UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

UnFreeZe Tournament Fall 22 History - Team Pride Champions

what set of tie-breakers do you prefer for the finals?

Poll ended at Fri Jan 06, 2023 21:54

the classic complete historic one (6++ , q3dm7 , overkill , hub3tourney1 , pro-q3tourney2 , pro-q3dm13 , q3dm14 , reqdm5 , q3dm8)
the regular season restricted one (6++ , reqdm5 , q3dm7 , pro-nodm9 , overkill , storm3tourney1 , q3dm8 , pro-q3tourney2 , bal3dm3)
Total votes: 9

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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

fantastic, PM for that sent now then, fight hard, fight clean, have fun and good luck on the Grand Final of this more than competitive edition of the tournament. as said, I believe that given all the factors whoever ends up taking this will be more than a worthy champion, no excuses, hard work and well earned. great then it looks like this now just comes to oKo that apparently can't figure out anything so far. under normal calendar circumstances that would probably be a missed deadline or close to it, considering that it's just one fight left and that then it won't drag the rest of the competition I think I can give it a bit more time. that being as usual, it won't be allowed to be dragged "forever" (i.e. weeks/months/years who knows) then I believe that if by the Thursday afternoon (let's say 19:00-20:00 CET or something like that) oKo haven't really committed yet to the currently proposed Tuesday 31 of January of 2023 21:00 CET date to dispute the third place against Diamond Clan (diamond is currently all set for that) or have really agreed to anything else then diamond will just take that by default and a 3:0 loss will be recorded for oKo.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

good news here, oKo finally confirmed the third place final against diamond for the currently proposed date of the next Tuesday 31 of January of 2023 21:00 CET (UTC+01) yesterday at night so that means that this is finally happening. now waiting for oKo picks and blocks as well within this week at most.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

btw just as a minor update to ensure that all the maps on the (grand) final do play to an adequate standard I updated the health bubbles on some of them to better accommodate a hardcore team game. the changes are pretty much irrelevant/a detail (just a few extra spare health bubbles on some spots) but just to be safe I thought I'd write about it here anyways so this is how the supplies look like on the (grand) final maps:

Code: Select all

teddm1 - 475 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 13x25 hp) : 235 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 7 shards) [2.02 h/a]
phantq3dm1_rev - 350 health (1 mh, 2x50 hp, 4x25 hp, 10x5hp) : 225 (1 ra, 2 ya, 5 shards) [1.56 h/a]
pro-dcmap7 - 345 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 7x25hp, 4x5 hp) : 225 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 5 shards) [1.53 h/a]
bal3dm3 - 435 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 4x25 hp, 7x5 hp) : 245 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 9 shards) [1.78 h/a]
q3dm7 - 585 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 11x25 hp, 2x5hp) : 230 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 6 shards) [2.54 h/a]

total - 2190 health (5 mh, 12x50 hp, 39x25 hp, 23x5 hp) : 1160 (5 ra, 10 ya, 32 shards) [1.89 h/a]
avg - 438 health (1 mh, 2.4x50 hp, 7.8x25 hp, 4.6x5 hp) : 232 (1 ra, 2 ya, 6.4 shards) [1.89 h/a]
I didn't review/compute the ammo though but I guess that on this mode that's not even secondary.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by oKo*Magister »

we block storm and pick pro-dcmap7. 6++ and dm14
It's all in the spirit of Aimbot. *Mankubus voice*
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

ok, noted now and from q3dm7, pro-nodm9, overkill as the fight set of tie-breakers what do you block as well? I need that "as we speak" this afternoon at most or you'll just miss the more than generous "week" deadline and I (yes me, not you, let's make it clear once again in case it isn't so you don't come back later with non sense) will just have to pick that instead. additionally I write you here as I wrote you on PM that taking five days to pick three maps and block another is not the way this is meant to go and despite it's somehow exceptionally accepted, that is not ok.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

