what are your favorite maps?

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what are your favorite maps from the current rotation?

Poll ended at Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:40

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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by pyron83 »

Mmm I don't understand, did I ever complain? I just proposed those maps, I never pretendede for them to be installed.

I have 2 clients with quake 3 (laptop and desktop), and on of them I just discovered I forgot to copy the maps.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by pyron83 »

I must be sincere: I approve everything you do about maps.

You put more maps? Cool.

You don't? Cool the same.

Because I mean, you do it for free, so everything for me it's fine until you do it with passion and pleasure.

And for how much I've seen you do even too much as admin for this community.

I couldn't ask for more.

There was a thread about maps and I proposed some old QL maps, but I never pretended or hoped they were going to appear any time soon.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

ok, no problem, I've got a easy one now for you, and how do you actually understand that you "just proposed some maps that you never pretended to get installed" on your own words yourself, that's total non-sense and that's what irritates me because that also misleads other people to believe that such things actually do work in reality (I remark in a public server where play people from all the places that you're not in touch with like this, not in small private-a-like servers for your discord/whatsapp group/friends) when they don't, do you understand my part now?
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

it's ok, it's ok, I understand your part too but that pissed me off you know because it's not just you, it's plenty of people (let's say "everybody") you just were unfortunate this time hehe don't stress about it, as the saying goes you happened to be on the wrong place at the wrong time :P
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by pyron83 »

I really appreciate your work and the commitment you put to fix everything up for us (users).

It was never my intention to make things like this looks easy.

Whatever is your choice about maps, I approve it.

BTW I just installed the maps and if they will get be kept on the rotation, no I'm ready to play them.

And if you decide to remove them no problem, the server was already great the way it was. ;)
Last edited by pyron83 on Wed Mar 21, 2018 0:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

oops sorry I mistyped a command now hehe I was manually forcing the next map but I execute it instead big apologize about that guys. so don't know it's hard to tell yet what will happen, this time seemed to work a bit better (18 to 12 which is a bit more acceptable loss, the room was more skilled that's why I tried the force) but it's going to be hard to tell for sure in the long run so let's leave it normally for a couple of days I'll keep monitoring whether or not all this makes any sense.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

but as I see it is bad, really bad, I estimate that this will halve the players load every other hour as the best outcome and then the server is going to have a very hard time getting games going from there, sometimes it just won't build up again and others it will but just to get "crashed" again, let's wait a bit for more opinions, but as I see it is bad, really bad, if you ask me now as we speak I don't think that is worth, this is a killer in the long run (7, 8 months or even less as we speak server is emptying when normally is easily on 20's or close at these hours and numbers will only go decreasing with the time and quickly you can trust me).
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by pyron83 »

adminless wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 22:33 but as I see it is bad, really bad, I estimate that this will halve the players load every other hour as the best outcome and then the server is going to have a very hard time getting games going from there, sometimes it just won't build up again and others it will but just to get "crashed" again, let's wait a bit for more opinions, but as I see it is bad, really bad, if you ask me now as we speak I don't think that is worth, this is a killer in the long run (7, 8 months or even less as we speak server is emptying when normally is easily on 20's or close at these hours and numbers will only go decreasing with the time and quickly you can trust me).
I understand what you say and I agree, probably from that point of view adding more maps it's more a damage to the server population than a real advantage.

As for me, we could revert to the standard maps and I would be fine as usual.

I'm sorry for my naivety, but really I forgot to consider that most Q3 players miss the additional maps.

Have a good night

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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by tar »

Overkill makes fun with promode/cpma but is way too big for vq3 as the whole game gets much slower (20 points in 18 minutes vs. 40-70 points in the same time on q3dm7 etc.). Of course this also depends on the amount of players. Furthermore 20-50% of the players are rookies. They do not visit the forum and they do not even have the unfreeze pk3s installed and they simply get disconnected when they do not have the map (automatic download could solve that but therefore cl_allowDownload should be set to "1" by the server and you said this could lead to troubles as the players have to trust you). Therefore just leave the standard maps and thats it. I also want to clarify that I am not saying you have to add other maps but I think some type of improvement is really necessary, esp. regarding the respawn settings.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

