UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by adminless »

hey hello guys

so I'm back at here with some unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 update mostly relating the issues in this post so please make sure to redownlaod it and replace it as usual to stay up-to-date with the gamemod (important). in addition to that I also reviewed and updated first post of this thread (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11#p29) to reflect the latest additions and "complete" it with more info so make sure to take a look at it too.

then what's changed this time, not too much:

-fixed/removed some aesthetics/unnecessary map lightning effects that could occlude the view for everybody and were "broken" for picmips users in particular.
-replaced cg_marks by cg_markstime (in msecs) to control the amount of time the marks left by the shots will stay on the walls/floors (and cg_marks disappeared).
-embedded into the mod some sample standard and hardcore settings for fast and easy near complete client configuration.


the new cg_markstime client variable takes msecs as argument, its default value in vanilla Quake III Arena until now was 10000 (i.e. 10 seconds, i.e. hella lot of time) and it works as follows. for values lower than 3000 is just disabled as the old cg_marks 0 and for values from 3000 and on wards it represent the amount of msecs the shot marks will stay in the walls. it's recommended and typical values are 0 for standard settings (since there's explosions and those marks basically just turn everything into a messy stain and are simply no needed) and 3000, the minimum, for hardcore settings (since they have been found by newb.zi to be a good alternative to the explosions in the hardcore settings config).

finally that now the hardcore settings has been polished and are starting to come together the (updated) standard.cfg and hardcore.cfg files just posted some above in this thread have been embedded into the client gamemod in order to facilitate the configuration for basically everybody (not just the casual/newcomers). they are tested to be exec just from default settings (i.e. from "deleting", it can be just moved away, your current config). although they should generally work otherwise is recommended to use them in that fashion at least the first time. they're also quite handy in case of some lost cfg or as a "fail-safe" option and they are also tested to be switchable between them. although the regular "standard" settings will still stay in place and they are still recommended for people new to the game to familiarize with it the current hardcore settings really do improve the game in several aspects (from the obvious gameplay advantages to even technical, higher more stable fps etc) that from now on wards they make new "standard" and recommended settings here. I will likely update these cfgs in the mod from release to release so to stay in tune with them make sure to sync them in your client with the command down bellow (and just replace "hardcore" with "standard" if you prefer the later):

Code: Select all

\exec hardcore
well that's all here by now, finally I didn't make it in time for the initial last quarter of 2017 that I had planned for the v1.1 release, unfortunately there was other tasks that had to be handled, and this now although is still a 1.0 development version is currently more like v1.11 (although the next package will be named 1.1 anyways) hehe then I'm going to be looking forward "finish" (update it a bit, 2018 revision) at least the gamemod in the next days so stay tune for some updates here in the "short" term and I hope that after that I can move on into reviewing the 1.33 ioQuake3 patch and then finally package everything together for once.

enjoy and have fun guys, see you
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by fernandinho1337 »


i looked into the hardcore config:

what does s_musicvolume -1 do? i have it set to 0. does it change anything?
what does g_enablebreath 0 do? i googled it but i dont know where i usually notice "breathing"? so is it actually a visual thing or does it affect server behaviour online?
what does cg_weaponselecttime -1 do? is it just a visual thing or does it effect even more?

best regards,
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by adminless »

-s_musicvolume -1 guarantees that there's absolutely no music at all (I believe that with 0 there can be still some very virtually inaudible sounds that perhaps could still be amplified so better be safe)
-g_enablebreath 0 disable the breath effect (annoying vapor like effect) characteristic in freeze games, not really that important since I believe I removed the whole vapor like effects from the mod but for consistency let's make it 0 there (and to be on the safe side)
-cg_weaponselecttime is a specific client variable of my mod that specifies the amount of time to display the weapons select window therefor a value of -1 (i.e. in the "past") completely disables it (it's supposed most veteran players at what those settings are aimed chose their weapons directly and are annoyed by a useless window popping out all the time, ex. newb.zi and even myself not even being a player testing out just after a few games found it adequate, anyways, those settings are just a "sample" to go from so feel free once initialized to customize them to your likings)

ah and no none of those things does really affect the netcode although they probably will make your game and the engine more consistent.

