new glacius custom maps server

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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by adminless »

that's great. yes I also tested those routes and they should be about as good as the main ones, at least theoreticaly, and yes generally speaking at the time of writing, ipv6 connectivity should be somehow better than ipv4. great then let's see if I also migrate the alternative routes of the main servers, well the new ipv6 alternative route for the main servers is already deployed, but the ipv4 may be a bit more upsetting to some so let it be by now. probably I'll start by turning down the already obsolete south-east route the next month or so and then I'll see how to deal with the other one. also let's see if within these days I deploy a test site for this but anyways that's stuff for another dedicated thread.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by adminless »

btw the way the situation at the main servers is currently dramatic as can be seen on the attached screens. if this continues like this there's going to be people who can't get a slot which is at the end of the day the main reason why I started this new glacius server (to spread some of the load so even on peak loads everybody can get a hot game). unfortunately the glacius server is death for a fact (just as I had expected btw) so please it would be nice if some of you meet up there at least eventually, once a week or stuff like that. anyways, not trying to be that annoying hater yet another time more, in reality I'm just dropping this in a effort to bring some attention to this server because it seems necessary.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Yes, I agree, it would be great to meet up somehow with a decent crowd. I can totally see what you were saying in the past, how difficult it is to get people on custom maps. I know it's a huge no-no to have auto-download these days, completely understand why, as far as host security goes. But really that is the bridge between the users and the custom maps. I wish there was a secure way to deliver those files automatically...while of course even with that enabled I know you wouldn't add these maps to the main server so it almost doesn't matter. It has to be a player effort to organize and meet on Glacius. I'd even lead the effort, but the issue is that I play irregularly as my time allows, so it's difficult to say what time I can be there. But I think I will try regardless. Another limiting factor is that while I try to advertise this forum as many times I get a chance, many users have no idea it's here :-)

I'll create a post for a Glacius meetup, perhaps it will get things rolling.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by adminless »

yes seems like the best option as I said previously. not that I'm pretending this server to become another "hit" or that it even comes remotely close to the main ones, that's retarded. but as a matter of fact, the main servers did yesterday 381 different players with both servers consistently doing twenties while the glacius one barely struggled to make just four connections (bolony, tictac and ziggy two times). makes no sense at all, like I said, even a ages old bug rich tiny unofficially supported duel server as the inside masters one did 64 different players yesterday and has games going in a regular, daily basis. I believe facts speak louder than words, there's no excuses whatsoever, the numbers speak by themselves. so yeah it would be nice if at least half the people that always got their mouths watered bragging about legendary games on epic maps and that pretty much requested this 24/7 to no end actually show up on the real thing at least once a week or something like that.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Agreed. Well the post is created, I link it here as well in case a search brings someone here to read about "new maps".

So anyone reading and wishing for custom maps - join our Sunday Night Glacius Bonanza! :thumbup:
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by WhoAmI »

I would love to play on new maps (glacius), but the server is always empty and there are no players.
Personally, I rarely go there myself. I don't like playing with bots.

Another thread. To this day, players write that they would like to play overkill etc. I told them to get on glacius but they don't come on. A lot of people don't even know what glacius is. As I say the word glacius, they ask what it is. Some tried to enter, but didn't know why they couldn't. They didn't have maps. Then they did not know where to download them and how to install :D Best of all, they write to add those maps to the main unfreeze server. It's kind of funny and sad. Maybe if it were cl_allowdownload 1 something would change. Although I don't think so :)
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by adminless »

I already addressed the auto download thing numerous times (example). long story short, I have very strong reasons almost of any kind to not make use of in-game server downloads whatsoever. it's players exclusive right and responsibility to know and chose exactly what they are installing.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by adminless »

ok, looks like finally the meeting idea did it. apparently the servers peaked at 48 players so far (22+8+18), had not been because of this and there would have been at least 4 players who this afternoon couldn't have got a slot and obviously would have never wasted any more of their time looking up a sold out game. that's what I was talking about, right on time, good job guys, ggs.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Glacius was super-fun, hopefully Sundays become "Glacius Bonanza" from now on! :D
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Dear adminless, just a note on the Glacius ranking site - I'm getting a certificate error, and an "It works!" page.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by adminless »

I know, I've updated today some servers to latest 2020 "stable" versions and turned out shit fucked up. luckily I have this distributed across various systems so the incident only impacted the (secondary) glacius server and not the main thing. I'm currently working to restore that and I hope tomorrow or so i also update the rest of the stuff.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

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fixed now.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by Dr.GreenThumb »

Sweet, thanks very much 8-)
adminless wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 16:15fixed now.
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by PacMan »

Dude any chance of allowing team switching , and adding some grenades

And if your brave add a game map of CTF lol

Had to ask
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Re: new glacius custom maps server

Post by ...jutuli... »

Hiho, we played at Glacius yesterday, unfortunately just about 6 players (3 vs 3), which was fun, but as server pick maps depends of number of players, it started to be too repetitive. Would you please consider to allow maps voting there? I know, it has some pro and cons, but anyway - just asking. Thanks.