- teams:
- red: 1 win - 10 captures - 1387 points - 138.7 p/c
- blue: 3 wins - 21 captures - 1774 points - 84.5 p/c
- players:
- aimer (4): 120.0 p/g - 1.50 c/g - 80.0 p/c
- semi (4): 118.8 p/g - 1.25 c/g - 95.0 p/c
- miro (4): 104.8 p/g - 0.75 c/g - 139.7 p/c
- kf (4): 102.8 p/g - 0.50 c/g - 205.6 p/c
- fus1on (2): 90.5 p/g - 0.50 c/g - 181.0 p/c
- agi (4): 87.3 p/g - 0.50 c/g - 174.6 p/c
- masin (4): 72.3 p/g - 1.75 c/g - 41.3 p/c
- joint (4): 73.8 p/g - 0.75 c/g - 98.4 p/c
- @('_')@ (4): 59.8 p/g - 0.25 c/g - 239.2 p/c
- pirate (2): 11.5 p/g - 0.50 c/g - 23.0 p/c
small summer ctf event
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Re: small summer ctf event
ok and here are the results and scores all in-record this time as I computed them now for this second ctf summer 22 event:
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- User lv5
- Posts: 636
- Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:15
Re: small summer ctf event
I think ctf is quite a team game. You got def mid and attackers. I think kf and i were the strongest players and it was compensated with rather non advanced players (compared to other team that had a bunch of mid to high players). As there are several tasks in a teamgame were simply not enough to compensate and do it all at the same time. I think if we played with more ppl it is easier to compensate or you need to match on a per player basis and make the teams themselves more well balanced. I think it was quite obvious from early on that blue will win. We tried as hard as we could any ways and it turned out to be great fun (again). Thanks for organizing
Best regards
Best regards
- User lv4
- Posts: 152
- Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:38
Re: small summer ctf event
Really nice games, thanks for organising this event!
Apologies for leaving without completing all the 5 maps, i generally try hard not to but didn't have a choice last night.
I wouldn't mind playing again in the future (even with a different map pool), GG everyone!
Apologies for leaving without completing all the 5 maps, i generally try hard not to but didn't have a choice last night.
I wouldn't mind playing again in the future (even with a different map pool), GG everyone!
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Re: small summer ctf event
@miro I know especially on the first game team red performed poorly and yes it definitively got outplayed there but for other than that I think it worked pretty good. I mean, just the very same teams were a few inches and a few seconds away to go to a sudden death in the second game and the other two games afterwards were one for each team. unfortunately at the end of the day there's always going to be a winner and as can be seen this is not as easy to balance/predict as the rest of the UnFreeZe setups both individually as well as collectively and again as on the previous match I think there was people that performed way beyond or bellow expectation yesterday. anyways once again hopefully this output will be used to better setup the teams in case of future similar events and in any case I believe that it was a huge improvement over the first event on every aspect.
@aimer no worries mate and congrats on the stellar performance. it wasn't just you, it was mostly everyone who left on the fifth anyways just as I said hopefully at least we (properly 4vs4-5vs5 as intended) completed the main event this time and it finally really felt like a serious event, definitively ggs. it was a lot more bothersome the people who left in the middle or that didn't even show up in the first place and therefor couldn't have anybody else to make up for as replacement/backup (this clearly shows and proves me right why beside the event was setup as 5vs5 I was looking for 12 people anyways). sure we'll see as I said this probably won't become a main competitive thing of any short but sure I think it ultimately worked pretty good (way beyond my expectation) so given the case that the interest remains I guess it can probably be done semi regularly like the rest of the events around here, couple of times a year when it happens here and there. by now what's next will probably be to try to organize another UnFreeZe tournament in 1-2 months probably and after that may be for the Christmas or after them may be another fun community event can be tried as well and depending on the turnout we can think about the maps. if by then we're about the same people I believe that probably the best option is to stick to these maps, despite the controversy these worked and played good. if not (6vs6 onward) the threewave packs can definitively be a solid option to try as well, anyways, as usual, we'll see by then.
ok, videos up now on separate thread to complete these fun summer 2022 ctf events, ggs and thanks for participate everyone.
@aimer no worries mate and congrats on the stellar performance. it wasn't just you, it was mostly everyone who left on the fifth anyways just as I said hopefully at least we (properly 4vs4-5vs5 as intended) completed the main event this time and it finally really felt like a serious event, definitively ggs. it was a lot more bothersome the people who left in the middle or that didn't even show up in the first place and therefor couldn't have anybody else to make up for as replacement/backup (this clearly shows and proves me right why beside the event was setup as 5vs5 I was looking for 12 people anyways). sure we'll see as I said this probably won't become a main competitive thing of any short but sure I think it ultimately worked pretty good (way beyond my expectation) so given the case that the interest remains I guess it can probably be done semi regularly like the rest of the events around here, couple of times a year when it happens here and there. by now what's next will probably be to try to organize another UnFreeZe tournament in 1-2 months probably and after that may be for the Christmas or after them may be another fun community event can be tried as well and depending on the turnout we can think about the maps. if by then we're about the same people I believe that probably the best option is to stick to these maps, despite the controversy these worked and played good. if not (6vs6 onward) the threewave packs can definitively be a solid option to try as well, anyways, as usual, we'll see by then.
ok, videos up now on separate thread to complete these fun summer 2022 ctf events, ggs and thanks for participate everyone.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
- Posts: 85
- Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:13
Re: small summer ctf event
ggs was fun to play. at least we won the most usefull map from that mappool, others were just too small (in my oppinnion
) that we just got outdamaged the whole time cause of that. it was feeling more like tdm on those maps with all that chase which were done the whole time and we were not able to compensate with it and btw miro was thinking that were just in warmup on c2 when we were 2 minutes in match
at that mkbase map i was thinking that i had the enemy flag and captured without having a flag 
next time we will take revenge at hopefully other and better maps
thanks for organizing and thanks to all players which were participating
P.S. good attacks Masin