tar wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:17 Overkill makes fun with promode/cpma but is way too big for vq3 as the whole game gets much slower (20 points in 18 minutes vs. 40-70 points in the same time on q3dm7 etc.). Of course this also depends on the amount of players. Furthermore 20-50% of the players are rookies. They do not visit the forum and they do not even have the unfreeze pk3s installed and they simply get disconnected when they do not have the map (automatic download could solve that but therefore cl_allowDownload should be set to "1" by the server and you said this could lead to troubles as the players have to trust you). Therefore just leave the standard maps and thats it. I also want to clarify that I am not saying you have to add other maps but I think some type of improvement is really necessary, esp. regarding the respawn settings.
that, that's exactly what I was talking about you know so well said, agree, yes after think about it and watch how it "crashed" again at night on its own (going from 15 players to just 5 which is not even the minimum for that map) I feel like it's definitively not worth the "price" since as you're seeing yourself is obviously better to have some 6vs6/7vs7 on any map rather than a 3vs2/4vsbots on overkill, of all the three times it loaded only one just barely worked out and that was even because only for the fact that I particularly force it myself seeing "ideal" circumstances that obviously aren't going to reproduce themselves on their own most of the times (yes from time to time it will coincide that it will "work", barely, I give it a estimation chance of 3:1 in favor of "crashes") and of the other two times it "crashed" the server badly. so bottom line, yes, working on remove it as we speak.

finally let me say that is not my intention to flame "you" (all in "general" I'm speaking here) because of this, I totally understand your part and you know that I always appreciate your suggestions and I believe that as you can see (is not just that I'm saying it) I try everything in the book in order to try to make out the most out of this, but at the same time I also hope that you can understand that as is important that when I mess the things up you come and tell me I also do the same when your suggestions lead to really bad outcomes and this time it was specially important since as we all know this is no "fancy" topic, is actually a very common topic (mostly the only current topic about server "issues"), so it was that, it was specially important to show it wrong for a fact so people can see for themselves that is just not "my thing" (something that I just say, words, or "believe"), what I'm telling is actually proven right (facts), 24/7 custom maps on UnFreeZe2 killed it altogether within a month and just only loading overkill on UnFreeZe1 halved the population at best and both for a fact.

yes I know tar, I've seen you also posted on the suggestions thread, I'll look into later and I'll answer there as we speak working on the rotation/reviewing the servers' swap and so.

see you for now.
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by _Nisa_ »

adminless wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 20:53 I don't mean to be rude but let me highly doubt that if you didn't even have overkill installed you're going to have those (for not say that you don't have them installed for a fact) same with nisa, really, it's not acceptable when people request stuff...
To be honest, I wasn't expecting any custom maps to appear on Unfreeze1 ever, so I didn't bother installing all the maps until really needed. As you saw, I had no problems whatsoever installing the map when needed. And I played the round till the end and it was the most fun I have ever had in these servers. Thanks for the map. 8-)

I have visited Unfreeze2 a few times but it is usually empty. I have installed every map that I have encountered there on a when-needed-basis and I had decided to continue to do so, but you say that it is unacceptable? Okay Sir, I won't talk about maps no more. Your servers, your rules. :thumbup:
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by fernandinho1337 »


I am happy as it is (only standard maps). Maybe the weights of the standard maps can be changed from month to month (e. g. april lots of dm7, may lots of dm11, etc.) but I wouldnt mess with the maps themselves. I think overkill is not a good map anyways except you play actual rocket arena. I could imagine other tdm maps would be better but people dont have them. Activating sv_allowdownload 1 will also not help if the client has auto-downloading disabled plus it is not really safe anymore. The server runs pretty well to me, it feels like playing on LAN or maybe even better and I have had fun playing in recent days.

so congratz to adminless. To me the server cannot be improved anymore.

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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by adminless »

that's the idea fer that's why there's these pools and that's why I just swapped q3dm14/q3dm11 weights to add some variation and slight changes and that's the intention for the future of the rotation, probably not just in a month to month basis but definitively from "time to time" (i.e. every other month/season). and yes I even also believe that overkill didn't even work that good here, too many pits (not so good for the average player, i.e. half the people) and even if the "tests" I do doesn't compare the game flow didn't really feel too fluent (rooms way too separated, too predictable routing, i.e. enters/exits) probably better for deathmatch/last man standing alike gametypes (i.e. Rocket Arena 3 which is where the map became really famous) than for this sort of "team survival domination" and also overall the "standard" Quake III Arena version of the map fell very short behind the "polished" version seen on latest Rocket Arena 3 versions (i.e. ra3map1). cool that's great yes seems that the new 2018 builds are doing great, that's good :D

and yes nisa you know that I remarked that myself on my statement and I appreciated that, unfortunately that was just you, not everybody (in fact most) did or would do the same so in the long run it doesn't work (in fact UnFreeZe2 died mostly for that reason).
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by Zealot »

