reDIRKulous faking ;-)
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
done, another little update put on the server, this time is some sort of "major" (important arch change) in the code so let's hope it doesn't break "beyond repair" this time hehe I still have left to do with this 2018 year revision (90% complete so far aprox.) but already testing it I believe that the server is finally starting to work better than actually playing game on local (single player) I'm starting to feel that is the client that stays behind (so I'll rework it "next"). I think that if we get this to work it should be a big step forward for the server. in addition it also contains the patch (or so I hope as you might guess I'm not gonna test it for 3 months to claim the bug as closed) for that recent ghost bug. and well I go fucking sleep.
- User lv3
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
Thx manadminless wrote: ↑Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:06 done, another little update put on the server, this time is some sort of "major" (important arch change) in the code so let's hope it doesn't break "beyond repair" this time hehe I still have left to do with this 2018 year revision (90% complete so far aprox.) but already testing it I believe that the server is finally starting to work better than actually playing game on local (single player) I'm starting to feel that is the client that stays behind (so I'll rework it "next"). I think that if we get this to work it should be a big step forward for the server. in addition it also contains the patch (or so I hope as you might guess I'm not gonna test it for 3 months to claim the bug as closed) for that recent ghost bug. and well I go fucking sleep.

Q3 Unfreeze nickname: {Y1X1}
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
Mam pytanie bo widziałem na demo avi u reforma jak zrobić by w mojej drużynie było widać zawodnikòw mynx/pm a w przeciwnej tankjr/pm jak to ustawić?
- User lv4
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
How settings my team mynx/pm enemy team tankjr/pm?
- User lv5
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
hi nowy,
// models
seta headmodel "tankjr"
seta model "tankjr"
seta team_headmodel "mynx"
seta team_model "mynx"
seta cg_forcemodel "3"
try it, should work ^^
best regards
ps whats ur ingame nick?
// models
seta headmodel "tankjr"
seta model "tankjr"
seta team_headmodel "mynx"
seta team_model "mynx"
seta cg_forcemodel "3"
try it, should work ^^
best regards
ps whats ur ingame nick?
- User lv4
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
Ok thx
works great and i could not find it anywhere on the internet:) my nick maybe better top secret:)nice to see you again on the server

- User lv5
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
Maybe that's it. Maybe he's a hacker who made a script or a software that is juggling network packets. I downloaded autoexec.cfg he uploaded and looked at it, he's very knowledgeable with those binds and the q3a scripting. I've read some tutorials and was only able to figure out how to make a simple rocket jump to press a single button instead of pressing two, it's all I could do with fpsclassico's client, the rest is not working, so he might be using some custom build (he brew it himself, a homebrew version of q3a), since the source code is open. In any case, even with that autoexec.cfg alone, he already has a HUGE advantage over all the rest of us who are using fpsclassico's client to play the game, HUGE advantage. I'm sorry for reviving this old topic, but I simply had to say it. But, whatever, you voted so it's done. If there was a way for Adminless to force us to use only his version of the client, the one you can download from FILES section, then the game would become equal for all of us playing, but until then there's the proof (autoexec.cfg) it is not.tar wrote: ↑Wed Mar 14, 2018 19:15As far as I understood the unlag code works the other way around: the more you lag the more the unlag code works for you. So if you have 150ms and I have 30ms you are still be able to hit me even if I walked already behind the wall.
So I guess it is just the result of the usual ping difference of Dirk and the player that got hit and not due to the unlag code as Dirk has a very low ping.
EDIT: I'm going to use that rj from his autoexec.cfg, it flicks but it surely beats aiming down and pressing keys! I just have to get used to not aiming down now since it does everything for you automatically! I call that cheating, that alone! Not sure what the rest does, his autoexec.cfg is huge, a real monster, but if I figure it out some day I'll be sure to use those as well.
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
the guy was originally using osp 1.0 (first version not even "latest" 1.03a version) back then and I assume that most likely than not he probably still is or at least something very similar. as far as I know none of those files will give you any short of "advantage" (over a non accustomed/neutral human brain that wasn't exposed 24/7 to such junk during its development and thus "normalized" it instead as the pinnacle of all fps games) if not probably the contrary (that's not even 100% functional only "compatible", to some extend, here). anyway you have as well a pip real life video of the guy himself playing the game here where I assume that you can probably see that there's nothing really remarkable there (i.e. it's not like he is posting in social media while the game plays by itself, the guy is actually moving the hands, there's no walls etc etc). and btw those kind of bind scripts are as well added into the UnFreeZe mod for that reason (ex. \exec rocketjump gives a rj bind on the space key by default in the UnFreeZe mod).
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
Thanks for the link towards video. So, apart from custom binds that flick and provide huge advantage, he's using custom visuals. All enemy models have huge collision/bounding boxes, all friends have smaller ones, I assume that's why he's able to hit you around the corner or keep aim on you all the time, you're just twice the size for him, plus his environment is OSP so you're much easier to be spotted as the focus is on the enemies not the colorful and beautiful environment that the rest of us are focused on. He wears glasses same as I do, but his glasses might be special, so there might be that advantage too. He might even have a magic wand up his a$$ for all we know, he's full of surprises, that sneaky Miroslav!
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
the provided \exec hardcore command in the UnFreeZe mod gives way more enhanced visuals than those of that video and it doesn't require to "know" basically anything for example so that shouldn't really be any "advantage" either.
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
Adminless, thanks for letting me know about it after many months of suffering, that really helps a lot! I wish it was sooner, but as they say: better late than never, I guess.
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
that's all stuff that it's posted pretty much everywhere the forum as I told you.
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
It's not in the files section and that's where I downloaded it from, there's no FAQ there, no instructions, nothing. I'm just saying this from the perspective of a new player, because that is what I am. I downloaded and started playing this game last year, it was summer I think.
- User lv4
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Re: reDIRKulous faking ;-)
You don't get hit around the corner. That is impossible.NoobKilla wrote: ↑Thu Jan 11, 2024 14:48 Thanks for the link towards video. So, apart from custom binds that flick and provide huge advantage, he's using custom visuals. All enemy models have huge collision/bounding boxes, all friends have smaller ones, I assume that's why he's able to hit you around the corner or keep aim on you all the time, you're just twice the size for him, plus his environment is OSP so you're much easier to be spotted as the focus is on the enemies not the colorful and beautiful environment that the rest of us are focused on. He wears glasses same as I do, but his glasses might be special, so there might be that advantage too. He might even have a magic wand up his a$$ for all we know, he's full of surprises, that sneaky Miroslav!
You get hit in the open. If your ping is high OR the person who shot you has high ping, then the hit registers late making you think you got hit around a corner.
The same thing happens on normal osp/baseq3 if you have high ping. Can get shot "around corners" because the hits register late.
The whole point with unlag is that you just put crosshair on target and click. It does not allow you to shoot around corners, and again that is impossible.
If you got shot, then you got shot. No unfair play.
As far as the visuals go, picmip and vertex lighting is not an advantage. The models also don't matter, with the hitbox being the same no matter what enemy model you force. The only thing that might help is playing on a lower fov as it makes aiming easier, but anyone can do that.