q3tourney3 and q3dm10 on FreeFun server

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q3tourney3 and q3dm10 on FreeFun server

Post by imprecise »

Hi Adminless

Would it be possible that the q3tourney3 map appears more often on the FreeFun server for 2, 4, or 6 players max.

And that the q3dm10 map appears a little less often on the FreeFun server

Thanks in advance
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Re: q3tourney3 and q3dm10 on FreeFun server

Post by adminless »

I think probably both already appear as often as such conditions (small games for t3 and mid games for dm10) are meet on that server so overall I believe that should be ok already.
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Re: q3tourney3 and q3dm10 on FreeFun server

Post by imprecise »

q3tourney3 appears only rarely although it is nice to play for 2, 4, or even 6 players... a bit as if it were at the end of the list and that it came as the last rotation choice after q3dm2, q3dm3 , q3dm4, q3dm5, and pro-q3tourney2... I wish it appeared more often, really...
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Re: q3tourney3 and q3dm10 on FreeFun server

Post by adminless »

t3 appears pretty much at random along all those maps you named and I don't see a reason to boost it. it just happens that obviously if it just loads once in every those other ten maps you named (on average) and even so only when server is almost empty in the long run it's going to translate to few plays a day overall. q3dm10 in the other hand seems to load a lot more just for the fact that is a mid load map and that's happen to be the overall load at UnFreeZe2 most often than not beside the fact the bigger the load the less maps available so the chances of a map to load at that range are higher for the single fact that there's less to chose from. again as with t3 I don't see a reason to change that and probably changing that would just result in more repetition in the long run, no good.
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Re: q3tourney3 and q3dm10 on FreeFun server

Post by imprecise »

Ok thank you for the answer
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