ok guys I have some good news here, after seriously working this out the last days I finally came today to a issue with some of the other secondary servers I also run here at fpsclasico that was actually reaching saturation and blocking the network interface consequently creating the deadlock at the other end of the server at hand here which is pretty much all that consistent with what I had diagnosed from the beggining. I already corrected it this morning and this time after watch the server consistently full and taking beatiful loads with no issues whatsover I'm confident this should have fixed this unacceptable issue. I know that probably by now nobody will care anymore about this and that this answer comes disrespectfully late and that the only acceptable answer here would be me going back in time and fixing this issue in the past before any lag ever took place. unfortunately I can't figure out how to do that however what I can do is continue to put a effort in attemping that no single packet gets delayed ever again, not even once, at least for the next couple of years.
thank you for your understandment and patience.
Nasty lag friday evening.
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Re: Nasty lag friday evening.
I know this just happened again right now out of nowhere, I'm investigating.
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Re: Nasty lag friday evening.
I know this is happening now, I keep investigating. so far I can guarantee you 100% sure that finally there's zero issues with the traffic, I spent like the whole last week inspecting it almost at a electron level and it's perfectly fine. so the most probable is a system issue or something like that. I'll keep working it out, sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: Nasty lag friday evening.
well I hard cycled the server now, let's see if that makes things a little better.
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Re: Nasty lag friday evening.
well as expected hard cycling the server did nothing other than testing that functionality on this host, that I haven't yet hehe disgustingly server lagged anyways for 47 seconds the past Wednesday 4 of September of 2019 at night which is just as serious as it gets and something that should never have happened. so once ruled for a fact the network (after fix it), I went for the server itself and I've been monitoring it for the last days to no avail either, the server itself (hardware) as well as the operative system integrity (data corruption) are also checked and in perfect condition. while working around this what I found though, was that for whatever the crazy reason is the cpu wasn't even configured (probably the firmware reset at some point and/or some updates changed the defaults) as well as a few minor issues with this site and the systems in general. its just unlikely that some default settings are going to break a system till this extreme, that they performed sub-par, that's obvious, but that they just don't work at all, I highly doubt it. but anyways whatever the case is, I just reconfigured that as well as manually set several system related core settings and apply some more updates and somehow that seemed to finally did the trick. so after 72 hours since the last incident the server has been these days as full as it gets and taking some serious loads in a regular consistent basis with zero issues and/or delays, in fact, the servers feel now way more responsive and stable. then I know that I sill have a lot of work to do in a useless effort of attempting to ensure not a single lag more here for at least the next eleven or twelve years, and make sure that I work everyday the servers looking into that, but I think that then by now it's fair to assume this as solved once again.
ok, that's all by now here, let me know in case this issue reappears or just anything else and thank you very much for your patience and your understatement during this time.
ok, that's all by now here, let me know in case this issue reappears or just anything else and thank you very much for your patience and your understatement during this time.
contact: https://contact.fpsclassico.com