Friendly suggestion for the adminless

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Friendly suggestion for the adminless

Post by NoobKilla »

Hi Adminless! How are you? After playing for some time on your servers, I've noticed most of players play on the main (light blue) server and it's almost always a high number of players. I played on Glacius few times already and noticed huge, wide and tall maps, enormous in comparison to the default, most visited, server. The issues is the spawn after round has finished or after someone unfreezes you, because there's a lots of players on such small maps that are in rotation on the default server. Wouldn't it be better if you removed those small maps and placed just 2 of large ones? Or even a single huge map would solve a spawn issues. I'm almost always spawned around at least 2 of the enemies, but often around 5 of them and I get insta-freezed without actually getting the chance to move. It looks like I was spawned frozen.
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Re: Friendly suggestion for the adminless

Post by adminless »

as with virtually almost all that you ask, something already well know and answered numerous times already. although not in the "special" full hardcore rotation mode that glacius runs at the well know meet times, glacius (in competitive mode that runs many of those) runs "24/7" (i.e. at any time beside the meets) all the same, yet if one (the primary server) is full virtually 24/7 as you're noting and the other (glacius) besides the meetings is pretty much empty that should clearly tell you all that you need to know about this. those maps just don't work on a regular schedule for a top public server (i.e. they kill the game) and that's just a more than proven fact as I'm showing you yet again (glacius runs and is there 24/7 all the same as the primary server yet one works while the other [normally] doesn't). it's as simply as that, no need to load/change any maps on the primary server, whoever wants/prefer to play those maps can just go to glacius, if they don't and instead go for the primary server it will be for a reason.
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Re: Friendly suggestion for the adminless

Post by NoobKilla »

I honestly didn't know big maps kill the server. I did notice network not working properly, but I thought it was my wifi. Sorry.
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Re: Friendly suggestion for the adminless

Post by adminless »

it doesn't have anything to do with the size, it just happen that they just don't (normally) work for top public servers for a variety of reasons (they require separate download, people don't know them, people don't like them, whatever) as I just said and as it can be seen (i.e. glacius run all the same [most of] those maps 24/7 yet virtually nobody goes there, that's a fact not a "thought").
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Re: Friendly suggestion for the adminless

Post by NoobKilla »

I played just now CTF on CPMA public server and had no network issues. It was a different, but very long, map and there were only 4 of us. I don't know what to say here, I do have lots of issues on your server, network issues, lots of connection interrupted messages and icons over some of players, sometimes game just freezes and all I can do is kill it.
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Re: Friendly suggestion for the adminless

Post by PacMan »

NoobKilla wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 16:11 I honestly didn't know big maps kill the server. I did notice network not working properly, but I thought it was my wifi. Sorry.
Yeah some other large stick maps been tried , killed the game went onto long amongst other reasons