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It's all in the spirit of Aimbot. *Mankubus voice*
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

ok then all that is finally left to set the third place is now for diamond to block one of your picks as well (pro-dcmap7, 6++, q3dm14) and to chose between q3dm7 or overkill as the tie-breaker within this weekend at most (i.e. Sunday night after the Grnad Final approx) and then I'll PM you both the fight card as usual.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

ok, just to be safe I finally reviewed all maps now as follow to ensure that every map is at least playable for 5vs5. as said, on most cases the changes are minimal, if anything at all, just a few hp bubbles swapped here and there and/or dropped a few extra ones on maps where there was virtually no health. that being said is probably still a good idea to check them out beforehand to avoid drama. basically this is how all the pack of maps on the events pool looks like as of now:

Code: Select all

 11 spawns
 300 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 6x25 hp, 0x5 hp)
 200 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 0 shards)
 1.50 health/armor
 4 rockets, 3 lightning, 2 cells
 20 spawns
 585 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 11x25 hp, 2x5 hp)
 230 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 6 shards)
 2.54 health/armor
 10 rockets, 8 lightning, 4 cells
 18 spawns
 570 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 10x25 hp, 4x5 hp)
 230 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 16 shards)
 2.47 health/armor
 11 rockets, 5 lightning, 2 cells
 21 spawns
 525 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 9x25 hp, 0x5 hp)
 225 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 5 shards)
 2.33 health/armor
 11 rockets, 6 lightning, 3 cells
 18 spawns
 450 health (1 mh, 3x50 hp, 8x25 hp, 0x5 hp)
 205 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 11 shards)
 2.19 health/armor
 8 rockets, 4 lightning, 2 cells
 16 spawns
 330 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 6x25 hp, 6x5 hp)
 190 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 8 shards)
 1.73 health/armor
 3 rockets, 2 lightning, 2 cells
 14 spawns
 350 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 8x25 hp, 0x5 hp)
 230 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 16 shards)
 1.52 health/armor
 3 rockets, 2 lightning, 1 cells
 17 spawns
 340 health (1 mh, 2x50 hp, 4x25 hp, 8x5 hp)
 225 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 5 shards)
 1.51 health/armor
 3 rockets, 2 lightning, 1 cells
 13 spawns
 345 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 7x25 hp, 4x5 hp)
 225 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 5 shards)
 1.53 health/armor
 3 rockets, 2 lightning, 1 cells
 12 spawns
 395 health (1 mh, 2x50 hp, 7x25 hp, 4x5 hp)
 225 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 5 shards)
 1.75 health/armor
 4 rockets, 4 lightning, 2 cells
 24 spawns
 580 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 8x25 hp, 16x5 hp)
 270 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 14 shards)
 2.14 health/armor
 6 rockets, 4 lightning, 1 cells
 21 spawns
 490 health (1 mh, 4x50 hp, 6x25 hp, 8x5 hp)
 230 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 6 shards)
 2.13 health/armor
 11 rockets, 4 lightning, 2 cells
 14 spawns
 665 health (1 mh, 6x50 hp, 10x25 hp, 3x5 hp)
 260 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 12 shards)
 2.55 health/armor
 9 rockets, 8 lightning, 4 cells
 13 spawns
 355 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 6x25 hp, 11x5 hp)