there's probably still a few minor other settings I'll integrate in next updates but so far that should cover basically almost everything that could be considered "standard" and that is not heavily user/hardware dependent (i.e. screen resolution/fov and sensitivity mostly as mentioned).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by fernandinho1337 »

ok thanks for in formation. i will try certain settings and how they feel. the hardcore config is too hardcore for me e. g. i use picmip 5 because some structure on the walls help shooting rockets when considering splash damage

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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by adminless »

hey hello guys

so before moving up into adding new code and things (those cpm physics that has been talked about here lately) I believe that it was better to first consolidate and somehow "finish" the current actual gamemod and then once accomplished that move up from that. then I'm here back with another weekly update which this time is basically that, the "finished" UnFreeZe client gamemod for the most part, so this is some kind of a "major" update. like I said although this keeps being a 1.0 dev version and it will keep being it since this has been proven a solid upgrade path so to not mess the things up even more it will keep being it until a new good release (months may be), this in reality is like a v1.11 version already since all this has far exceeded the goals of even 1.1 (let alone of the start up version v1.0). like said this is some kind of a "major" update basically I just went fully testing and fixing the full client gamemod so several things have been changed/tweak as they happened then is difficult (and even unnecessary/meaningless) to list here every single one, better use it and then start a thread (or preferably join some of the already started) if require or want to know something in particular. nevertheless I'll post here at least the most relevant ones, they can mainly be summarized in:

-basically patched the whole Quake III Arena HUD/2D drawings so no more overlapped texts and stuff like that (seriously here I can't understand how they, idSoftware, could ship a product after so many updates with a HUD/2D so broken and that this wasn't virtually even requested, well, finally I believe that now the HUD and 2D stuff sure it should be simple, no fancy stuff here, but at least look and print adequately)
-cleaned some background/unnecessary sound effects (mostly of weapons) and added the client variable cg_nomapsounds to disable the background sound effects of the maps in order to get a more clear game sound experience overall
-various other game fixes most notably among them added the client variable cg_nofragmessage to disable the print of the "You fragged ..." message when fragging someone (I find it after some time soo annoying specially in a team game like this one) and grey colored the teammate head mark to make it less confusing
-minor tweak to reduce the previously added cg_markstime minimum value from 3000 to 2700 (bellow 2700 the effect is just too ugly, so I believe this to be the bare "reasonable" minimum)
-updated the sampled standard and hardcore config files embedded in the mod accordingly


not many, as most of the times with this mod is basically download and enjoy (or complain hehe then dev, deploy, enjoy or complain etc etc, i.e. cycle) just remark once again that as with any update is strongly recommended to as well re-exec your preferred config sample (standard or hardcore) to get in touch with the last additions (as well as carefully read these posts) and then after that obviously get your own thing.

so that's it for now, I believe that finally all this client gamemod is coming together and getting finished all that is left for now is add those infamous cpm physics and polish a few things and whatever it's found in this time that I'm going to be looking for into in the next week update or so and that I hope that it will be some of the last ones before moving into some tuning and patching of the 1.33 Quake 3 client engine and at last documenting all this together (something that I has been avoiding just for too many time already).

have fun, see you guys
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by adminless »

ok guys following the issues you can read at this post I've just uploaded a quick patch for the usual unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 file now so please redownload and replace as usual. as announced this is simply a quick 24 hours patch of the previous "major" update correcting/changing a couple of things as follows:

-fixed a unintentional mistake I made in the newly added cg_nomapsounds variable that it lead to disable some necessary sounds (i.e. the thaw sounds but also some doors and buttons and possibly even more)
-added the cg_oldrailsound client variable to select between the regular Quake III Arena rail firing sound and the newly short Open Arena based one (enabled, i.e. 1, by default/standard, disabled, i.e. 0, as recommended hardcore)
-added a new color customizable friend mark accessible with the settings cg_drawfriend 2 and the client variable cg_friendmarkcolor to select its color (ex. \cg_friendmarkcolor 3 will make it yellow as in Quake III Arena, 1 red, 2 green etc) for whoever does actually use it and want it to stand out (not recommended but anyways)
-make the default cg_drawcrosshair client variable value 1 instead of 4 (as it seems like a more solid start up option)
-fix one minor missing lightning glitch in q3dm4 for picmip users


just once this time, changes in either cg_oldrailsound (0, 1) or cg_drawfriend (1, 2 - grey, custom) do require a restart (be it a map change, reconnect, vid_restart etc etc).

