a good idea to try at some point.
2) yes that map ran on spacius previously and indeed it completely trashed that server every time it showed so there's no point in adding it again even if were to be modified somehow (it wasn't a thing that it was average or just bad, it was terrible).
3) that can be a good idea to add at some point too.
4) that's a no go, as I've said plenty of times already, that's just the way public servers work, people come as people go so anybody connecting at any given single time should intermediately get in the game without even a single frame of delay let alone a shot, a command or anything else. purchase Quake III Arena on digital store, deploy, double click, select one of the well known servers, screw cfg, screw console, screw settings, screw everything, down your index finger over your mouse primary button and immediately get shots firing no matter what. anything sort of that is an absolutely unacceptable. as wrote recently at other thread people just looking for more competitive games, customization or anything else should just drop instead more by some of the events that regularly ran or the site or simply by some of the true private servers that are there for that reason and not pretending to turn some top public servers into something they are not.
5) same that doesn't really serve any purpose in the main servers. I think by now everyone of significance in the community is more than aware of the existence of glacius, they simply don't go there because they don't want to and prefer the pubs not because they don't know. keep spamming about it just like that doesn't really server any purpose, get over it.
6) that wouldn't really make things any better if not probably the contrary as the only activity glacius really see outside of the meetings comes precisely from those spare testing games that people sometimes play there and might end up turning into a 1vs1 or even a few small games before obviously going for the real deal that are the main servers not some small "clan a-like" custom server. by removing the bot (in singular btw as is just one there) you won't even get anybody testing/warming up/training there from time to time that could potentially grow the game. it's obvious, nobody is gonna sit there alone waiting for somebody until they show up, get over it.
7) that map appears to be the one and only map some people would ever play at the duel servers and absolutely anything else even till this day but outside of it that's useless, it just doesn't work out. as said, if you want to play that map you can probably do so daily at any of the duel servers where it frequently runs, there's no point in adding that to glacius.
8) this has also been discussed and answered in long numerous times (like dozens) already across the site, under no single circumstance a client should ever download absolutely anything from a server, not even once and no matter what. in-game downloads are a legacy feature meant for a era where the internet (as we know it today) didn't even really exist and finding information and accessing files was rather a privilege so pretty much that was the only realistic way to distribute those files and make things work at that time but that's all about it. not just by today but by early 2010's/late 2000's standards that's no longer a acceptable way of file distribution both in terms of usability and security by any means. it's the clients sole responsibility (and even own right) to download and verify/check what they install/run on their computer and how at any given time themselves not that of any server so in that sense the only way of file distribution available here is the files forum tab where you pretty much have everything available to download in a whole package verified and tested to work for this specific use that you just need to extract somewhere else to use it (doesn't even require "installation").
9) same as with ztn, quad is trash for this mode. if you want to play some quad make sure to show up the next time I organize some ffa event.
2) yes that map ran on spacius previously and indeed it completely trashed that server every time it showed so there's no point in adding it again even if were to be modified somehow (it wasn't a thing that it was average or just bad, it was terrible).
3) that can be a good idea to add at some point too.
4) that's a no go, as I've said plenty of times already, that's just the way public servers work, people come as people go so anybody connecting at any given single time should intermediately get in the game without even a single frame of delay let alone a shot, a command or anything else. purchase Quake III Arena on digital store, deploy, double click, select one of the well known servers, screw cfg, screw console, screw settings, screw everything, down your index finger over your mouse primary button and immediately get shots firing no matter what. anything sort of that is an absolutely unacceptable. as wrote recently at other thread people just looking for more competitive games, customization or anything else should just drop instead more by some of the events that regularly ran or the site or simply by some of the true private servers that are there for that reason and not pretending to turn some top public servers into something they are not.
5) same that doesn't really serve any purpose in the main servers. I think by now everyone of significance in the community is more than aware of the existence of glacius, they simply don't go there because they don't want to and prefer the pubs not because they don't know. keep spamming about it just like that doesn't really server any purpose, get over it.
6) that wouldn't really make things any better if not probably the contrary as the only activity glacius really see outside of the meetings comes precisely from those spare testing games that people sometimes play there and might end up turning into a 1vs1 or even a few small games before obviously going for the real deal that are the main servers not some small "clan a-like" custom server. by removing the bot (in singular btw as is just one there) you won't even get anybody testing/warming up/training there from time to time that could potentially grow the game. it's obvious, nobody is gonna sit there alone waiting for somebody until they show up, get over it.
7) that map appears to be the one and only map some people would ever play at the duel servers and absolutely anything else even till this day but outside of it that's useless, it just doesn't work out. as said, if you want to play that map you can probably do so daily at any of the duel servers where it frequently runs, there's no point in adding that to glacius.
8) this has also been discussed and answered in long numerous times (like dozens) already across the site, under no single circumstance a client should ever download absolutely anything from a server, not even once and no matter what. in-game downloads are a legacy feature meant for a era where the internet (as we know it today) didn't even really exist and finding information and accessing files was rather a privilege so pretty much that was the only realistic way to distribute those files and make things work at that time but that's all about it. not just by today but by early 2010's/late 2000's standards that's no longer a acceptable way of file distribution both in terms of usability and security by any means. it's the clients sole responsibility (and even own right) to download and verify/check what they install/run on their computer and how at any given time themselves not that of any server so in that sense the only way of file distribution available here is the files forum tab where you pretty much have everything available to download in a whole package verified and tested to work for this specific use that you just need to extract somewhere else to use it (doesn't even require "installation").
9) same as with ztn, quad is trash for this mode. if you want to play some quad make sure to show up the next time I organize some ffa event.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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Re: suggestions
Hello there,
Also you can't swap team without waiting for (at least) 60 seconds (ie, going blue -> spectator -> red).
This ain't troublesome but it just doesn't reflect your statements
well, I don't want to be rude but if this is what should be on these servers then this is not the case: when reconnecting (after a crash or any bad thing happening on client side), you have to wait before entering a server (and this is not a legacy countdown). An d in this case, sometime your nick get scwrewed and you end up with an unnamedplayer nick.
Also you can't swap team without waiting for (at least) 60 seconds (ie, going blue -> spectator -> red).
This ain't troublesome but it just doesn't reflect your statements

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Re: suggestions
I think that there's a stark difference between connecting and reconnecting or joining a team and switching teams the same way that there's a stark difference between playing the game and exploiting the game. I don't think that there's a need to explain the obvious, that's just the way it's. I didn't say a word about what you're talking about which is a very different thing just from the sentence after your quote that put that in context.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
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- Location: France
Re: suggestions
Fair point, but then a connection after a crash (connect, bug/crash/quit, connect) shouldn't lead to a delay for it's not, stricto sensu, a reconnection (i mean, not a /reconnect command)
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Re: suggestions
btw I just added the personal teleporter now to q3dm16 as requested here, check it out.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv5
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- User lv5
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Re: suggestions
Dude that teleport was a good move , I think not having certain items , and of course in the right place can kill the map
Will be good to see some rotation on items if feasible
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Re: suggestions
as I said power ups and this UnFreeZe mode does not generally mix well. quad is good for the ffa events so looking forward may be another ffa event after the UnFreeZe season instead of a all-stars/team UnFreeZe mega fight. yes, the teleporter (for space maps) was good idea, that's why it was added as requested (and that's why I had missed it, for other than the former spacious, this didn't run space maps).
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com