UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

no problem, that's good then. I've also been testing on some more systems and so far it seems solid thus I hope I finish with the package this week or so. thank you for report.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

Did not play for several weeks. Wanted to play shortly today. Updated UF with v19.2 which led to kernel/processing issues with the intel.exe. CTRL+ESC helped me saving a cold reboot.. very strange. Windows screen was f*cked up nevertheless. Clean reboot ... then removed my config.

Tried again: Quake 3 starts. Executed config by config. Some commands missing, some changed, some new. Hurray... now I can fix the whole guide and my config. Deactivated 3-4 settings in order to use the rest of my config as I just wanted to play some minutes. Eventually it connected.

Immediate ultra lag. Played 10 mins with this mess... guess, I need to look deeper into that and adjust my config. Couple hours of work ahead.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

damn that sounds terrible sorry about that but unfortunately in none of the 5 systems I tested that file in the last months I experienced anything like that neither that I heard of anyone that experienced anything similar so far. from what you're telling I think that the only settings that should not but that they could cause anything similar to what you described under some circunstances are some wrong r_mode and perhaps the smp render (r_smp). so my advice would be to check that and if so perhaps try disabling the smp render (r_smp 0) just to be safe (I remark I guess that's probably not the issue but just to be safe).

anyways yes probably the best (and yes also recommended) approach is that, to start from a clean cfg. thanks for the feedback and let's see if the next week I finally update the initial post here and I make the usual announcement about it so we can get more perople digging the new version, unfortunately I missed that as I was busy updating the web server this week.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

I am not able to start a local map for testing my config. After "/devmap q3dm6" it says "This is not an unfreeze server!" and thats it.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

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that's because you didn't put the corresponding qagame library (for you qagame-intel.dll) inside your unfreeze folder or because you explicitely set vm_game 2 (it should be 0 for the single player).
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

Thanks, it works now. I got it under c:\Users\tar\AppData\Roaming\Quake3\unfreeze\ but instead it has to be in d:\games\q3io\unfreeze\. A bit confusing but OK. Now I am able to test.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

OK, bugs I have:

Removing r_smp and vm_game from my config:

Game does not start. Instead I see a white/grey screen, need to press CTRL+ESC in order to change to Windows (where I only see the task bar) and then the Q3 screen goes to the map loading screen but nothing really happens. Another CTRL+ESC or ALT+F4 either closes or crashes the game (Error: something with VM loading error).

So I put r_smp and vm_game again into my config.

- r_smp = 0 and vm_game = 1: leads to the same erroreous results as not setting it, at all.
- r_smp = 1 and vm_game = 0: game starts, I am able to test further

After a vid_restart I am no longer able to look sideways with my mouse. Therefore I need to quit and restart the game completely.

For your information: my previous settings were r_smp = 0 and vm_game = 2 which worked fine.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

Argl... now it even does not work after a 2nd start with r_smp = 1 and vm_game = 0.

I removed those settings completely and deleted my q3config.cfg:

Code: Select all

//seta com_altivec			"0"				// enables altivec support (0: off, 1: on)
//seta com_ansicolor			"0"				// enable use of ansi escape codes
//seta r_smp				"1"				// enables the use of multi processor acceleration code (0: off, 1: on)
//seta r_ignorefastpath			"1"				// disables looking outside of the pak file first in case of duplicate file names (0: off, 1: on)
//seta vm_cgame				"2"				// determines how a game module is loaded (0: load native, 1: load qvm and interpret it, 2: load qvm and compile it)
//seta vm_game				"0"				// determines how a game module is loaded (0: load native, 1: load qvm and interpret it, 2: load qvm and compile it)
//seta vm_ui				"2"				// determines how a game module is loaded (0: load native, 1: load qvm and interpret it, 2: load qvm and compile it)
It starts once. Then the error reappears.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

Got it working somehow... left some configs completely off, for now (system, quality, misc) and shorted my scripts file by two thirds. Unsure what exactly leads to this behaviour.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

me too, plus the issue seems pretty inconsistent so I don't really know. I think that probably it can have something to do with different resolution values among your cfgs or something related with that. for your hardwarre I'd suggest you to do r_mode 25 and r_displayrefresh 100. another possibility it could be a bug/issue with the cinnecmatics, just to be sure, when you go to the cinnematics menu you can properly view the cinnecmatics? beside those things I can't really think of much other stuff that could lead to something like that, sorry. anyways, thanks for report and I'm glad to hear that it finally got going at least.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by tar »

Cinematics work, menu points "Team Arena" & "Mods" are disabled.