 235 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 7 shards)
 1.51 health/armor
 8 rockets, 5 lightning, 3 cells
 19 spawns
 350 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 8x25 hp, 0x5 hp)
 225 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 15 shards)
 1.55 health/armor
 5 rockets, 3 lightning, 2 cells
 12 spawns
 315 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 6x25 hp, 3x5 hp)
 200 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 10 shards)
 1.57 health/armor
 3 rockets, 2 lightning, 1 cells
 12 spawns
 345 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 7x25 hp, 4x5 hp)
 220 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 4 shards)
 1.56 health/armor
 3 rockets, 3 lightning, 1 cells
 10 spawns
 300 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 5x25 hp, 5x5 hp)
 190 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 8 shards)
 1.57 health/armor
 3 rockets, 3 lightning, 1 cells
 17 spawns
 300 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 5x25 hp, 5x5 hp)
 190 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 8 shards)
 1.57 health/armor
 2 rockets, 2 lightning, 1 cells
 17 spawns
 420 health (1 mh, 2x50 hp, 8x25 hp, 4x5 hp)
 230 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 6 shards)
 1.82 health/armor
 8 rockets, 6 lightning, 4 cells
 10 spawns
 345 health (1 mh, 2x50 hp, 4x25 hp, 9x5 hp)
 230 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 6 shards)
 1.50 health/armor
 2 rockets, 2 lightning, 1 cells
 10 spawns
 305 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 5x25 hp, 6x5 hp)
 190 armor (1 ra, 1 ya, 8 shards)
 1.60 health/armor
 7 rockets, 5 lightning, 1 cells
 17 spawns
 475 health (1 mh, 1x50 hp, 13x25 hp, 0x5 hp)
 235 armor (1 ra, 2 ya, 7 shards)
 2.02 health/armor
 8 rockets, 6 lightning, 2 cells
 356 spawns
 9435 health (23 mh, 49x50 hp, 167x25 hp, 102x5 hp)
 5090 armor (23 ra, 37 ya, 188 shards)
 135 rockets, 91 lightning, 44 cells
 15.47 spawns
 410.21 health (1.00 mh, 2.13x50 hp, 7.26x25 hp, 4.43x5 hp)
 221.30 armor (1.00 ra, 1.60 ya, 8.17 shards)
 1.85 health/armor
 5.86 rockets, 3.95 lightning, 1.91 cells
pace (avg):
 709.56 health per minute
 491.13 armor per minute
 44.02 rockets/min, 356.08 bolts/min, 86.08 cells/min
basically as can be seen there it summarizes as on top of all maps having at least 10 spawn points (typically somewhere between 10 and 20 on most cases with 15 on average approx) which was already done now ensuring that all maps have at least 300 hp (typically around 400, 1 mh, 2x50 hp, 7x25 hp, 5x5hp on average approx) under some distribution that contains just one mega, at least one large health and where it does have more (25 hp) health than large (50 hp) ones (ex. 1 mh, 1x50 hp, 5x25 hp, 5x5hp) for proper distribution across the whole map, at least 175 armor (typically around 220, 1 ra, 2 ya, 4 shards on average approx) with just one red and at least one yellow (ex. 1 ra, 1 ya, 5 shards), a health/armor ratio higher than 1.5 and not more than 1.5 5 hp per shard for proper stocking (typically somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5 health/armor on the top maps and two shards per 5 hp on average approx) and at least two rocket boxes, two lightning boxes and one cells box with no more lightning boxes than rockets ones nor more cells boxes than lightning ones (typically something like 6 rockets, 4 lightning, 2 cells on average approx) for proper resupply. as said, hopefully this should now normalize most games and ensure that it overall plays some better and more uniformly despite of the map.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

