[video] 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

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[video] 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by tar »

Alright, my second attempt worked much better by using the demo file and the video command.

Unfortunately the video command crashes ioQ3 until I reduced the resolution (this time to 1420x720) and deactivated s_useopenal in order to record the sound simultaneously. I used cl_aviframerate 50 in order to adjust it to the ioQ3 sound rate (to whatever it is set, but the error went away). The recording took about 50 minutes, therefore I deactivated cg_drawfps (would have been around 20) as well as cg_lagometer (makes no sense when playing a demo). Except r_picmip, all other settings are the ones I actually played the game with (I used 16 instead of 4 - but the admin seems to have changed something that lighting sources block your view, see screenshot).

After recording I had 7 files as *.avi-cointainer with an mpeg like codec as ioQ3 splits them after the file size reaches 2 GB. Just rename them to myvideo1.avi, myvideo2.avi, etc. First, I made the mistake by encoding them separately and trying to merge the encoded parts together afterwards. The result was broken as from part 3 onwards the sound was hearable but the video was corrupt in the merged file. I guess it was due to a different CRF value while automatically encoding in meGUI. Whatever, just merge the parts together before you encode the video in meGUI in one step. Worked quite well, as you can see.

To the game itself. I was lucky sometimes (got some afk frags, here I find it funny that facehugger got them as well and was pissed off as some of his mates was afk) as well as unlucky (got spam killed). You recognize the beginning of zerging behaviours and some players always walk with/behind a mate (I call them walkies, because they behave like a dog). The extreme of this I now experience regularly on Q3DM11 when almost all players are only walking together (full zerg mode) and spam what they can. The depressing exceeds when you get thawn and respawn in the midst of 5 camping players in order to live about 2-3 seconds. Nice one, admin :roll: Perhaps you will see that in an newer video, if I am in the mood to make one. In the meantime, enjoy this one:

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Last edited by tar on Fri Jan 12, 2018 20:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by adminless »

hey mate yes that was hot, much better now, looking good, quality content now we're just missing some voice over commentator for the videos to enjoy the show hahaha good job.

yes I didn't remember that it splitted the videos but if it does, you have to join them before converting them as you did. mmmmm the thing is that I remember when testing the picmip settings that there was some of those lighting artifacts in a couple of sites however since so far nobody had reported them I thought that they were just result of my particular config/setup, strange thing, I'll test that further then.

btw something I wonder does they happen to you only when viewing/recording the demos or also when playing and since when?
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by tar »

I recognized it around 2 weeks ago after I had the issues with my inconstant fps and it took me a while to figure out that r_picmip caused that.
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by adminless »

ok, just fixed those picmip artifacts as well as any other ones I found in the usual unfreeze0-dev-client.pk3 so please re-donwload and re-place as usual and let me know if you still encounter more problems.

this time I tested every single map at the rotation even including the custom ones that so far nobody really seems to care anyways and now I believe that all those "hardcore" settings finally are starting to come together and look "finished" in some way so from now on wards they are even the recommended settings to play here. to facilitate this I finally integrated them into the client game mod so no more need to download external cfgs for that, I would strongly suggest you to try \exec hardcore to get it going and then build your own custom settings from there.

I also saw you used the marks code in place of the explosions in picmip settings, I liked that, that was a very good idea so I integrated that into the mod and (this is important for you in particular) I also improved it a bit with the cvar cg_markstime (and cg_marks will do nothing anymore here, it doesn't even exist anymore, it got replaced by that, cg_markstime, this will in addition prevent collision between standard server settings aimed at casuals where is disabled and the mod). now you can choose how long those marks will draw in msecs with a minimum of 3000 (i.e. 3 secs, default vq3, i.e. current if you want 10000, bellow 3000 it will be the same as cg_marks 0, i.e. disabled).

tomorrow I'll update the usual post too but basically that's it with this by now and I think that it's likely that I finally look forward into integrating some those cpma physics we talked about may be somewhere in this week or next, we'll see, check that out by now and let me know.
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by tar »

Thanks a lot. Works like a charm but I do not use hardcore config as I am happy that my config finally works ;)
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by kos »

I like your config newb, do you mind sharing how you got the LG to be the fat white beam and also how do you get those black marks on walls from rockets?
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by adminless »

hey hello there

if you're using the provided unfreeze client gamemod probably just doing "\exec hardcore" in your console should get you something very similar to that. if you want it manually, once again when using the provided unfreeze client gamemod you can get that lg with "\cg_lgrcore 1" and for the marks+noexplosions thing you can use "\cg_noexplosions 1" and "\cg_markstime 2700" for example or some other time you prefer.

note that some changes require a "restart" (vid_restart for example) to take effect.
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by kos »

thanks for the commands. I have the unfreeze client installed and doing \exec hardcore worked but now the rail sound has changed to something kinda cool but also kinda useless, as the old rail sound was less cool but was longer and you could easily tell when the rail was recharged.

so I took the other commands for LG and markstime and put them in my autoexec.cfg, which I also executed manually ingame but I can't get the old rail sound back (I have the oldrail command set to 1 in autoexec). what am I missing?
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by adminless »

cg_oldrailsound is what you missing, you're missing the sound part on your command (\cg_oldrailsound 1).
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Re: 2017-10-13: q3dm7, 76 pts.

Post by kos »

awesome, thanks!