adminless wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:27
finally let me say that is not my intention to flame "you" (all in "general" I'm speaking here) because of this, I totally understand your part and you know that I always appreciate your suggestions and I believe that as you can see (is not just that I'm saying it) I try everything in the book in order to try to make out the most out of this, but at the same time I also hope that you can understand that as is important that when I mess the things up you come and tell me I also do the same when your suggestions lead to really bad outcomes and this time it was specially important since as we all know this is no "fancy" topic, is actually a very common topic (mostly the only current topic about server "issues"), so it was that, it was specially important to show it wrong for a fact so people can see for themselves that is just not "my thing" (something that I just say, words, or "believe"), what I'm telling is actually proven right (facts), 24/7 custom maps on UnFreeZe2 killed it altogether within a month and just only loading overkill on UnFreeZe1 halved the population at best and both for a fact.
I don't think it matters what maps you've loaded onto UnFreeze2. For the same reason people don't want to wait 5 minutes to download a map from the server, people would rather join a game in progress on UnFreeze1 than try and start a new one on UnFreeze2. In other words, people want instant gratification these days. So citing no one regularly joining UnFreeze2 as evidence that people don't like the maps may not be entirely accurate. My guess - If you deleted UnFreeze1 everyone would flock to UnFreeze2.

I know your stance on this, but I'd still suggest adding a few of the custom maps to the UnFreeze1 rotation during primetime. You're not exactly hurting for players during that time. The players who haven't downloaded the maps will eventually get tired of dropping from the server during peak hours and take the 3 minutes required to download the maps from the site here.

If you're not going to add custom maps, I'd like to see the max players to trigger Q3DM14 to be capped at 12. Any more than that and DM14 turns into everyone firing at the same chokepoint from one of two sides during peak hours because there aren't enough firing lanes for more than 12 people. Swap in Q3DM12 instead during primetime. It's the only arena that can realistically handle 10 on 10+. (I also know you don't like that map :? ).

As an aside, I realize English may not be your primary language, but can you try and drop in a few more periods to break up your posts. It helps create natural stopping points in order to absorb each of your points. Your paragraph was all one sentence! :crazy:

There's been substantial progress made since I last played regularly 6 months ago. I appreciate your time on this and it seems you're receptive to suggestions. Thank you for incorporating an automatic shuffle, that was by far the most important thing!
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Re: what are your favorite maps?

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Zealot wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 13:04 I don't think it matters what maps you've loaded onto UnFreeze2. For the same reason people don't want to wait 5 minutes to download a map from the server, people would rather join a game in progress on UnFreeze1 than try and start a new one on UnFreeze2. In other words, people want instant gratification these days. So citing no one regularly joining UnFreeze2 as evidence that people don't like the maps may not be entirely accurate. My guess - If you deleted UnFreeze1 everyone would flock to UnFreeze2.

I know your stance on this, but I'd still suggest adding a few of the custom maps to the UnFreeze1 rotation during primetime. You're not exactly hurting for players during that time. The players who haven't downloaded the maps will eventually get tired of dropping from the server during peak hours and take the 3 minutes required to download the maps from the site here.

If you're not going to add custom maps, I'd like to see the max players to trigger Q3DM14 to be capped at 12. Any more than that and DM14 turns into everyone firing at the same chokepoint from one of two sides during peak hours because there aren't enough firing lanes for more than 12 people. Swap in Q3DM12 instead during primetime. It's the only arena that can realistically handle 10 on 10+. (I also know you don't like that map :? ).

As an aside, I realize English may not be your primary language, but can you try and drop in a few more periods to break up your posts. It helps create natural stopping points in order to absorb each of your points. Your paragraph was all one sentence! :crazy:

There's been substantial progress made since I last played regularly 6 months ago. I appreciate your time on this and it seems you're receptive to suggestions. Thank you for incorporating an automatic shuffle, that was by far the most important thing!
I think adminless is willing to listen and has made lots of attempts to change certain things. in my humble opinion custom maps dont work: lots of people dont have a lot of knowledge in q3. so they would not know where to get the maps. they wouldnt even be able to activate cl_allowdownloads 1 (eventho adminless would never activate sv_allowdownloads 1 for good reason). custom maps will lead to a less crowded server in the end - bad thing.

playing has been difficult in recent days because 1) the server is usually packed 2) lots of newb players, spammers, frag stealers etc. play and that hurts the game a bit but that is because we are playing on a public server (which is basically a good thing)

i had proposed q3dm12 at one point and when i played it i was instantly disappointed. it is a huge map with lots of camping. the game is super slow. if railgun was deactivated it might be a better game flow but having 22 railgunners on this big map is just camping, so please not again

my 2 cents ^^

best regards