curious about coding

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curious about coding

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 20:54 as usual despite all the drama this got played yesterday in a casually competitive way and from what I saw it worked great. btw one thing that I would like to note that it probably got overlooked is the slime platform to prolong the rocket pickup on pukka3tourney2 as shown in the video for reference. clearly those platforms are there for a reason, not as decoration.
Dude I am interested in how you do this in the first place , all this mods , not asking for your techniques or secrets , but I assume you use some kind of compiler? I mean stupid question how you know which part of the game and graphics and ramps and bits that code you change to make it work

I means it's all game coding write ?
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Re: Ramp jumps

Post by adminless »

of course, this game, Quake III Arena, is open source and in fact many of the mods are as well public. the source code is just regular classic standard c so it integrates greatly with Linux and you just compile it (or cross compile it) pretty much like any other normal Linux program. on Windows for example the most popular tool I think it's Visual Studio where there's even some project files available for it and things like that.
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Re: Ramp jumps

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 22:02 of course, this game, Quake III Arena, is open source and in fact many of the mods are as well public. the source code is just regular classic standard c so it integrates greatly with Linux and you just compile it (or cross compile it) pretty much like any other normal Linux program. on Windows for example the most popular tool I think it's Visual Studio where there's even some project files available for it and things like that.
Ok so generally speaking , how do you know what part of code effects let's say adding ammo somewhere , do you like walk in the game or something mouse point it or can see the graphics and just click on it

Sounds like a dumb question but just interested, or I need to Google it lol, being lazy me
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Re: Ramp jumps

Post by adminless »

not really sure why you asking about such a specific question besides there's really no "secrets" about it or anything. coding, it's just coding and, languages aside, it's pretty much the same regardless of the kind of software. be it a tool, a driver, a video game or whatever, you know what it does just by reading it, to be honest, that's all about it. in fact, there's notorious examples of software (typically codecs) where the reference it's just that, the own implementation rather than a manual/documentation. keep in mind that (high level) coding it's structured so you have a code structure, for example, you have different directories for the client and the server or the user interface and then on each of them you have the code files themselves usually structured on blocks like, server network, client input, user interface menus and so on. as said (high level) coding doesn't really involve any sort of low level hardware trickery like opcodes, registers or memory addresses that ultimately the computer understands (and executes), that's the job of the compiler, so you really end up working with something that's closer to human language (i.e. a coding language) like function names and variables (instead of instructions and addresses) that hold a meaning [example printf ("the program failed due %s.\n", exit_reason);] and that gives you clues about what's doing. additionally any proper coding standard call for a generous amount of commenting when the situation calls for it that better help you understand it so in many parts of the code you encounter various comments from the own developers explaining what's going on, giving tips, warning of problems or pretty much anything relevant that again are also a great tool to work with. but as said, that's just really the way coding works, there's really nothing about it, it's just the way it's.
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Re: Ramp jumps

Post by PacMan »

Cool dude
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Re: Ramp jumps

Post by adminless »

just to make it clear, the (normal) source code for the whole game is available so this is not like reverse engineering, decompiling, hacking or anything of that sort that do really involve all those other sorts of low level things that are a lot more tricky. it's just regular coding.

ok, I just moved it here as it was more fitting to avoid flooding that thread with "offtopic".
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Re: Ramp jumps

Post by PacMan »

adminless wrote: Fri Jun 09, 2023 23:39 just to make it clear, the (normal) source code for the whole game is available so this is not like reverse engineering, decompiling, hacking or anything of that sort that do really involve all those other sorts of low level things that are a lot more tricky. it's just regular coding.

ok, I just moved it here as it was more fitting to avoid flooding that thread with "offtopic".
Cool dude , I remember some coding years ago but didn't go with the trade now I am old and only have enough brain capacity to play Q3 not programme it lol