UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

I've tried out the alsa-oss package and it doesn't work. This is the error message displayed in the terminal upon starting the game:

Code: Select all

------ Initializing Sound ------
/dev/dsp: No such file or directory
Could not open /dev/dsp
Sound initialization failed.
As for building my own kernel... I'd rather not go down that road since this pc should be as stable as possible. :wink:

I assume that everything should be downloaded from the link you've provided and the ioquake3 engine built anew as the 64 bit version (compressed files in the source directory)?
Also where should the .dll files be placed?
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

no, you just really need either the ioquake3-amd.x86_64 or ioquake3-intel.x86_64 file depending on what cpu you have and then have installed the SDL2 library (which I think it's pretty much a standard package). the rest of the files are for windows (dll and exe). and you don't need to anything with that file beside run it (ex. ./ioquake3-amd.x86_64). place it on the same folder as the ioq3v6 file.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

Thank you for your help!

Linux Mint 18 is sadly a little bit behind in the SDL2 library (a minimum of 2.0.5 is required whilst the distro's current version is only 2.0.5) and as I've mentioned, I kind of require this pc to be as stable as possible, so I'd rather not try to build the newer version of the library. Based on the next Ubuntu's release it's dependent on quite a lot of packages and, based on my previous experiences of upgrading "just a single package", there's a lot of headache associated with it. (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libsdl2-2.0-0)

I guess I'll go with the normal client until I get to install the Unfreeze client on the other laptop running Mint 19.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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ok, yes it looks like you're out of luck :/ well try this file here and let me know if that finally worked on your installment. it's the usual inside ioq3v6 but this time I compiled it with openal support so that library should deal now with the audio. therefore now it will also require libopenal (and 32 bits as usual) as well as the usual dependencies. just download it and place it next to the usual ioq3v6 and run it as any other binary. this time there's no need for direct assignment of oss driver settings and related things, "it should run out of the box" (provided you have the libraries).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

Sound works now. :)
These are the packages I've installed:

Code: Select all

libopenal1:i386 libasound2:i386 libpulse0:i386 libportaudio2:i386
I have another problem, though. Console won't open up. I've checked the quake config file and binds are set to default ones.

Also upon joining the server I've noticed that my fps is hitting around 60 although being capped to 200 (which is what I was easily getting).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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that's cool :) then I guess on next builds I will stick to a openal version for Linux releases, it looks like a reasonable option. as for the console as with any quake3 binary is tricky, so basically you will have to look for it one way or another, try with the accents (ex. the '`' key). as for the 60 fps cap that's likely the x11 vsync hitting as I explained, probably launch the binary like the command bellow should fix that:

Code: Select all

vblank_mode=0 ./ioq3v6
ok, let me know if you encounter further issues.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

I've tried out all key combinations I could think of and nothing would bring up the console. It seems as if some keys are not being recognized by the game at all - when I write in chat they don't print out anything.

vblank_mode=0 did not help with the fps issue - still hitting 59/60.

Would sending you my .cfg file help in any way? Maybe I've messed up some settings when following tar's configs explanation. Although normal Quake client runs fine. :)
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

ok, thanks for report, I'll dig that out tomorrow in the evening as now I'm busy dealing with other business and then I'll let you know. as for the 60 fps thing, I'll have a look at it too but I'm pretty much sure it's the vsync hitting there and I know for a fact that the vblank_mode=0 is pretty much the "standard" way to turn it off (perhaps put it on some sort of dri related conf) so if it doesn't for you then it's your job to know how to turn it off on your particular installation/hardware (have your tried glxgears and see if you get above 60 there too for example).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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btw I've been reviewing the code now and by looking at it, it seems that all you need for the keyboard to work properly is to set "\in_shiftedKeys 1" on the game. thus put it on your cfg or pass it as a argument to launch the game (+set in_shiftedKeys 1). you only need to do that once as it will get saved on your cfg. let me know how it does.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

I really appreciate it!

I've tried turning vsync off in Nvidia settings and that helped - I was able to get the steady 200 in game and in gears it was around 3.6k on fullscreen. It appears as if the vblank_mode has no affect over the OpenGL setting set by the Nvidia settings. I guess I'll just manually disable it for when I play the game. :)
Although curiously enough I require no such setting with the basic quake client in order to have steady 200.

One thing that may interest you is that there is aftermath of the crosshair when in menu if I go over or bellow the menu area (repeated images of the crosshair remain).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

yeah, that's what I was talking about man, if you're using some proprietary drivers then you obviously have to turn it off there as proprietary drivers are indeed proprietary and therefore not standard. btw typically proprietary drivers allow you to create different profiles for different applications and as for that picture, man that's looks like some sort of graphic drivers glitch or something like that for running the game at some crazy resolution, are you running the game at your monitor native resolution? (ex. \r_mode -1; \r_customwidth 1920; \r_customheight 1080; \vid_restart).

btw let me know when you worked around that "\in_shiftedKeys 1" keyboard fix.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

Oh, sorry. Haven't seen the reply about shiftedKeys - that fixed it. :)

Yeah, there are different profiles available and I might set them up later on if it get's annoying changing the value.

The resolution change fixed the crosshair issue - wanted to get console up and running before changing resolution settings with that exec fullhd command. Though I guess that won't be necessary now.

Thank you for your help! Unfreeze client now seems to work properly. :)
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

don't worry I probably wrote that as you was posting, that's why I was reminding you off. btw following this I've just published now some new (testing so far) versions for the new ioq3v6-unfreeze-client version here targeting your v-sync issue so I would appreciate if you could check them out and let me know if now those automatically turn off v-sync on your installment and also how they perform overall. just as a reminder you need both these files, the new ioq3v6-openal (yes, it's different, re-download and replace, that's how stuff is deployed here, no unnecessary trash/obsoletes) and the new unfreeze1-client.pk3 file (place under your unfreeze folder and this time in particular remove the previous versions, i.e. delete unfreeze0-client.pk3 and unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

I'm going to try it out as soon as I can, hopefully during this weekend, and let you know about the results.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

I've tried out the new update and fps stayed at 200 despite having vsync on in Nvidia settings.

Used the old config files, though, but I assume that should not have any effect on the vsync fix.

Than you very much for making it easier and better for us to enjoy Quake! :)