well that's all for now I hope that this time this helps alleviate those problems. see you for now
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by adminless »

hello again guys

quick update here, this time I just come with a polished/reviewed version of the yesterday's quick patch for the "final" (complete) UnFreeZe client gamemod for now at least so make sure to get your updated unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 file and tested and report if there's still something broken/missing at the forum (currently preferably here if you want) because besides the usual revisions and some possible additions here and there there's no going to be much more updates. so what's done in this post:

-polished the new cg_nomapsounds feature, remove some sounds still left from yesterday quick patch in some maps.
-improve the new cg_friendmarkcolor functionality, now \cg_friendmarkcolor 0 will automatically set the color of the friend mark accordingly of the colors of the team you're in (here in this mod, blue team cyan and red team yellow) as I believe that it should be the correct behaviour for that functionality and as I believe that it should have ever been from the beginning.
-minor fix in the scoreboard heads display that it still slightly overlapped.


none this time just download and enjoy :D (or so i hope) just as a reminder remember that for the friend mark to set automatically to your team color here you need \cg_drawfriend 2 and \cg_friendmarkcolor 0 and that if you come from default setting (i.e. cg_drawfriend 0 or 1) changes won't take effect until you reload the game (by whatever mean).

well, that's it, I believe that finally this turned out pretty good imo, in the near future just looking forward into add (well let's just leave it in try how it works) those cpm physics, so expect a few updates next week or so (aprox) by now let's consolide all this finally for good.

have fun and enjoy, see you
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads

Post by adminless »


letting you know that there has been another last minute minor addition to the usual unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 following the (pre)release of the bigger unfreeze-client-full-prerelease.zip package I'll write about at the forum "soon" (this evening) so please whoever is still using (or just prefer) to keep using the separated files redownload and replace the usual file to stay in sync (clean) with the current server version. what's added this time, not much, the file is the very same as the previous post just with a minor addition to better suit the unfreeze-client-full-prerelease.zip (pre)release for the new players:

-added the \exec fullhd console command to auto set in one command the game for FullHD (i.e. 1920x1080) screen resolutions.


none at this time either, just update the usual file and if you have a FullHD screen type that command in your console (\exec fullhd) and then your game will properly load in FullHD, 1920x1080, resolution.

that's all for now, enjoy and have fun :D
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

well that "soon" this evening as always lately here be it for some things or another it turned out to be more like "this week" anyways finally job "complete" (reasonably so far) with the intended "v1.1" release it didn't even end up being named like that, if not unfreeze-client-full-prerelease.zip, but well I don't think that that matters the point of that release was that and while it doesn't get a bit more "complete" we can save that name by now :P

so basically letting you know here that following the release of the afford mentioned unfreeze-client-full-prerelease.zip package (see thread for more) I also correspondingly updated initial post of this thread (see) with the updated info so make sure to check it out in case you missed something. in addition I finally also came to the conclusion that the best approach as for the documentation so far was to make of this thread its official documentation, contrary as to have to make a documentation for each release and so on, then from now on wards this thread will be the official "readme"/documentation for the UnFreeZe downloads and I'll go updating it as usual and if that doesn't suffice these will continue to be the official support channel as usual for whoever needs more help or didn't pick up something in this thread.

so that's it with this release, like said be it for some reasons or another it took quite a lot of time to put it there, I hope that at least the wait worthed its time, thank you for your patience and thanks to everybody who helped.

