community summer 23 event

Quake III Arena classic game servers forum.

what event would you like to play the next Wednesday 30 of August of 2023 21:00 CEST?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 27, 2023 21:07

ffa - bal3dm3, 13excave_b1, goldleaf, bloodcovenant, focal_p132 (8-12 players)
ctf - q3ctf1, q3wcp17, mkbase, q3wcp18, oasago2 (-10 players)
UnFreeZe - cpm4a, 13hell, goldleaf, bal3dm3, 13excave_b1 (+12 players)
I want as well to challenge semisek to some duel!! (comment bellow)
Total votes: 12

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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:13 yesterday it got played the Semisek VS PacMan II rematch with no surprises and since this morning up on its separate thread as usual so check it out. definitively a very worthy and interesting event to warmup for the main event tomorrow night. additionally I also recruited two more extra players (masin and cth) in the meantime to add to the already seven confirmed so that means that now there could just be one (or so) more extra slot in case somebody is still interested. also not mentioned it so far but since there could some new players this time just to be safe know that to connect to a private server (i.e. passworded) you do so by setting the password provided on the PM/mail in your client at the time of connection (i.e. once it tells you "invalid password") with the \password 1234 command where 1234 is obviously the actual password instead and that after successfully connecting once in-game you should just retype that command once again to ensure that stays on successive game starts (i.e. so you don't lose and gets kicked).
Hi admin apologies I won't get back on time I will be late , will have to place me as backup, hopefully this does t spoil things
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Re: community summer 23 event


I'm sorry everyone, I won't be able to play also, my grandma just passed away... Have fun, I hope we will play together in similar event in the future.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

unlucky, as said, it's ffa so it's not big deal, it will be played all the same (a different thing it would be if it were UnFreeZe which is exactly why despite being planned for 5vs5 I wouldn't take that for anything bellow 12 people as I know some people is always gonna miss/fail no matter what). ok, given the case I think we can just delay it a bit and start by 21:10 CEST (UTC+02) instead of 21:00 as to give some time to PacMan (or anybody else) to show in time. catch you all this night in-game.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by FraG_MasiN »

21:10 is ok FFA RULES
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by oKo*CTHULHU »

GGs for all
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

ok guys the Summer 23 ffa community event has just been finally played with eight people (the minimum recommended) and here are the results after adding all the five games:
  • 1st place: oKo*cTh - 288 points
  • 2nd place: .DC!Shantu - 266 points
  • 3rd place: oKo*cacahuete - 243 points
  • 4rd place: aimer - 218 points
big congrats to the winner/s and very well played everyone, it was really exciting and pretty disputed for the most part, GGs. as usual all the rest of the detailed results and as well as the videos/demos tomorrow on separated thread at the respective FFA sub-forum on this corner of the forum. catch you on the next one :thumbsup:
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by aimer »

GG, ffa always plays smooth like butter :D
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

I think it played great, it actually played pretty fast though, I had lowered a bit the fraglimit due the slightly lower turnout and miro absence but it wasn't even necessary, cth/shantu mostly dominated, dramatic bloodcovenant finish included, GGs. as with the more exotic duel matchup I think it worked great and it was refreshing/felt good to play something else beside the main UnFreeZe thing/standard so let's see if the next time we do some CTF here as well. I think that would also be very interesting to make in a more organized way than on previous events so we'll see by now I assume the next thing will probably be a UnFreeZe league. ok, since early before this morning all the event videos/results for this up on its separate thread so check them out, definitively fun to re-watch. catch you on the next one.