Those settings in my custom.cfg work:

Code: Select all

// === display ====================================================================================

seta r_swapinterval			"0"				// vsync but no no in-game effect! use your graphics driver settings to activate vsync!
seta r_displayrefresh			"100"				// monitor refresh rate but no in-game effect! use com_maxfps instead if you have vsync enabled
seta r_mode				"25"				// resolution (see /modelist in console, -2 (ioq3): uses desktop resolution, -1: custom used with r_customheight and r_customwidth, 3: default)
seta r_custompixelaspect		"1"				// toggle the use of custom screen resolution/sizes (0: off, 1: on)
seta r_customwidth			"3440"				// resolution custom width
seta r_customheight			"1440"				// resolution custom height
seta r_fullscreen			"1"				// application window mode (0: window, 1: fullscreen)
seta cg_viewsize			"100"				// view port size (30 to 100)
seta cg_fov				"115"				// field of view (default: 90, lower: better frontal vision, higher: better peripheral vision)
Could it be r_finish or r_primitives?

Btw. this is my mod_unfreeze.cfg which works, too:

Code: Select all

// ************************************************************************************************
// quake 3 arena configuration: mod unfreeze settings
// ************************************************************************************************

// === set by the server ==========================================================================

seta com_hunkmegs			"77"				// unfreeze: not changeable
seta com_soundmegs			"16"				// unfreeze: not changeable
seta com_zonemegs			"24"				// unfreeze: not changeable

seta cl_maxpackets			"100"				// unfreeze: not changeable, automatically tries to send as much packets as possible
seta com_maxfps				"200"				// unfreeze: not changeable, use vsync to reduce frames per second

// === graphics details ===========================================================================

seta cg_markstime			"10000"				// unfreeze: time marks are shown in msec, replaced cg_marks (2700: minimum, 10000: maximum)
seta cg_noexplosions			"1"				// unfreeze: explosion effect (0: enabled, 1: disabled)
seta cg_lgrcore				"1"				// unfreeze: shaft stream (0: normal, 1: bold)

// === hud overlays ===============================================================================

seta teamoverlay2			""				// unfreeze: show name of team mate
teamoverlay2				"1"				// unfreeze: show name of team mate
seta cg_drawfriend			"2"				// unfreeze: show triangle above team mates (0: disabled, 1: grey, 2: customized by cg_friendmarkcolor)
seta cg_friendmarkcolor			"1"				// unfreeze: color of triangle above team mates, used with cg_drawfriend "2" (<color>, 0: uses team color)
seta cg_nofragmessage			"0"				// unfreeze: disables message when killing opponent (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_weaponselecttime		"-1"				// unfreeze: duration of showing the weapon select screen in msec (-1: never, 1.4: default, 86400: ever)
seta cg_crosshaircolor			"6"				// unfreeze: change the color of the crosshair, cg_crosshairhealth has to be disabled

// === personalisation ============================================================================

seta model				"keel/pm"			// unfreeze: opponent model, used with cg_forcemodel
seta headmodel				"keel/pm"			// unfreeze: opponent model, used with cg_forcemodel
seta team_model				"xaero/pm"			// unfreeze: own and team model, used with cg_forcemodel
seta team_headmodel			"xaero/pm"			// unfreeze: own and team model, used with cg_forcemodel
seta cg_forcemodel			"3"				// unfreeze: forces different player models
									// - 0: own model is team_model/team_headmodel, all other player are displayed with their corresponding model
									// - 1: all players use team_model/team_headmodel
									// - 2: own model is team_model/team_headmodel, team mates are displayed with their corresponding model, opponents use model/headmodel
									// - 3: own model and team mates use team_model/team_headmodel, opponents use model/headmodel
seta cg_forceskin			"1"				// unfreeze: forces different opponent colors (0: off and opponents are yellow, 1: on and opponents are green)

seta s_musicvolume			"-1"				// unfreeze: -1: deactivates also every map ambient sound
seta cg_nomapsounds			"1"				// unfreeze: disables ambient map sounds (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_oldrailsound			"1"				// unfreeze: rail sound (1: q3, 2: open arena)