next time we will take revenge at hopefully other and better maps

thanks for organizing and thanks to all players which were participating

P.S. good attacks Masin

Prepare for fake .WTF!
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Re: small summer ctf event
I know it was good as I said it really did work much better than my own expectations about this ctf thing that were very low to be honest and it even served to increase/promote the mode popularity around the community. I know but also as I said thing is that fun events like these are meant to be played like that, fast paced and to have a blast/enjoy the game without worrying that much about tactics and strategy, particularly considering the teams were random and most of you haven't even ever played together. as I said and I really meant it, it wasn't the intention with this to turn it into yet another world class ultra competitive mega fight of the likes of the team UnFreeZe or the masters ones. not everything has to be just like that and the absolute pinnacle, there's a lot more than just that and it's always refreshing to do something else. anyways sorry for the necroposting, as a small update just letting you know that as I've been reviewing this as well as the ctf server these days I finally compiled the events results on a new fun ctf players ranking here to at least keep a basic track of the records and as usual as base for future appearances. and yeah masin was top here even despite the "low" tier scores and btw also worth to mention the purejoint guy that despite being a last minute newcomer he did a terrific job nevertheless.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com
- User lv4
- Posts: 85
- Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:13
Re: small summer ctf event
dont get me wrong, im really thankful to have the chance even playing q3ctf by now, i really enjoy this mode because like one player or one mistake can make the difference. at the end of the day the caps decide which team wins or loses
at those open maps like that last (was it named oasago?
) you cant do much even if you hit every shot when you have 3 of 4 players at enemy team which are mostly just staying in "base" while you have to attack like lemmings. even if you kill them, they are just in front of you again and when you hear while you attack, "the enemy has your flag" (MASIN IT WAS YOU!) you just will die and cant get to flag carrier in time. so if they decided before the game to play like this, it really worked out.
aimer also did nice job at mkbase (i think its named like that) to time theyre PU, he also took mostly the same ways to sneak in from higher position, stacked with that high ya and getting out at mid floor, crossing to mid floor of them denying possible railangles. smart. it looked like they were having at least a gameplan at those maps, so im glad to see that. hopefully there will be another ctf games, maybe with more "all time popular maps". i think the participants really enjoyed that mode and might be ready for getting to a higher lets say competition thinking about ctf, i mean player positions, "roles" and a bit of strategy. 

Prepare for fake .WTF!