now the most immediate tasks are going to be answer some posts (hehe I'm sorry mates, I'll keep writing tomorrow) and finish with the current server code base 2018 cleanse/review/update that i was actually working on when decided to launch this and then probably I'll be looking forward the usual maintenance/update. as for the cpm try out I talked about on some recent post here I believe that by now is better to put it on hold just for some time (i.e. 1,2 months), this package has just been release so it's not the best idea to start changing it like that the "next day" plus furthermore it's definitively some sort of "controversial" issue and first quick works haven't yield very positive results and besides the real hot topics currently seems to be on other things at the moment so that's it, better take it easy and have quality over quantity and then go building the things from there.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

ok guys done, updated first post with the new ioQ3v6 Quake III Arena client patch with full support for ipv6 for best connectivity to the new host. you can read the whole thing at this thread here for whoever wants to know or for who don't there he can just download it. also I feel that this new release is meaningful enough as to lead to a update to the unfreeze client package, specially given the time that has passed since last release and the changes that there has been, so had it not because of some ipv6 connectivity problems some people just reported me this afternoon and I would have pushed a new unfreeze client package with all the new files sorted out as well as the old no longer needed files removed. still not a final package as we're still pending from the corresponding client game mod update for this season but just a nice small package to start with for the newcomers as that will obviously still take some more time.

then stay tune for more updates on the next days/weeks, unfortunately I'm still looking forward to probably make another slight adjustments to the ioQ3v6 just released so check original thread for that and make sure to report any problems you may have too but once that's done in few days I should push a new updated unfreeze client package with the client patch updated for easy download.

that's it for now, have fun and enjoy
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

adminless wrote: Fri Sep 28, 2018 22:47 also I feel that this new release is meaningful enough as to lead to a update to the unfreeze client package, specially given the time that has passed since last release and the changes that there has been, so had it not because of some ipv6 connectivity problems some people just reported me this afternoon and I would have pushed a new unfreeze client package with all the new files sorted out as well as the old no longer needed files removed. still not a final package as we're still pending from the corresponding client game mod update for this season but just a nice small package to start with for the newcomers as that will obviously still take some more time.

then stay tune for more updates on the next days/weeks, unfortunately I'm still looking forward to probably make another slight adjustments to the ioQ3v6 just released so check original thread for that and make sure to report any problems you may have too but once that's done in few days I should push a new updated unfreeze client package with the client patch updated for easy download.
ok, guys finished with this just pushed a new patched version of the new ioQ3v6 client (here) fixing some ipv6 connectivity issues as reported by some users and finally merged it into a ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe Client prototype A package (ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-prototypeA.zip) for just a single all in one download, this way, also hopefully preventing some issues downloading the exes separately as noted by some users.

as mentioned I believe that the addition of the ioQ3v6 client is meaningful enough and brings enough things to the table as to trigger a proper package update coincidentally given all the current special circumstances surrounding the project, therefor this time more than any time is very important that you update to this package as soon as possible to ensure your own security as well as that of the project we created together, so please refer to the updated first post here or simply proceed with the direct download of it, ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-prototypeA.zip.

ok, once that being said, now let's move on into what has been added in this new release since the previous one:
  1. updated the provided unofficial Quake III Arena 1.33 client patch (ioQuake3) with a new inside ioQ3v6 client with full in-game and browser ipv6 support as well as a new trustworthy also inside fpsclasico.de master server for ensured long term availability as well as guarantee trusted results and more (like locked 200 fps game and unlimited upstream link which was also notably missing)
  2. added linux support within the package
  3. added some mostly original small introduction/documentation for each of the files in the package
  4. cleaned up the package from old unused files:
    1. deleted the old direct connect bat files as they were already outdated (although they still continued to work) and now the new recommended way to connect is just by using the in-game browser (ioQ3v6 only)
    2. removed all the custom maps making the whole package much more lightweight as they simply failed altogether and thus they are no longer of any use here
ok and that's all for now, currently this is just a prototype package as I'm still looking forward to make another update of the unfreeze client gamemod for this new season in the middle term (as I'm currently in the middle of a migration of the services that I had to break to deal with a bunch of security issues and that's it's going to take me some time) that will go for the long run into a more polished package, then for now let's start with this, that anyways it should do pretty good regardless and definitively a necessary addition. also it's called prototype A just in case, I don't think so but may be, there's another prototype package in the middle term or in the future so we can have a bit of history/checkpoints in the event of problems.

so that's it make sure to update your installment and report any issues you may encounter. enjoy :D
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »


