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Re: Mini-Lags

Post by fernandinho1337 »

@ newb.zi as we talked about it: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=182

video will be available at around 11pm CET today.

best regards

PS even though the lagometer looks different when playing demos you can see red spikes. that is my constant packetloss.
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Re: Mini-Lags

Post by adminless »

mmmm that's strange because as I see it from server and from my own pc your route now looks clean, this time I did no find any problems. furthermore now digging the routes looks like that unknown to me "envia TEL GmbH" network is yet another re-seller/partner but of the well know hetzner this time which as can be seen here seems to be working just fine. so I don't really know I believe that that should have probably solved your problem, perhaps that was just a temporary issue and may be in few minutes is working just fine or perhaps that network in what they placed you now is a shared one (and hence the spikes), can't really tell for sure, perhaps try in some time or try unplugging your router for a minute and plugging it back.
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Re: Mini-Lags

Post by tar »

fernandinho1337 wrote: Thu Jun 28, 2018 22:18PS even though the lagometer looks different when playing demos you can see red spikes. that is my constant packetloss.
Thats odd but it does not seem to affect your game play: movement, aim, hits - it's all fine.

I experience several issues since I play here: rocket jumps are often not working, movement is overall somehow buggy (sometimes but seldomly really smooth), aim to hit is a bit laggy. I always thought it is the usual ping lag, but there could be something worse. I don't know but if you look, for example, in your demo, you spectated me shafting someone in the dungeon at around 18:48 onwards and there you can clearly see that my shaft is lagging behind the opponents movement. When I see your shaft there is no lag. It is constantly on the opponent. Furthermore when I rail I always have to aim a bit predictive while you can aim directly. Do you use timenudge? Perhaps I should experiment with that again :think:

The other (new) thing are the new mini-lags, of course. But that is something different and unfortunately I am not able to show it in a demo as the demo just ignores the lags. The lagometer also shows no spikes or gaps, at all - and I cannot make any live video as then I cannot really play (adjust resolution, scaling monitor, adjusting sense, etc. - it would be a mess).

By the way, I recognized that your gamma seems to be too high - it looks a bit ugly (don't you prefer more contrast?) but perhaps it looks different on a CRT :P

@adminless: Half an hour later it stabilised again, yesterday but I will further observe that - and I already unplugged it before.
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Re: Mini-Lags

Post by fernandinho1337 »

if you record a demo and watch the demo afterwards you cannot see and feel the lag i saw and felt. it looks better than it was but u r right - it was playable - could be better but still ok - e.g. yesterday issues were much bigger for me so i did not play a lot.

if you watch my demo also:
1 i do not know if its my indivudal settings or unlagged mod but the demo never shows what i saw. i think unfreeze unlagged hit detecting works by what client sees. demo records what server sees + client hit detection so there is a delay in between.
2 i definitely do not use timenudge. i think if u r using unlagged mod its not helping anways --> dont do it (i tried myself)
3 my shaft is also delayed on the demo but i often shoot with lg at newbies who do not strafe left or right so it looks like i am always "full on" when i am actually not or just because of the newbish enemy ;-)
4 if you use unlagged you do not have to predict with rail - the hit detection is delayed but it is counted what you see on your monitor in the moment you hit the attack button.
5 when i upload movies i always make it brighter and give more contrast. i never really get the recorded movie to look like my actualy q3 config. (i have a white crosshair so it cant be too bright otherwise i couldnt see it - well who needs crosshairs if you have autoshoot? just kidding...)

best regards