ok, finally yesterday night I received diamond blocks pro-dcmap7 and overkill for the highly anticipated and top rated third place final so I just PM'ed that as usual to both miro and magi here on forum then as usual if anything there just let me know and otherwise hopefully we're finally all set to kick off the finals starting this afternoon (Sunday 29 of January of 2023) 18:00 CET (UTC+01) with the pride versus community grand final that will resolve the champion team of the competition and the more than exciting third place match up between diamond and oko the Tuesday (31 of January of 2023) at 21:00 CET (UTC+01). have fun and good luck to everyone involved, catch you in-game and on the aftermath of those things.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

ok, ladies and gentleman the grand final has concluded and with it we finally have a winner Team Pride, hurrah!! please everybody congratulate legendary players ixsy, odin, {black}nastia, ixxaaa, vyazemskiy, labr and network on finally living up to their expectation and delivering a hard worked and very well earned UnFreeZe championship for team pride, well played guys, GGs. additionally please congratulate player ixsy on a exceptional individual performance and coming out of the tournament as mvp, terrific. the best fifth will probably name it after the third place obviously as well as hopefully a brief commentary of the fight for those that missed along with the rest of the posts of course later on.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by aimer »

Congratulations to Team Pride for a well deserved win and thank you adminless for running another tournament to the end (almost)!
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

hehe yes now only the third place the Tuesday is left to finish the whole thing I think it was really huge to be honest, top games and plays, one after another just as promised at the start. btw as I saw the community games worked great as well and people had requested me more I think that probably after this on February may be I can try to setup another one of those games depending on the turnout. anyways, ggs and very well played your team too reaching another final in a row and tying another year your best result.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

ok, all done and updated now, the vids won't (fully) finish until tomorrow evening probably (like 20:00 or so) but I already dropped the thread anyways so people can go checking the stats (or even the demos) if they want. the average processing time of the average vid for the finals render is 4-5 hours per vid so I assume the first should be online some time after midnight around 1:00 CET (UTC+01) or so and the rest will just follow and go automatically completing. I also updated the finals stats now on the tournament despite the missing third place so people can check that out in they want too.

good, so coming to the fight commentary as announced pride finally took the tittle but it wasn't without a fight as right on the opening game, teddm1, first pride choice, community managed to stunt them despite they (pride) pulled arguably their best game of the final both collectively as well individually with even player vyazemskiy pulling a historic defends reward record with up to nine thaw kills. to be honest at this point the final seemed really favorable for community with still their two home, stronghold maps to be played, phantq3dm1_rev and bal3dm3. it was on this first one where the deciding moment of the fight happened, probably well aware of the importance, as two opening loses has only been turned around once among hundred of games, pride just went all out on the offense to probably much to everyone surprise and returned the community home map stunt to tie the scores with a notorious nastia performance. with the scores tied the next round of games started and this times things worked differently with two clearly sided games for each that managed to control their home maps without much problems. pro-dcmap7, second pride home map, was a clear win for them despite community pulled remarkable, higher than expected, resistance here and I'd say it even saw fau best performance of the tournament however it just wasn't enough to stop a pride team that looked heated up both collectively as well individually with again playe ixxaaa pulling this up to seven thaw kills that would have been another historic record have not been because vyazemskiy previously upping that on the first. at this point the match ball and pressure was on the second community home map, bal3dm3, and man this time community did not failed to deliver and probably played their best game of the tournament completely dominating their rival here with a tremendous collective performance. that way the fight reached the deciding fifth game, q3dm7 on this occasion, that although it was relatively balanced this time and both kept it competitive it ultimately saw pride topping it on the key moments and hence taking home the title of the reigning UnFreeZe champion team so much congrats to all of them.

as said, I believe that still at the wait of the highly anticipated third place match up it was a epic tournament and great very well deserved champion as well. despite struggling on a very tough regular season, where they used to dominate, this time they (pride) dominated on the decisive playoffs instead where it mattered the most and ultimately they go champions after have defeated all the rest of the teams at least once with the only notable exception of wtf clan that it doesn't even exist anymore. congrats and hopefully catch you on the next one.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by adminless »

yesterday afternoon around 16:00 or so finally all the vids for the final were completed (some earlier than expected as the mid rounds were slightly shorter) and damn, I just watched the entire thing on the night again and I think that it was a excellent final. probably none of them could have done any better, well played guys. ok, just as a reminder for those around, do not forget that this night 21:00 CET (UTC+01) is the last showdown of the tournament between the previous edition champions oKo clan and top rated community veterans Diamond Clan for the third place on maps reqdm5, 6++, hub3tourney1, q3dm14 and q3dm7 to close the whole thing. make sure to not miss that out too as it promises to be another clash of epic proportions.
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Re: UnFreeZe 2022 fall competition

Post by fernandinho1337 »

gg to oKo. congratz to third place.

thank u adminless for running the competition so smoothly. we enjoyed it. i felt you handled it very well. you cut us some slack when we needed and enforced the rules when neccessarry - good judgement calls.

best regards