// === movement configuration =====================================================================

seta cg_bob				"0"				// unfreeze: dizziness when moving, replaced cg_bobpitch, cg_bobroll and cg_bobup (0: off, 1: on)
seta cg_kickscale			"0"				// unfreeze: dizziness when getting hit, replaced cg_damagekick and cg_fallkick (0: off, 1: on)
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

yes they could if not one of those then probably something along those "r_" lines (there's plenty of them so it's not trivial to rule, sorry). and yes the "Team Arena" and "mod" menus is normal that they appear as "disabled" as I haven't tested it on any of them meaning that loading some of them with these files could poteantly lead to "undefined" behaviors (i.e. issues). in addition these files will no longer work anywhere else beside here as you could see ("that is not a unfreeze server!") which I belive that after a couple of years of work already (and I mean of all of us not just me) is fair and in addition that will at least provide some degree of protection against rogue/ilegit uses.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

ok, that "any time soon, in the next days, I'll update the downloads post with the documentation", turned out more like "in this month" but well at least finally the "documentation" for the final ioQ3v6 UnFreeZe client v19.2 version that will stick at least for some months if not for this season (a.k.a. "year") is here. so you should definitively handle yourselves to the first post of this thread here and have a read at the final "documentation". with this finally with a unacceptable (yet arguable as this is way more than what was initially planned and definitively way more "mature"/stable) year of delay it's time to officially launch this new version I talked about for so long. thanks to everybody who helped (by any mean) make this new release possible.

unfortunately it took a couple more of weeks to update the "documentation" since as I was working around this release I detected a couple of issues with the web server here that consequently required my attention (it made no sense to publish something on a web server that it's no 100% reliable by 2019 human standards) and well once I worked around the web server I though that probably more people would benefit from some quick re-work of the stats sites than from that "documentation", hence the delay, sorry about that.

anyways job complete now, I'll just proceed with the typical announcements now and by answering whatever posts regarding this new version were pending from this release. overall as I said several times, sure probably it's not "perfect" (which never will anyways btw) and it's probably missing some features but I think that finally everything and I don't mean just the package, I mean everything, the whole thing, has come together and it actually works as expected which is basically my main design goal here rather than invent some fancy thing that does lot of things but probably doesn't end up doing nothing really good, build something that it actually works and that it's reliable for real instead.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

ok initial post (here) finally updated with 20.4 instructions, please have a read and everybody who didn't update to v20.4 (package), please do so as I believe that is a important improvement over the 19.2 version (several fixes) plus if not you'll miss a significant part of the fun that now extend beyond just the UnFreeZe/FreeFUn thing. as for the so-called documentation I know it falls short from a real documentation but well I believe that at least it should cover the essential to get the client running which is what really matters at that point. as I say, if later someone encounter any problems or want to know anything else they can just ask for support.

well, then this finally complete the release of v20.4, in the coming future I'm gonna be probably looking forward bringing a couple of training/testing servers at the spare cpu of the nbg2 route as well as dig the new ctf server a bit more so may be expect a v20.5 or a v20.6 version soon whit that, as well as what was left, looking more into the future and I believe that that should make it at least for a year or so afterwards.
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Re: UnFreeZe Game Servers Downloads & Documentation

Post by adminless »

tar wrote: Sat Feb 23, 2019 22:44 Did not play for several weeks. Wanted to play shortly today. Updated UF with v19.2 which led to kernel/processing issues with the intel.exe. CTRL+ESC helped me saving a cold reboot.. very strange. Windows screen was f*cked up nevertheless. Clean reboot ... then removed my config.

Tried again: Quake 3 starts. Executed config by config. Some commands missing, some changed, some new. Hurray... now I can fix the whole guide and my config. Deactivated 3-4 settings in order to use the rest of my config as I just wanted to play some minutes. Eventually it connected.

Immediate ultra lag. Played 10 mins with this mess... guess, I need to look deeper into that and adjust my config. Couple hours of work ahead.
tar wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2019 17:46 Got it working somehow... left some configs completely off, for now (system, quality, misc) and shorted my scripts file by two thirds. Unsure what exactly leads to this behaviour.
finally it was identified that some optimizations that were added in v19.2 triggered a issue with some in_mouse settings that broke on some systems. I checked your config and it was very likely that your in_mouse value was what was causing the described behavior. hopefully this has been already identified and, as far as reported, fixed on current the ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5.zip package. it would be great if you still have some time to give it a try and see if you no longer experience any issues (i.e. crashes/hangs) with any settings of yours.

ok, that and in addition I also finished updating the v20.4 links/documentation into the new v20.5 (nothing special, just added a paragraph about the single player/local server settings) now. the package already ran for over week without known issues/complains then with this I believe that the job with v20.5 is finished and then this should officially make ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5.zip the only current actually supported and recommended package here. so as usual, whoever haven't updated already, please get the package and just run it from there, remember that you don't need to do anything else beside put your pak0.pk3 file inside the baseq3 folder.

so that's it, I know that it's still far from perfect and that there was still some stuff left but I believe this new package additions should help the project stay relevant at least for this season. ok, once complete this task, I'll resume my usual maintenance/revision tasks, in the coming future I'll probably be looking forward improve the actual servers offer and quality here.