cheater in unfreeze server

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Re: cheater in unfreeze server

Post by papasmerf »

u dont need to belive me thx for ban i doesnt use cheats be happy of my ban thx for it
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Re: cheater in unfreeze server

Post by WhoAmI »

I personally on the demo did not notice that this player used aimbot. Is there any other evidence for this? Maybe I missed something. At what minute can I see the cheat exactly?

I do not support the fact that players are constantly changing names or are playing under the name "unnamedplayer". I haven't seen Odi on the server for half a year. If it's actually him, then why is he hiding and using cheats?
However, if there is evidence, that's fine. Ban is necessary.
I understand this from forum posts that he confessed to using cheats in a private message?
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Re: cheater in unfreeze server

Post by adminless »

no he didn't, he just told me it was him among other things to later come here to tell the opposite. regardless of the demo, that's exactly the point. if you take a look at the situation, the various well know reputable players (not random cry-babies) have a consistent claim while on the other hand all he did was hide and make contradicting statements. it's very easy to see that something is wrong here, the ban will stick.
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Re: cheater in unfreeze server

Post by WhoAmI »

I understand. He was hiding too much and trying to explain.
But it's weird that he used cheats to play. He didn't play badly. Now it is difficult to say whether these were skills or not.