Map for glacius suggestion

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Map for glacius suggestion

Post by Voltage_father »

Dear Adminless, I would like to suggest another map for glacius called zih_gaj.It has cheesy music and I think It will be decent ☺️
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Re: Map for glacius suggestion

Post by adminless »

that's definitively some better and more playable suggestion than the previous one but to be honest with you in more than fifthteen years doing this I had never heard of that map before so I don't think it's gonna do it now. I think before start adding maps like that there's plenty of better/more popular maps to add before and just as brought in other topic with currently 39 maps on the extended glacius rotation I think that should suffice and there's no point in start adding yet even more maps "just for the sake of it" at least by now.
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Re: Map for glacius suggestion

Post by Voltage_father »
