fpsclassico king of kings tournament

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fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

well as I just commented recently I was probably planning in setting up another event/tournament within the next weeks/month but as I believe that the interest was high and to give proper time to everyone to prepare I think I can just start this now so people can go joining and thinking about it. ok, so basically this would be the plan for the tournament:
  • Phase 1 - FFA (April 2023)
    • qualifying heats
      • participants: 24-36 players
      • maps: q3dm14 , 7++ , q3dm11 , 6++ , q3dm8
      1. Heat I: 8-12 seeded/ranked players (Sunday 2 of April of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
      2. Heat II: 8-12 seeded/ranked players (Sunday 9 of April of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
      3. Heat III: 8-12 seeded/ranked players (Sunday 16 of April of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
    • Grand Final
      1. Grand Final: best fourth from each heat plus Miroslav (Sunday 23 of April of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
  • Phase 2 - DUEL (May 2023)
    • Quarter Finals
      1. Quarter Final I: FFA 1st place VS FFA 8th place (Tuesday 3 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
      2. Quarter Final II: FFA 2nd place VS FFA 7th place (Wednesday 3 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
      3. Quarter Final III: FFA 3rd place VS FFA 6th place (Tuesday 10 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
      4. Quarter Final IV: FFA 4rd place VS FFA 5th place (Wednesday 11 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
    • Semi Finals
      1. Semi Final I: Q1 Winner VS Q4 Winner (Tuesday 17 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
      2. Semi Final II: Q2 Winner VS Q3 Winner (Wednesday 18 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
    • Grand Final
      1. Grand Final: S1 Winner VS S2 Winner (Sunday 28 of May of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
    • Super Final
      1. Super Final: Miroslav VS Champion (Sunday 4 of June of 2023 21:00 CET [UTC+01])
  • sign up from Wednesday 1 of March of 2023 00:00 CET (UTC+01) until Friday 31 of March of 2023 23:59 CET (UTC+01) both inclusive
as usual that's just a draft and what ultimately ends up happening, if anything, will obviously depend on the turnout/interest therefor it can definitively differ/change over that. so as seen there the idea would basically be to setup a small ffa tournament on April and another small masters follow up cup (from quarters onwards) on May. as usual, not because somebody participates on the ffa phase immediately implies that it's obliged to play the masters cup if he just doesn't want to (or simply can't). moreover, it's not even like it has to happen to begin with, it's just a scheme that I believe that it would be interesting. for the ffa phase as uncontested champion of the recent ffa event if Miroslav would like to participate he will pre-qualify for the final so he won't participate on the qualifying heat rounds and for the duels phase as undefeated super champion he will only take part on a final super final against the tournament champion. for the ffa phase to happen it requires at least 24 players to make three seed/ranked balanced 8 players qualifying heats where the best fourth of each heat will qualify for the grand final. the best eight of those (excluding Miroslav) then will gain a invitation to dispute the masters cup. the heats will be played on q3dm14, 7++, q3dm11, 6++, q3dm8 and the (ffa) grand final on ospdm6, poq3dm5, ospdm1, wdw3team1, phantq3dm3_rev which I believe now those maps should definitively adequate for anybody. the masters cup will be played either on the masters unlagged server (the community one, after I apply a few patches there though) or the classic masters server with artificial lag compensation (i.e. added lag instead of removed) still to determine/agree probably.

ok, so let me know how you see that and feel free to join here and see what we play next
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by aimer »

In for ffa, unsure about duel just yet, it'll depend on "fatigue" and other commitments in May.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

sure, as mentioned that's just a possibility, it's not even like it has to happen (the masters cup). making it into the top eight (excluding Miroslav) on the ffa it only gives you the possibility to participate if you (and the rest) want to, not the obligation. matter of facts, as also written, in case of not meeting at least 24 people for the ffa, probably it won't even happen like that in the form of a "tournament", it could just be another one time carnage event on April like the one we just played. same for the masters, it could be played with other people, shorted into just semis, or not played at all. as usual, we'll see so great I'll not you in then and we'll stay stay in touch.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

well actually up to at least 20 people the ffa can be made "tournament" in such case two heats will be setup instead of three from which six will advance instead of four. in case of less than twenty people (but at least ten) then yes, the ffa will come down just to another fight like the one we just played. the masters then will depend on that and the mood/interest/availability from that although I think it would be great to do some masters follow up tournament.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

I would be in for anything.Ofc I would like to play a many games and from earliest in the tournament as possible but I understand the type of rules you sset. Just saying if there is any flexbility or changes make sense I would just like to play competetively as much as I can ;-)
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

great news, ok, I'll count you in for the finals/super finals then. as I said, it will ultimately depend on who shows up so we'll see how it finally turns out but under normal circumstances, you scored at least twenty five percent more than anybody else (in total) on the last ffa carnage event in a mostly elite room, there's no much point in set you now just on a heat qualifying round. and the same goes for the masters thing, as we speak you outrank anybody else at least by more than 350 rating points there so there's no much point in set you up there against anything sort of a champion. that would be a no match and basically throw away one half of the bracket as it happened last time where I had set you there (which I did because of the newcomers and the years of bans that you haven't played at all so at least you could play something but as we speak you're already playing enough).
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

fair I understand! just saying when theres an opportunity and i havent got any other things going on im super in ;-)
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by wilo »

I'm in too :)
Last edited by wilo on Thu Mar 02, 2023 14:44, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

fantastic, noted you now then. ok, with you we are two people plus miroslav so far, there's obviously still plenty of time to sign up prepare (a month), if for some reason the turn out is high and in some weeks we have meet the turnout quota and people is ready I believe we could even start before the current suggested/planned dates so stay tuned as usual.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by pks »

I'm in for FFA!
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

fantastic noted now then we're three so far (aimer, wilo, pks) plus miro as fpsclassico last boss. stay tuned for updates as it will probably still take some time for this to happen. as for the second follow up phase, I guess after the ffa event (if it happens) I'll just start another thread about it on the respective forum for the people to sign up there. still, it's added there as promotion/consideration for the participants.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by fau »

I think I'll play ffa, it was fun last time and I'm happy to see new maps but can't say for sure so early. Duel - not really interested this time. As usual - don't plan spending a lot of time on quake for some time after the league and playing duel takes some preparation for me.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

yeah sounds good, as said, I guess I'll just set up the ffa tournament (or whatever happens depending on the turnout) the next month and then after that I'll simply start another thread about the duel tournament with invitations from the results/interest and we'll see what happens, if anything. ok, no problem, it would be good to know and leave this if not totally set at least more or less defined by the end of the week approx so I guess I'll spam later on a few forum invitations and I'll note you in so far. we'll see but initially I assume there should be at least two heats so if you can't get on one I think you could probably make it on the other. if not you'll just lose your chance, no big deal.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by adminless »

ok, said invitation PM sent now to pretty much everybody (with history of participation that hasn't signed up yet of course) on the forum (up to 45 invitations). we'll see then now how it finally turns out, hopefully the presented scheme will work but whatever the case is I assume at least another ffa event should happen. as said, probably the best practice (i.e. intention) should be to left that mostly decided by the end of the next week so please those involved stay tuned as usual.
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Re: fpsclassico king of kings tournament

Post by Shantu »

I'm in for FFA but will not be able to play on april 16, other dates seem ok. For duel I'm leaning no, I'd need to train for that.