First of all a happy New Year to all! :)

I've just started with Quake 3 and came across your Unfreeze client. Everything went fine and seems to work with the exception of sound.
My OS is Linux Mint 18.3 with the 4.15.0-43 kernel.
As per your linux.notes instructions I have tried to locate the oss emulator for the Mint distribution and came across this package: https://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/osspd

However upon inspecting the /etc/modprobe.d directory the osspd.conf file contains the following entries:

Code: Select all

blacklist snd-pcm-oss
blacklist snd-mixer-oss
blacklist snd-seq-oss
Although I am a somewhat proficient user of the Linux environment I haven't yet dabbled with the low-level sound settings. I assume, nonetheless, that the osspd.conf should not blacklist the snd-pcm-oss in order for the sound to work properly with the Unfreeze client.

Other than the osspd.conf there are no other oss configuration files in the modprobe.d directory.

Before I've installed the ossd package, I've also tried to execute the modprobe command:

Code: Select all

sudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss
modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-pcm-oss not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-43-generic
(end of edit)

Could you please point me in some direction as to where to look for the appropriate emulator and its configuration file?

Thank you for your help,
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

mmmmmmm that package looks probably unnecessary to me and I think that it will probably only lead to more confusion/issues on the topic (as can be seen), I think it's better to remove it. yes probably that's some sort of external oss emulator and it's actually preventing the kernel oss compatibility modules to load (blacklisting them) in order for to be able to grab oss calls. on the Linux notes I was talking about actual Linux kernel modules, so basically you should only need "modprobe snd-pcm-oss" and then "echo 'ioq3v6 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card*/pcm*p/oss" (will require root privileges, i.e. su/sudo it). after that so should have some sort of /dev/dspX device that you should of be able to directly map at ioq3v6 (forgot to mention on that readme, in case your kernel/configuration doesn't give you /dev/dsp or you have for example various cards, typically a hdmi output, you may need to change the \snddevice variable once in ioq3v6 to the appropriate device you want or my need to use, ex. \snddevice /dev/dsp2).

ok, look an actual example this is how my distro is configured (so it works after restart etc).


Code: Select all

options snd-pcm-oss dsp_map=3
install snd-pcm /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-pcm && /sbin/modprobe snd-pcm-oss

Code: Select all

su -c 'echo "ioq3v6 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm3p/oss'
vblank_mode=0 ./ioq3v6 +set fs_cdpath /usr/share/games/Quake3 $@
notice how the dsp_map=3 option at the snd-pcm-oss instructs it to map the third device (actually the hdmi output of my gpu) as /dev/dsp and how the ioq3v6.sh script is loaded next to the ioq3v6 binary and it's expected to be run from there. I think that probably just with minor tweaks (your card number and a few other things) you should get it going. the "+set fs_cdpath /usr/share/games/Quake3" part is because is where I have globally installed the Quake3 files (so I can access them from various users for example, or in my from various installations) and the vblank_mode=0 setting disables vsync on my setup. finally the $@ part is to allow to catch arguments so I can directly connect to the server for example (sh ioq3v6.sh +connect unfreeze.fpsclasico.de).

let me know if it yo get it to work
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by casual »

I have removed the osspd package and corresponding .conf entry (plus restarted my pc).
When I try to modprobe the module it still produces the same error as before. Also when double-tabbing for auto-completion it offers me the following modules:

Code: Select all

sudo modprobe snd-pcm
snd-pcm            snd-pcm-dmaengine
It looks as if the snd-pcm-oss is not part of this kernel. :think:
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

yes very likely they have been omitted :/ then I guess that your only options are either compile your own kernel ensuring you add support for those modules (not really as a big deal as it sounds) or go for some sort of those other software emulators. for the later perhaps you have better chances using this:


although those kind of wrappers typically don't use to allow for direct access of the device. so don't know, give it a try, perhaps "aoss ioq3v6" does produce sound afterwards.

if not all that it would be left would be to go for some of the modern builds like the ones here, those are 64 bit and they use newer sdl libraries that deal with all that kind of stuff already. I'm still working around them today so be aware that perhaps you need to re-download and re-place them later as those are still experimental/development versions.